Contemporary Fiction Romance

The Miracle Day

He was obsessed by a sensitive dilemma, impossibly struggling to unwrap and put out of his mind interminable fascinations chaining him to terrible and recurring nightmares. An advanced math equation.

He was the first-born son in his middle-class family in the capital of the Republic. When he was four years old, he used to ask his mother who was his daddy. Her unique answer was that daddy will come back. She resolved to tell him the truth when he would be at least seven years old. For she was emotional, she remembered the five years past when that midday she heard flash breaking news broadcasting Joseph the senior leader disappeared. Despite his early childhood, Chris who was curious by nature guessed his father was no longer alive. Each evening when going to bed like when alone from school, he wondered his father won’t come back as he did not believe in eternity or resurrection. What he didn’t understand was the real fact why she hid from him his father's death. He thought he was hit by a shameful genital virus or might be killed for adultery, robbery or witchcraft.

In few years, he had grown big and tall. A clean-cut young man with clear eyes and a short top fade hairstyle. His passion for football and swimming made Chris a man with tense muscles. Very soon, he got a high score accessing him to the fully-funded scholarship. During the course of the high school, Chris was satisfied that his dreams were becoming true. He had had a strong desire to know the world and the society. To encounter eminent researchers and excellent libraries guided satisfactorily his understanding of the visible and invisible. In addition, Chris’s sense of humor and openness always gathered around him the variety of people: Old or young, men or women, christians or atheists and so on.

“May I ask you?” Chris gently whispered while ordering his last glass. “Oh...yes” She replied. “I really would like to be allowed to talk to you…” “What?” “ Absolutely something important.” “You can quickly brief me please.” She nodded while checking the time on her left hand. “Adeline, will you marry me?” “Why do you ask?” “ Because your nature is unique in this world.” “Men are created alike. All of them have the same words. But only actions differ some from others.” “Dear love, what else shall I do to prove my love?” He Knelt down. “Are you sure you will love me for ever?” “Yes, an undying love.” He insisted. “My heart loved you the first time I saw you. I am yours for all the nights of my lifetime.” “Blessed angel! How softly your voice vibrates like hundreds of violins and guitars. And softest are your sweet warming lips.” He opened his arms and she spread hers out in welcome, letting the wind play with her short dress. They then kissed and she smoothed down her pink dress over her knees with her head thrown back. Chris then breathed like a one hundred meters runner. “One hour lesser than one minute!” He gasped.

Apart from his charming love, she was also captivated by a great wave of his track record with no parallel in the community: valedictorian student, Editor, Country Manager and chairman of The Democratic Independent Party. Nothing frightened her in this world more than losing the unique man she loved, a man of venture and triumph, Chris.

However, the situation became tense. Mr. President, as aptly named, warned her daughter she had no right to marry conspirators. He added that if she would fail again to choose her fitting husband, marriage would come to her like a surprise. Adeline who knew what “no” from his father meant did not waste her time attempting to convince him. Mr. President seemed like his heart was made from all hard things. He was emotionless and stubborn. Chris had subsequently one single option to win the race: to deliberately make a choice between a wife or the party. But, Chris saw it like a man sentenced for a life prison to a daily bad and cold food and kindly allowed to the kitchen to only look and smell from far at distance the decent food as frequent as he wants. To choose only one thing between his noble leadership and the dearest wife was rather a life prison. Chris knelt down and prayed the heaven he couldn’t bear missing one of the two. But after all, he had to choose. “Dear poor Chris, don’t shed tears, stop crying because some principles rarely change in this world. Like births and deaths are sudden, accept to hear that some dreams and wishes are also abrupt. Love is an emotion but leadership is a duty. Leadership leads everywhere. Lead instead, lead, lead…” Chris kept mumbling and clenching teeth in a monologue. Adeline ceaselessly advised him to stand down his political career to meet her father’s wish to no avail. The lady suffered both her father and lover’s rejection. Nevertheless, she swore him she wouldn’t marry another man than him. But Chris could no longer trust it.  

At 6:32min PM, flash breaking news reported rockets attack rained down on her car according to rebels’ claiming of the attack. Rebels added her body and head were apart. Mister President’s commandos rushed to investigate and only identified her car’s ash and viscous blood to the place. Local people admitted heavy rockets were shot. “My daughter had big personality that’s contagious. I am torn inside. It leaves an infinite heartache.” The father lamented with a gloomiest stare. Mr. President sank down in the sofa and started the mourning in a storm of grief.

The following day at one PM 

“Father, don’t be afraid, l was not dead.” With piercing eyes, she knelt down in front of him with a tremor in her voice, and sobbing. “I had no strong verbal expressions to tell you that what can separate a father from his daughter is only the natural death rather than her lover.” Mister President stayed motionless, with a stare of amazement, but unable to talk. A seventies years old man, who had never changed his mind in any circumstances, stood up, and passionately clasped her. He allowed her to welcome her lover Chris to take part in a special supper of a miracle day. Chris was puzzled to see her alive. “Only one half debt is left. Five thousand dollars to Forces. Only that. Five.” She whispered with lips close to Chris’s ear.

December 18, 2020 14:55

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