Fiction Teens & Young Adult Inspirational

“Grandma, what are you up to?” Liza teasingly asked with her big brown eyes. The inquisitive 7 year old had to know the ins and outs plus the ups and downs of everything and if you wouldn’t tell her, she would go find out for herself. This day was no different and she had to know why her favorite, and oh so funny, grandma was doodling on the wall. Now Liza knew if she wrote on the wall, she would get in some major trouble but Liza’s grandma was magical and special so she wouldn’t get in trouble at all. As Liza excitedly walked into her grandma's “butterfly room", she couldn’t help but marvel at all the colorful masterpieces her grandma had created over the years. From sculptures, to oil paintings, to papier-mache and so much more- it was a gallery full of wonder. 


Grandma Cross turned to Liza with a huge smile on her face and a glint in her eye. She replied “I call this my creative counting wall. This wall helps me remember how many people’s lives I have touched when I gave them an art piece I have made". Grandma Cross pointed to a date with initials “This wall also helps me to remember who I gave a gift to and on what date". Liza loved her grandmother’s kindness and creativity so she wanted to be just like her. As soon as Liza turned 7, she begged her grandmother to teach her everything she knew. As Grandma Cross leaned into give Liza’s forehead a kiss, Liza attempted to count the marks starting way at the top but quickly lost her spot when her mom popped her head in the room.


“Hello my lovely ladies!” Liza's mom, Charity, was just as bubbly as grandma, but not as creative. Rather, Liza's mom decided to go into real estate once she realized how untalented she was. Grandma Cross would always push Charity to be her best creative self, but Charity knew at an early age that she took after her father’s side, where creativity lie dormant, and she was perfectly fine with that. Charity was okay with not being the creative offspring because she had a strong inkling her child would acquire her mom's qualities and boy, was she right!!! From the beginning, Liza was a bright and intriguing child who gravitated towards color, aesthetics, and texture. Charity was pleased her daughter would follow in her mother's footsteps. 


Grandma Cross, a bit older now, was ready to move from Charity’s childhood home to a smaller one bedroom apartment. Grandma Cross always jokingly told Liza “These legs are tired from walking these steps but this brain never tires". Liza knew her grandma would be physically tired many times because she would see it in her eyes, but when grandma began creating in the “butterfly room", the youthful energy that seemed to be fading would pour out of her grandma's soul enveloping the whole space. Now, it was time to create in a new environment and Grandma Cross was excited.


Charity hugged her mother tightly and informed her of the home buying process. Since Charity was a real estate expert, she was helping her mom sell the house to ensure a smooth transition. “We have two strong prospects who are interested in buying so we can begin moving your things to the apartment in a couple of days". Liza felt the excitement in the room but something was bothering her. She tapped her grandmother's leg to get her attention and Grandma Cross looked down. “So what will you do with your counting wall? You use it all the time right and it’s too big to carry to the new apartment". Grandma laughed and replied “Oh sweet child, no worries. I’m going to take a picture of the wall to keep my memories close to me”. Liza liked this idea and offered to take a picture for grandma but Grandma assured they would soon.


As days passed by and Grandma's house became emptier from the move, Liza begin to realize how much she would miss this place. She stood in the quiet hallway and breathed in deeply, soaking up all the memories of breakfast time, holidays, and her grandmother's laughter. Liza walked to the butterfly room and stood outside the door expecting to see the counting wall but it was gone- apparently the owners were just as excited moving in as grandma was moving out. Liza wanted to see the wall one more time. She remembered her grandmother kept her camera in a drawer near her bed but when Liza went to look for it, the camera was already gone. Liza assumed her grandmother had already taken a picture so she ran outside to help her mom.


Later that day, Liza, Charity, and Grandma Cross went back to the house to finish packing last minute things. As Grandma Cross looked around, she was amazed at how the owners had transformed the place in just a few days. Liza, feeling confused, noticed her grandma was holding her camera as she began to slowly walk up the steps so Liza followed behind her. As Grandma Cross, entered the butterfly room, she let out a deep gasp “The wall is gone. The wall is gone!! The wall is GONE!” Liza ran to her grandmother's side and looked in her sad eyes “Grandma, I thought you had already taken a picture. Earlier today I went to find your camera but it was gone". Grandma Cross was silent for what seemed like hours when Charity ran in the room. “Mom, what’s wrong?!!” Charity immediately looked up and noticed the blank wall and lovingly put her arms around her mother. Grandma Cross began speaking: “I should have taken the picture when Liza mentioned it but in the midst of everything, I kept putting it off, not thinking the owners would remove it so quickly". Charity and Liza heard the sorrow in her voice and hugged her even tighter. Then, Charity and Liza gave Grandma Cross a minute to be in the room alone. Sadly, she said a little prayer and turned to leave touching the doorframe of that special room one last time.


As they stood on the lawn, Liza, in her wonderfully optimistic manner, ensured her grandma that the next counting wall would be even more fantastic than this one. Grandma Cross was deeply saddened she was not able to capture this special memory, but she knew her grandbaby was right. There were more ideas to bring to life, more memories to be made, many more hearts to be touched, and more precious moments with her sweet grandbaby and loving daughter. Not all was lost.

January 01, 2021 17:11

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