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Michelle waited patiently outside the family restroom in Target. She was almost done with the holiday shopping and looking forward to a small Christmas party with friends that evening.

There was a commotion inside the restroom. “He did what? What?!? He put it where? Davy, why? Let me see … oh for … No, I think it’s stuck. Don’t push it in any more! OK, we’re leaving. Just leave it alone until …”

The door opened, and an obviously harried woman began to exit with a small boy in her arms and girl in tow. As Michelle reached around them to hold the door open, the woman glanced up at her. “Thank you,” she said. “I’m sorry, but kids … .”

“Can I help?” Michelle asked.

“Thanks,” said the woman, “but Davy here – “ she nodded at the wriggling boy in her arms “—decided to stick a Barbie boot up his nose. I tried to get it out – Sarah!” she grabbed the girl’s arm as she swatted at her brother with her doll – “but I’m afraid I’ll push it farther in.” She sighed, clearly exasperated. “I would have the only kid on the planet who insists her Barbie wear shoes.”

Michelle hesitated for a moment. “I’m a pediatrician. I can take a look if you’d like.” She stuck out her hand. “Dr. Michelle Handler.”

The woman shifted the little boy to shake hands. “Kate Crenshaw. Handler … I dated a Handler when I was in high school … .” She looked at Michelle more closely. Her eyes grew wide. “Michael?”

“Michelle.” She smiled at the little boy. “Hi Davy,” she said. “I’m Dr. Handler, and your mommy and I are going to get that boot-booger out.” The boy smiled timidly. “I’m going to press on one side of your nose, like this,” she said, gently pressing the little boy’s left nostril shut with a finger, “and Mommy is going to blow air into your mouth, and that boot is going to come right out.” She nodded to Kate. They exchanged a long look, then Kate took a breath, covered Davy’s mouth with hers and blew. The boot popped out and fell to the floor. Davy laughed and clapped. "Do it again!" he said.

Michelle picked up the boot and showed it to Sarah. “Excuse me, young lady,” Michelle said. “Is your Barbie missing a purple bootie? Because I’m pretty sure it’s not mine.”

Sarah giggled and took the boot. “Ew!” she said, “it has Davy snot on it.”

Kate dug in her purse for a bottle of hand sanitizer; she squirted some on the boot and Sarah’s hands and rubbed, then offered it to Michelle. “I knew you were … unhappy … even then,” she said. “But I thought it was me. What happened? When …?”

“It’s been a long process,” Michelle said, cleaning her hands. “I’m still transitioning.” She gestured toward Sarah’s doll. “I’m kind of like Barbie there – nice boobs, but no vagina.”

“What’s a vagina, mommy?” Sarah piped up.

“We’ll talk about it later, sweetie,” Kate answered, as Michelle mouthed ‘sorry’ at her.

An older woman had approached and joined them, taking Davy from his mother. “Everything OK?” she asked. “I’ve already paid, so I’m ready to – oh hello, Michelle!”

“Mrs. Darby,” Michelle said, “good to see you again.”

“Davy stuck a boot up his nose, Grammy!” Sarah said, running over to her. “And the doctor told mommy how to blow and get it out!”

Kate looked back and forth between her mother and Michelle. “You know each other?”

“Well of course,” her mother said. “Ever since you were in high school.”

Kate’s mouth fell open, and her mother laughed. “Just because you two broke up didn’t mean I couldn’t still keep tabs on her. Especially when she moved back to town after med school and opened up her own practice. We’re so proud of her.” Michelle smiled.

“And you never thought to mention …?” Kate gestured at Michelle’s tall form.

“That’s not my story to tell,” Mrs. Darby said. “I hoped someday she would get to tell you herself. And here we are.” She smiled broadly at the two of them, and took Sarah's hand. “I’ll take the kids and let you two girls catch up,” she said. “Always good to see you, Dr. Handler. Kate, we’ll see you at the car.”

Kate started after them. “I really should get going, too.”

Michelle put her hand on Kate’s arm. “How long are you in town?” she asked. “Can we maybe meet somewhere and talk?”

“Woman to woman?” Kate snapped, and felt a twinge of remorse when the other woman flinched. “I’m sorry,” she said. “But what do you expect? I meet an old boyfriend,” she said with quiet emphasis, “and turns out he’s not the man I remember. At all.”

“People change,” Michelle said. “Look at you - a mom with two beautiful children.”

“A soon-to-be single mother of two,” Kate said.

“I’m sorry,” Michelle said.

“Well, I’m hoping the second time around won’t be as rough.”

“You’ve been married and divorced twice?” Michelle asked, surprised.

Kate looked at her. “Seriously? You’re judging me?”

“Sorry,” Michelle said. “But not sorry you’re single.”

A pause. “You’re kidding.”

Michelle shrugged. “We were always good together. Yes, I’ve changed,” she said, and ignored Kate’s bark of laughter, “but inside, I’m still the person who fell in love with you in tenth grade.” She nodded at the unisex bathroom sign. “It’s just that things got a bit complicated in between.”

Kate smiled. “I can’t believe you compared yourself to Barbie,” she said.

“Yeah, well, it’s pretty close,” Michelle said. “And really, when you think about it, maybe Barbie’s been in transition all these years. Maybe she was originally Bobby and got tired of faking it.”     

Kate laughed aloud. She took Michelle’s hand. “I’ve missed you,” she said, and sighed. “What the heck. At the very least, I’ll have a new girlfriend to talk to.” She laughed again. “Mom always did want me to marry a doctor.”

Michelle leaned in close. “She did tell me that.”

August 10, 2020 18:38

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1 comment

Ann Rapp
23:30 Aug 19, 2020

Loved your story Patty, and the great twist in the middle - perfect. Your characters are believable and people I'd want to meet. You are good at writing dialog which flows and sounds real, and the little medical procedure made for an interesting interval in the love story. The only thing wrong was that I want to read more about these people and their story! Hope you continue the story. Anyway, keep writing!


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