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Adventure Kids

A sense of unease lurked beneath the surface in the picturesque town of Whispering Oaks, Rhode Island, tucked away among the rolling hills and charming streets. The city was once a place where retirees and young families escaped city life to spend time together. Despite the town's tranquility, rumors of a vengeful spirit, Mark Tomson, cast a shadow over it.

Tomson is a 10-year-old boy who has never seemed scared at home or school. Several people suspected he was hiding something, but no one dared ask. Rumors divided the town, with some believing them and others dismissing them. Mark looked confused, shook his head, and replied, "I'm used to it." Ana, Andy, and Will looked at each other, puzzled. No further questions were asked. In Ana's words, they have been scared of it since pre-kindergarten, according to her. "Mark just pointed out I remember we're having a nap time until the ghost came out and terrified all of us but thanks to that scaring, we became friends even now." Will added, "The ghost brought us together. But that doesn't make it cause me to wet my pants!" Will continued, "How does that make up for anything?" Mark replied, "That the ghost helped even caused her to be confused."

Andy didn't want to but pointed out that the ghost saved them from their bully. Mark replied, "See, the ghost can't be that bad at all." The townspeople felt frightened when the ghost appeared. Despite this, Mark always wore a bright smile. In addition to helping people, he made them laugh. Throughout the town, he was regarded as a symbol of hope and peace. Some thought it was odd because he never showed fear; he'd seen the ghost 13 times but felt nothing. His parents asked him, "Son, aren't you scared?" He turned his head left and right and said, "No," due to the ghost leaving behind candy or helping him with bullying. Then Mark asked his parents, "Didn't you guys teach me not to judge a book by its cover?" His answer made his parents take aback and realize they had been wrong to judge.

Nevertheless, the fear of ghosts got in the way. In response to their son, they want to ensure he is safe. They fear he could do something reckless. Mark has always found the ghost stories circulating Whispering Oaks fascinating as a curious 10-year-old. He believed anyone who did that could not be that evil. According to legend, saying the "G-words" will summon spirits, with ghost and ghoul.

The townspeople get past this problem by saying, "Blah blah blah, or say host or houl to get back from this problem." Mark was determined to test his theory. Mark whispered "Ghost?" into the wind at midnight, hoping to lure the phantom into an encounter. The ghost first came but fled away as the boy whispered, "Ghoul five times!" and the ghost returned five times. In the last instance, the ghost said, "Stop summoning me, kid." As the kid looked at the ghost and listened to its voice, he realized it was a man's spirit. The ghost vanished, and as Mark passed, he didn't attack him. Knowing he was right, he slipped to sleep, smiling. Strange occurrences plagued Whispering Oaks for four days. The night was filled with creaking doors, rattling windows, and eerie whispers.

Fear gripped the townspeople, believing Mark's reckless pursuit had awakened the malevolent spirit. Mark wasn't convinced; he sensed there was more to the story. Mark investigated the ghost's identity, scouring the town's archives and speaking with elderly residents. It wasn't until he stumbled upon an old newspaper clipping that the pieces fell into place. The ghost's name was Isaac Sugarman, a former candy store owner who met his demise in 1892. According to the article, Isaac's ghost wandered the streets of New York, New Jersey, and Brooklyn, searching for something. Maybe he's looking for a killer. Mark was committed to uncovering the truth behind Isaac's story. He embarked on a journey to find the killer and bring justice to Isaac Sugarman. He summoned him by calling the word "Ghost.". He asked, "Who killed you?" The ghost face palmed to say, "I wasn't killed; if I were, I would have remembered, kid." The ghost then vanished, but Mark was still determined to prove the ghost's innocence. A hidden cavern was discovered beneath the rubble of the old candy store, now a vacant lot.

A dusty old ledger filled with notes and candy recipe sketches awaited him inside. The whisper echoed through the cavern as Mark turned the pages: "I am Isaac Sugarman, born in Whispering Oaks." The revelation struck Mark like a lightning bolt. Isaac wasn't a vengeful spirit; he was a lost soul, trapped between worlds due to his dying will to stay alive. The "G-word" wasn't a summoning spell but a connection to his birthplace, Whispering Oaks. With this new understanding, Mark helped Isaac find peace. He gathered the townsfolk and shared his discovery, dispelling the fear that had shrouded Whispering Oaks for so long. Together, they held a ceremony to lay Isaac's spirit to rest. Isaac's ghostly form faded as the townsfolk whispered their apologies and farewells. With a gentle smile, Isaac's spirit vanished, finally at peace.

Townspeople cheered in tears, grateful for Mark's bravery and curiosity. Whispering Oaks was reborn, its rolling hills and charming streets filled with laughter and wonder. Now hailed as a hero, Mark looked up at the stars, knowing that sometimes the truth is more magical than fiction. Ultimately, Mark realized that the "G-word" wasn't a curse but a key to unlocking Whispering Oaks' secrets. As he drifted to sleep, he whispered, "Ghost?" one last time. A soft breeze carried Isaac's whispered reply: "Thank you, Mark. I'm finally home." To meet his friends and family in the afterlife. Feeling at peace, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. The curse of Whispering Oaks was lifted with these words, and Mark and Isaac found peace. His new normal began when he returned home. Because the ghost was gone, no one was scared. But he struggles to smile because he misses how exciting things used to be. There was, however, a note that flew down from the sky. Mark picked it up to read the note and discovered something amazing. He looked up from the sky and said, "I'll see you again in the near future."

July 16, 2024 18:08

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Sarah Martyn
21:52 Jul 24, 2024

Would love to see this in a Supernatural episode ha! Great read. "...sometimes the truth is more magical than fiction.'


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