Lost in Refuge - Part 2

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “I feel alive.”... view prompt



I’m jogging down the street.

A determined look has graced my face. I don’t think I’ve ever looked determined before. That’s how ‘perfect’ my life used to be. There was nothing difficult to do. That’s what’s wrong here. No one is challenged by anything. Everything’s easy.

Before long I start huffing and puffing. I’m not used to running. er—jogging. This isn’t as strenuous as running, I think. When was the last time I ran?

I finally turn onto my friends’ street and arrive at their door.

I knock, trying to regain my breath. I don’t have to wait long.

Jacob Sanders answered the door.

“Nice surprise seeing you today, Myra,” he said, smiling. I nod and hold up a finger, panting.

He stands back to invite me in.

Once inside, he brings me to the living room, and I collapse gratefully onto the couch. It’s a long way from my home to here. And I hadn’t been able to wave down a taxi. Jogging the whole way isn’t very fun. I mean, I guess I didn’t jog the whole way, there were parts where I just walked along to regain my breath… but still…

Ria Sanders, Jacob’s sister, is sitting on the couch. She puts her book down and grins.

“A bit flushed?” she was the only one of my friends who wasn’t convinced by our other friend’s disappearance—Elena was her name—into the Out There. Jacob had fallen the hardest on Elena’s disappearance.

Ria and Jacob, one year apart, have always been my closest friends. That’s why I came to them first. Well, Ria is my closest friend. Jacob is close behind, though.

“What’s up?” asks Jacob, sliding into a chair. “Running all the way here—it must be important.”

“Yes. Very. Er… it’s kind of hard to explain, or describe but…” I trail off, not sure what to say. I had a whole speech planned in my head about my experience in the Out There before I got here. As soon as I sat down, though, it left me.

“I… I feel alive.” I blurt. I’m not sure how to put it. I do feel alive. More alive than I ever have, in fact.‘I feel alive’, was all I could think of.

“I mean I feel different. Excited. That’s the right word.”

“In what way?” queries Jacob, puzzled.

I glance at Ria to see if she’s already figured it out. I can tell she’s working on it. Her eyes suddenly light up, and I know she knows what happened. In a vague way, anyway. Of course, she couldn’t know all the details. But I know that she knows that I’ve been to the Out There, and I’ve changed in some way.

Before I know it, I’ve told Ria and Jacob what happened. When I finish, Jacob is staring at me, open-mouthed, but Ria is just leaning back in her chair. She doesn’t look in the least bit surprised.

No one spoke.

Finally, Ria said, “You know, the Out There isn’t as dangerous as everyone says it is. Not even remotely.”

Jacob gawked at her. It was clear he didn’t believe his sister.

“I’ve been there so many times. Elena and I used to sneak out so much.” Ria gave a small laugh.

“No one caught on. Finally Elena decided she had to leave—she couldn’t keep living here. In her own words before she left, “‘I can’t keep living in this prison. I have to go.’”. She asked me if I wanted to come with her, but I said no.”

“Why?” Jacob and I ask at the same time.

“Because of all of you. I wanted to wait for us all to escape. I knew nobody would believe me unless they experienced it themselves.” Ria shook her head. “It took longer than I thought for at least one of you to discover the Out There’s… well… life. When the so-called ‘Elders’ built this place, they called it a refuge. A safety. A haven. Whatever you’d like to call it. But so much of true life was lost here. I wanted to wait for all of you to figure that out for yourselves.”

“We should try anyway. To get the rest of us outside, I mean.” I say, excitement coursing through my veins. “But… are you sure it’s safe out there?” I hesitate.

“Well of course there are some dangers, but we’ll be fine.”

“How do you know?” demands Jacob hotly.

“Well, like I said, I’ve been in the Out There plenty of times, but I also keep in touch with Elena. She started a farm and everything,” replies Ria.

“What’s a farm?” I ask.

“A farm is… well… um… hrm. Let’s see… how to describe this…” Ria looks off thoughtfully. “A farm is a place where you raise animals and crops.” Ria nods.

“Just raise cats? That seems kinda odd. And what are crops?” I’m bursting with too many questions right now.

“No, silly. There are other animals besides cats. Dogs, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, etc. The Elders only kept cats. Apparently other animals weren’t worth knowing about for their ‘utopia’.” Ria snorted. “And crops are plants you grow for food.”

“Plants?” asks Jacob.

“Arrrrgh.” Ria dropped her head into her hands. “This is so frustrating.” lifting her head out of her hands, she says, “So. Myra. You were there. You remember those tall things with lots of branches and lea—green stuff?” Ria faces me.

“Yes. So those are plants?”

“Those are trees, which are a type of plant, basically. The green stuff on it are leaves.”

“Like this?” I pull the green thing out of my pocket and show it to her. Ria nods.

“What was the spiky green stuff on the ground?” I ask, getting excited again.


“And there was a draft too, but it seemed to come from no—” “Wind.” interrupted Ria.

Someone plucks the green thing out of my hands. I turn. Jacob is staring at it intently.

“I also saw a small thing—” I start, but Ria interrupts me again, “Myra, there are lots of small things in the Out There. Thousands. Millions.”

“...and it had a long, bushy tail—” “A squirrel.” Ria sighed. “You have so much to learn.”

“But isn’t it like, a death wish to go to the Out There?” Jacob looked up at us.

“No. it. is. not.” Ria groaned. “How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Okay. Fine. You go out and die if you like, but I’m staying here. Where it’s safe. A refuge. Goodbye, nice knowin’ ya.” Jacob stood and hurried out of the room.

“Jacob…” Ria rose as if to follow. She sat back down again with a heavy sigh. “He’ll come to his senses. Eventually.”

“When do you think we’ll be able to bring the others to the Out There?” I question.

“I’m not sure. I’ll talk to the rest of them. But I won’t mention the Out There. I will try to arrange a meeting for us all, tomorrow night, for a dinner here. Then we can try for the Out There. You’re good for tomorrow night, right?” Ria runs her hand through her hair.

“Yes. Do you think… do you think we’ll get out forever tomorrow night? Like, escape for real? Never return? I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet.”

“Well, I don’t know about never, but possibly. It all depends. I’ll see you later?” Ria rose from her seat and looked wearily at me. I nod, trying to look as confident as I can.

Ria shows me to the door. Once it closes behind me, I take in a deep breath, then let it out slowly.


Tomorrow, escape.

Tomorrow, everything changes.

Tomorrow, a new life awaits.

March 28, 2023 01:46

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Viga Boland
21:28 Mar 30, 2023

Hey Lilah Because you’re such a sweetheart, I’ve taken time out to try to find what I thought were grammar errors. Having trouble seeing them now, maybe I’m seeing double from rushing to read that review book. It’s great…super clever… but long passages of narrative and I find I am cross side after a little while when I read a lot of narrative! 😂 Anyway, here’s a couple of things. Maybe they’re not errors but I’ll leave them with you in case you want to change them. Did you mean “as” not “and” in this sentence: “You know, the Out There is...


Irene Duchess
21:54 Mar 30, 2023

awww thank you so much!! your comments make my day :D thanks for the critiques! definitely helps :) I'll fix that stuff now...


Viga Boland
22:50 Mar 30, 2023



Irene Duchess
23:43 Mar 30, 2023



Irene Duchess
00:51 Mar 31, 2023

okay I ran this through Grammarly... hope it helps :)


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Viga Boland
16:19 Mar 30, 2023

Ok, so now I have read part two and I’m starting to think there’s a book coming out of all of this. Were you thinking like that or is this just coincidental? You know it really would make a great book. Perhaps you should think about it. Very enjoyable. About the only thing I would suggest is that you run this piece through Grammarly before submission deadline. It really needs some proofreading and it is too good a story to spoil with someting as mundane as grammar checking. But I always feel we owe it to our readers to go that extra mile. ...


Irene Duchess
18:23 Mar 30, 2023

Yes I agree, No, I wasn’t thinking of it being a book... Were you seeing grammar mistakes? If so, would you mind telling me where? I actually don’t have Grammarly or any editing app. I wasn’t really thinking of submitting it to the contest. I mostly write for entertainment. But maybe now I’ll consider submitting one or both of these... :) Thank you so much!! :D


Viga Boland
18:37 Mar 30, 2023

Oh Lilah…I wish I had the time to find the errors but I’m racing to read 3 300plus page books I have to review and they are all due in next 6-10 days 🙄 I’ve lost time this week writing 2 stories…don’t even know if you noticed T.G.I.F…just posted last night after several weeks of deaths in both my immediate family and a neighbour’s. I am so far behind in my reviews and stress levels are writing. I almost hope tomorrow’s prompts do nothing for me so I can catch up on paid work 😂 You can find Grammarly online and you don’t even need the app. T...


Irene Duchess
19:42 Mar 30, 2023

That’s fine… I understand. Life can be busy. Yes I read T.G.I.F, I thought I commented and liked it. Sorry about your’s and your neighbor’s losses. I’ve had a few too, recently. :( Okay thank you! I will check it out when I have the time. :)


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Rebecca Miles
06:18 Mar 30, 2023

HI Lilah, this was intriguing! The Outside- great choice of place name, definitely gives off dystopian vibes. I wonder if this is part of a bigger project you've got planned or are writing; it had the feel of a piece where you've got the whole bigger context worked out- why the siblings are so scared; why no one goes out- what the threat is in The Outside. Great to have Myra be the likeable bringer of conflict- disrupting the bubble of protection and reminding them of things we take for granted in the outdoors. The way they have forgotten fa...


Irene Duchess
12:46 Mar 30, 2023

Hi Rebecca! Yes, this will probably be part of a bigger plot in the future. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!! :D


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Russell Mickler
04:19 Mar 28, 2023

Okay! I think I've got it! Yes, there's a ruined ecosystem, and Myra lives ... in a biosphere! She's younger, and her longer-lived friends are more familiar with "what was." Personally, I don't think Myra knows how good they have it. Escape? "You can't handle the truth!" At least she'll have Ria. This one was a puzzle for me. Personally, I think I must be a lazy reader. I expect the author to just hand me the answers rather than work for them. This felt like exercise :) and this also feels like it's going elsewhere ... is a part III i...


Irene Duchess
20:39 Mar 28, 2023

Okay so the outside world (the Out There) isn’t really a ruined ecosystem. I’m not sure if biosphere is the right word… I mean, there aren’t any plants… Myra is pretty much just living in a huge “perfect” city that really only ruins life. As the author of this story I know what’s going on and what’s happening etc., but I can see how this is a confusing read. (Hopefully this will help straighten things out :) ) Yes there might be a part 3 Just met _grass_. Hehe yes. Myra’s probably not ready yet… :) Thank for reading and commenting! :D


Russell Mickler
20:55 Mar 28, 2023

Grin - so if outside isn't ruined or toxic, why did the Elders lock everyone inside? Snicker - maybe that's something for part 3? A "perfect" city that locks everyone inside? Ich! Revolt, Myra! R


Irene Duchess
21:26 Mar 28, 2023

The Elders built the city, so they would be in charge, so basically it gave them more power. And keeping everyone locked inside would make the other people dependent on them. Yes!! Revolt, Myra. :D


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