Why Aliens Skip Earth

Written in response to: "Write a story that includes someone saying, “We’re not alone.”"

Fiction Funny Happy

This story contains sensitive content

Trigger warning: Not a story for ones who are easily offended by everything around you.

“We’re not alone,” said Nubert, as he looked around frantically.

         Stewie looked at Nubert with a questioning look. “Of course, we are not alone. I have you and you have me.”

         “I know we have each other, you dolt,” said Nubert. “But there is something else out there.”

         The two of them looked around, seeing little since they were in the middle of a dark forest, with a penlight to get around.

         Earlier, they decided to go on a camping trip, so Nubert loaded up as much as he could on the moped and they were on their way. After a couple of hours of setting up their one-man tent, they were set to try to enjoy nature. It didn’t help that Stewie forgot the food, and the matches were wet since he didn’t tighten the bottle cap, so the water sloshed all over the scattered matches.

         “I guess we have no warm fire,” said an irritated Nubert.

         “We can rub sticks.”

         “Maybe I should just rub your head.”

         “That might work,” said Stewie, as he started rubbing the top of his head.

         Nubert shook his head and walked off.

         As darkness approached, they crammed into the tent since the mosquitoes were making a feast of them. By the time they were able to close the flaps, there were quite a few mosquitoes in the tent so as they lay side by side like hot dogs in a package, they were slapping at the blood suckers, hitting the other most of the time.

         “I need to pee,” Stewie said half an hour later.

         “Why didn’t you go earlier?” asked an irritated Nubert.

         “I had to go before we came in the tent, but thought if I held it, I would stay warmer in the tent.”


         “It doesn’t work, and now it feels like my bladder is about to explode.”

         “Then get out to pee.”

         “Can you come with? It’s very dark out.”

         Nubert was about to tell him no, but then realized if Stewie took the only light, he would end up losing it. Like the time he found Stewie in the backyard, behind a bush with only his underwear on. His explanation was that he was very hot, so took his clothes off. Then the neighbors came out, couldn’t remember where he put his clothes, so hid behind a bush. There were countless stories of Stewie losing things. Even his head when he looked in a mirror that was chest high and he couldn’t see his head. He thought he lost it until Nubert calmed him down and told him to bend down.

         The two went out into the pitch dark and Nubert turned on his penlight. Eventually, Stewie found a spot, and after peeing on his right foot, then his left, he finally hit the dirt. After some time, he was finished and ready to head back.

         Now, to the present, Nubert had a feeling they were not alone.

         “I feel like someone is watching us,” said Nubert.

         “Maybe it’s a deer, or lion, or elephant,” Stewie said as he looked around.

         “Let’s go back to the tent.”

         “Okay. We will be safe there once we close the tent up.”

         ‘Sure,” said Nubert, having a feeling the tent wouldn’t stop any animal. Even a rabbit.

         The two slowly headed back toward the tent but came to a sudden stop upon looking at the tent. From inside they saw something moving around until two glowing orbs with goat shaped irises looked their way.

         “What the heck?” asked Nubert.

         “How did a goat get in our tent?” asked Stewie.

         Whatever it was, came out of the tent and stood up on two long, stick-like legs. The body was very thin too, with two long arms ending with three fingers, and the head was flat on top with the orbs for eyes halfway down from the top where, for a human, it would be where their nose would be. Whatever it was, had to be close to seven feet tall.

         “I have never seen an animal like that,” said Stewie, in awe.

         “That is no animal,” said Nubert, about to wet his pants.

         “Do not fear,” the thing said, sounding like Darth Vader. “I come in peace.”

         Nubert tinkled a little as Stewie grew excited.

         “The animal can speak!” exclaimed Stewie in glee.

         The thing just stood there for a time as Nubert was ready to turn and run while Stewie wanted to run up to the thing to pet it.

         “I have never encountered humans before,” the thing finally said. “Are you like the rest of humanity?”

         “I would say they are similar to me,” replied Stewie with a giggle.

         “I doubt that” blurted out Nubert, then cringed, praying he didn’t face the things wrath.

         “There are other beings from space here that have been here for a very long time,” the thing said. “Many of them have leadership roles on your planet. They are less smart than other beings not of this world, so I had to come to find out how they became leaders so easily. I think I know why now.”

         “You seem like a nice animal,” said Stewie. “One that talks, which is super awesome. You won’t eat us if you get upset?”

         “Eat you? I do not consume things made of your race. I will not be in a good place for a long time if I do so. Plus, I am not like your animals.”

         “No, you are not,” said Stewie, jumping up and down. “You can talk. Only parrots can talk, but now we have you.”

         “You are similar to an animal you call sheep,” the thing said.

         “Thank you!” replied Stewie. “I always wanted a coat like a sheep. Maybe one day.”

         Nubert just looked at the thing, then at Stewie, then back to the thing. His brainless friend was having a conversation with an alien. Amazing. He didn’t know what to say or do.

         “I must move on,” the thing said. “You are an interesting species. I would like to give you some technology, but I am afraid your race is not ready. You are closer to being animals in your world than most of the races out in space.”

         “Thank you!” Stewie cried out with joy and started laughing, ending in a snort.

         Nubert pretended to be a statue.

         A beam of light suddenly appeared from above, covering the thing. Then it disappeared, and they were in total darkness except for the penlight.

         “That was so cool!” exclaimed Stewie, jumping up and down. “I bet we are the first to encounter animals like what we just saw.”

         Nubert stared at Stewie, not able to see much of him, which was probably a good thing.

         “I’m going to bed,” said Nubert. Or maybe he needed to wake up.

Posted Aug 09, 2023

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22 likes 19 comments

Charis Keith
00:35 Nov 29, 2024

I knew I was gonna like it from the the trigger warning.
Stewie is remarkably like my brother - is a loving, caring, sibling rivalry kind of way


L. D.
12:58 May 21, 2024

You had me at your trigger warning.

Best lines:
“We can rub sticks.”

“Maybe I should just rub your head.”


Corey Melin
00:25 May 22, 2024

Thank you for the comments. I have another story with the two characters about a picker


Andrea Corwin
19:47 Nov 01, 2023

I was laughing out loud while reading! I'm with the Alien...


Suzanne Marsh
20:32 Sep 07, 2023

Corey, thank you for taking the time to read my stories. I really enjoyed Why Aliens Skip Earth. I truly enjoy reading your stories. Sue


Tom Skye
15:57 Aug 13, 2023

Really nice vibe to the story. Felt like a very lighthearted take on the subject so it was super enjoyable to read. The characters were very relatable.

Subtle injection of politics as well 😂

Good job.


Corey Melin
18:42 Aug 13, 2023

Thank you for the comment!


Ela Mikh
06:38 Aug 11, 2023

Great take on the major question "are we alone in the universe" - loved your approach and the characters. I felt like I wanted to join them


Corey Melin
15:17 Aug 11, 2023

Thank you for the comments. Try to make a funny story with two characters I have used in many stories


Anna W
20:31 Aug 10, 2023

Really funny! Glad the alien decided to move on. I think Nubert puts a little too much faith in his friend Stewie, to go out into the woods with him and all. Lol. Thanks for sharing this story!


Corey Melin
20:51 Aug 10, 2023

Thank you for the comments. Stevie is Nuberts faithful friend to the end. The reason why he deals with him.


Russell Mickler
18:24 Aug 09, 2023

Hey Corey!

Okay, we're not alone, Stewie and Nubert, it's family guy - hit it!

Okay maybe it's not Family Guy? Yikes, it's a goat! Ooo No, alien.

I mean, it was a very polite alien...

... or was it all a dream?

Well! It'd seem the aliens passed us by, we're not worthy, and we should blame Stewie. :)

A fun story, Corey! Thanks for the read!



Corey Melin
20:44 Aug 10, 2023

Thank you for the comments. Probably the real reason why they pass us by is because we would start shooting at them. Heck, we can’t get along because we are different colors


Russell Mickler
20:47 Aug 10, 2023

Grin - and we have movies called "Aliens" where we kill them all - no wonder they avoid us! :)



Mary Bendickson
18:07 Aug 09, 2023

Why do they always seem to meet the least intelligent? Maybe cause there are so many of the least intelligent?

Thanks for liking my explanation of where they came from.


Corey Melin
20:39 Aug 10, 2023

Maybe by going to the least intelligent it will be easier to manipulate and no one else will believe them. LOL


Lily Finch
02:54 Aug 09, 2023

Pretty interesting story Corey. LF6


Corey Melin
15:20 Aug 09, 2023

Two silly characters I have used in many stories


Lily Finch
17:06 Aug 09, 2023

That's awesome. LF6


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