I was lying lazily in my room, and I was just daydreaming. It was a plain old boring weekend day, and I decided to just lay around. But I should do something, not just lie around, I thought to myself. I decided to go to my friends house, so I dressed up and gathered up some snacks and left. On the way, I stopped to check the mail box but suddenly, I heard a shuffle. I looked at the ground, and saw that I stepped on a letter. I kept going to the mailbox, but then I froze in my tracks. I turned around and I gravely looked at the letter. My eyes grew round, and I stared at it in a astonished expression. I decided that leaving a letter lying around like that was not a righteous thing to do, so I picked it up and went to the mail box. I grabbed what was inside, and went back to my house. I jumped on my bed and started reading the letter. Since that day I was very terrified, and every time I went to the mailbox, I stopped clear in my tracks just in case I found another letter like that. Then, another incident happened, but it was more terrifying. I woke up, and as a regular routine, I went to the mailbox once again.
PS. this happened a year later.
I forgot what happened last year, and I heard a shuffle under my feet once again. I looked down, and was terrified to see two more letters. I eyeballed them anxiously for 10 minutes before vigilantly obtaining them. I carefully watched my steps as I approached the mailbox. There was nothing inside. So like I did last year, I went home and plopped myself onto the bed to vigilantly read the letters. This has terrified me even more, because the letter was talking about a creeper living inside of every single house, INCLUDING MINE! Every single letter I collected, I made sure to stockpile it in my treasure box which I have had since I was only 5 years old. Then this other day, I was lying around on my couch, and I wanted to go to the kitchen to get a bag of chips. I stopped cold to see a creeper out of the window heading towards my door with an ax. I screamed, and I literally ran upstairs to find the letters and throw them out of the window. When I did that, I saw a million of other mailboxes in my backyard. I looked around, and saw that my house was the only house around. "I am dead for sure now". I whispered to myself. Then I saw a lever. I climbed it to find myself in a attic. "A secret hide out". I whispered happily, and sighed in relieve, hoping not to be found by those ugly looking creepers. "If I never stopped for the letters, maybe this wouldn't have eventuated." I sighed, and lay on my back. I could be super silent and survive, or I could just start hollering and die. "Mailboxes...the life scapegrace. Mailboxes will just start mutilating humans until they wear out." I introspect to myself tacitly. I did survive, but I will never go near a mailbox again, I thought to myself. But how will I get my mail, my shopping and other stuff, I interrogated silently. I was scared. Not just scared, but petrified. I scarcely survived, and it was just a close call....a very close call indeed. My life was almost on stake...unfortunately, the mailboxes ate everything and everyone. Why did I ever stop to grab those letters? Why, just why? I had put everyone to stake, and maybe even some people died. I was so ashamed of myself that I bravely went downstairs. "SURPRISE!" I turned around. So they were just costumed. "YOU GUYS SCARED ME!" I screamed. But I started laughing, and we all laughed for the rest of the day into the deep darkness of the night. This was something that was gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.Every night I had dreams that I was going to be eaten up by mailboxes, and I always shivered near a mailbox. I was afraid of mailboxes for a really long period, because they just scared me to death. I hoped this was not gonna happen again because it was a real bad and creepy situation, and if it was real it would be the worst thing that has happened in my life. Sometimes I wonder if I am making sense of being afraid of mailboxes. I try and meditate before I am bound to go to the mailbox for mail so I can just relax my mind from that dreaded moment. I was only 23, so by the time I had kids (by the age of 33) I told them my childhood stories, the dreaded story of the scariest moment in my life, we were all just roaring out loud with laughter. I was not afraid of mailboxes ever again, and eventually I forgot about what has happened to me at 23 years of age. Now I am 78, and I am righting/closing the end of this story. My children visit me in the hospital and tell me stories. They tell me the funny moments, the scary moments, the okay moments, and all that. I remember the scary moments of my life, some of the boring moments of my life, and the enjoyable moments. I wish I could redo my life...I do not want to die. But the mailboxes scare me still...even in my dreams. This might be it. I have to go now. It might be the end of my life...no more mailboxes...no more scary moments...no more sad moments. Oh yeah, I want to mention, my daughter went to her mailbox today, and she stopped cold...and guess what! She found a letter...just like I did. Anyway, I have to go. Its time for me to leave the memories of scary memories behind. Let my children carry the stories to their children, and their children to their children and so on. Goodnight world. Goodnight memories. Goodnight friends, family, rivals and colleagues. Goodnight dear diary!
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<removed by user>
I loved the ending where your character was saying goodnight to everything! It was a nice way to end this fun story. My only feedback would be to break up your long paragraph a bit more; it enables you to make a greater impact when huge events happens (like when the mailboxes surrounded her house) and makes it easier to read for your audience.
A fun story! I like the idea of the old person writing a reflective diary! Maybe stay away from the thesaurus though - sometime simpler words are better! Keep writing!