Love Is Not In The Air

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt



Through the pane of glass, the world looked so different. One of her hands touched the coolness of the window as she watched the sun start to dip under the horizon, she was lonely sitting in er house with no one to talk to and the only voices, she heard was from the television. Those people were tucked away from her by thousands of miles. She wanted to hear another human's voice that wasn't coming from the television in her front room or the radio in her kitchen.

She wanted a boyfriend that woulld risk being sick just to see her pretty face, he would stay outside and they would touch through the screen in her window. A smile graced her lips as she felt peace overcome her in her daydreams. If only she had a boyfriend that would do that for her, to make her feel special and loved. To make her feel beautiful and cared for. She wanted to hear how much he loved her and wanted to hold her. How much he wanted to be with her.

Shaking her head as to throw those wild ideas to the wind, she laughed as she stood there wondering how long the virus and the confinement to her house would stay in place. She thought about her sister and her husband were probably sitting down to eat dinner and talking about their day at the hospital. How lucky both of them were to be standing only inches from people as they talk to them through masks and heard their voices. They could smell their odor through their noses and hear the voices through their own personal ears.

Here she was lonely with no one to talk to, no one to laugh with, and no one to touch through a screen. It's the human touch that Clara wanted and desired to feel, human experience is something she was lacking and wanted. She could even take touching someone else through those latex gloves, the human touch for her at least could be accomplished by the slight pressure of holding hands with another person or even just touching the hands through the screen.

She noticed a movement in her neighbor's house. Before the confinement started, her other neighbors had said he was an odd duck while others just shrugged and commented that he was an artist. All artist were odd because they would stare off into space at nothing. Something that only they could see, hear, or touch. Maybe that was the creative part of his being a artist. All humans were weird in one way or another.

He was nice to her and when they talked in passing, she never noticed any of those weird things everyone said or remarked about him.  Watching the window for any signs of movement, she felt like someone stalking the poor guy. She didn't want to scare him off before they were even friends plus she didn't want to face these four walls by herself anymore. They seemed to be closing in around her and she didn't like the idea of not having anywhere to go or no one to see or hear.

She closed her brown eyes to imagine him sitting at his easel painting away at a mountain view. The artisic strokes with his hand to clarify even the littlest details. He was humming to himself a song that he learned on him many trips abroad. The radio was playing in another room for background noise and none of the windows had curtains to let the sunshine in. The only rooms that had curtains was his bedroom and bathroom because he didn't want any peeking eyes to see his lean hard body when he was changing clothes.

His name was James Lewison and he had chiseled features like he had been made on God's potter wheel. His smile could lit up a room, his eyes were like a cat's green eyes in color and shaped like a almond. They were big and any woman could lose themselves in their depths. The only problem on his handsome face was the nose and it threw the whole face off slightly. It sat in the middle of his face and it was calling attention to itself. Clara's eyes had first been drawn to it and while they talked, it was like she was drawn to stare at it.

She had been off in dreamland and hadn't even noticed that James put up a sign in his window asking if she needed help. She chuckled when she saw it and shook her head in a negative way. She wished he had a phone ,so she could call him to explain she had been daydreaming. Turning red as she remember how she had been daydreaming about him. She should have had been daydreaming about being outside and go shopping with wearing a mask.

The littlese thing about this virus drove her crazy enough to want to scream. She knew that she didn't want the President, Governor, or Mayor to be pressured into opening anything too soon. It wouldn't be fine if people started to get sick or even worse if people started to die. People would pressure whoever to get things open and would blame them if people started to get sick or die. They would take no blame on themselves because they would think they were innocent of everything.

It was getting tiresome watching each other through the windows and only being able to put up signs instead of hearing the actual voice of the person. His sign in the window this morning had said "Gone to the doctors. Be home later with a surprise." She hoped everything was fine with him and he didn't have this virus. She might as well keep herself busy until he gets home and stop wondering about the surprise he was bringing with him.

One hour later and the sign was still up, she had been watching from the window when he pulled up in front of his house. He started to unload his truck from the morning shopping spree. He had enjoyed shopping for once and could hardly wait to get home to pu his plan into action. He was proud of himself because he had even thought to buy extra batteries that some of the products needed

Half an hour later, Clara ws still standing at the windwo watching his house. Now, he was coming out of his house with a bag of something, flowers, and another box all wrapped up.  Her heart was starting to melt as she thought to herself, "James bought me flowers."  She felt special for the first time in her life. A single tear fall from her brown eyes to follow a path of downward direction. She wiped the tear away and smile briefly as he ran to her back porch to deposit his treasure for her to find.

She jumped back from the window as he suddenly appeared in front of her. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "The things I put on your back porch are for you to enjoy. I hope you like what I got." and off he was scamping across the yard for his house like a fat little squirrel that was proud of himself. He could hardly wait to see what she thought of his plan and if it actually worked. She looked toward her back door and wondered what she would find there from him.

She had brought his teasures in and she put the flowers into water. She put them into the sunshine to see if they would push their lovely buds toward the sun. She started to finger the softness of the petals while she wondered if he had gone crazy over the love bug bite. Smiling, she unwrapped the present he had given her and she stood there with a shocked look on her face as she looked at a walkie talkie with a note that said to turn it on.  She turned on the walkie talkie and pick up the bag from the closest MacDonald and started to wonder what to do next. He was so sweet to think of her like this and she wished she could tell him just exactly how sweet he was.

She stood there with the walkie talkie in one hand and the bag in the other hand when she heard his voice come over the walkie talkie. "Are you there? Come by the window and we will have lunch together. We can talk now over the walkie talkie? Are you there?"  Smiling, she said "Yes I am and I am coming to the window in a few seconds. This is so sweet and you are so sweet. Thank you."  She heard him laugh and say, "Thank God, my ears haven't gone deaf. I was starting to think they had." The rest of the afternoon the twosome spent in front of window munching on cold quarter pounders and chicken nuggets while sipping on warm cokes. Laughing and talking as if they were on a real date, the afternoon quickly disappeared as they went on with their date

They waved to each other as they passed by their windows, smile as they pass each other when they were downtown, and whenever they found found out their birthday of the other person or just brought lunch for the other person, the gifts or the lunches were put by the back door of the other's person house. He seemed ,so nice and simple by the way he lived. His paintings wee known by some people and he told her that it was enough for him to get by. Clara knew deep down in her soul that she was falling in love. She could hardly wait to go on a real date with him, to get a hug, and what she daydreamed the most about was their first kiss which always brought a smile on her lips plus a far away look in her eyes.  She wanted real life to go back to being normal ,but it seemed a far away point in their future.

August 06, 2020 23:27

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