Write about two people striking an unlikely friendship.
Because she's a Republican and I'm a Democrat. It doesn't make any sense. She believes all the bullshit the bullshit media says, even though it's bullshit, like people have died from getting the Covid shot, which has been revoked so many times, it's not even funny. She's old and I'm young. I just use her to get money to move her stuff, since she's too fragile to move it herself. A roommate? It doesn't make any sense. I could help her move, get meals, that makes sense, but to permanently live together, makes no sense. She never stops talking, either. But, there are times when I want someone to listen to me bitch, too. Why some people are put on planet Earth, God only knows. See, idiots tend to gather in crowds, like flies around cow shit. One fly says, “There's shit this way,” then all the flies will come flocking. But it's the same thing with stupidity and false news. “The Corona Virus can be cured with hot tea”. No, it can't. What the fuck are you idiots talking about? They don't want to get the shot, because the government is going to use it to put secret information in our bloodstreams and track us or brainwash us. You don't care if you die, but you don't want this shot. Ok. Whatever. You want to die, there'll be one less idiot voting for a Republican president. Oh, and they have to stop the homosexuals from taking over. Taking over what? The United States. And everyone knows aliens are using celebrities to brain wash us. Oh, and have you heard what the scientologists discovered? Are you a scientologist? No, I'm not. Well, you're Roman Catholic/Spiritist/Muslim. What the hell does that even mean? Well, it makes sense to you.
You're tired of sleeping with men to get them to fix you fucked-up house. It is fucked up. The floor isn't even even. Mold is growing on the walls. But, you're looking for somewhere to fit in and so am I. You hope Trump wins. I don't. All the charges against Trump are bullshit. No, they aren't. You and everyone on the networks you're watching are bullshit. They even have to say they lied on the network, but you don't believe them when they say they lied. Idiot.
And what about the border. We have to build this wall because of xenaphobia. Maybe they could stay at your place? This is the great American Melting Pot. We're supposed to accept foreigners. But not the illegal ones. Right. And your grandmother was Native American, right? Idiots. Right. And we need to put business above the environment, because you know, we can always colonize and tax other planets. Right? Idiots. We don't want to invest in renewable energy or recycling or anything, because that would cost more. We have to elliminate food stamps and social security. They should just get jobs like everyone else. And we must eliminate Obamacare and leave millions of Americans without health insurance. Right. Why don't we just elect my dog as president? He'd do a better job. Oh, no. And it's the Chinese's fault that the Covid virus is here, not Trump's. We should all just take the pill Trump recommended and we'd be fine. Forget that the media stopped covering his speech because the information in it was blatantly incorrect. We need to back Trump like they did on January 6th. And that committee is bullshit.
“Someone once said, “When idiots talk, just let them talk”. Oh, and there's this whole conspiracy thing I must know about where China is paying the Mexican Cartel to smuggle Chinese Slaves to grow pot in California and sell it back to the cartel in pesos and a whole lot of other bullshit Fox is feeding her. And all these people are in the race now, but Trump is leading the race in the Republican party and you believe in Trump and are voting for him. I'm going to vote for Trump, too, right. Right. And the sky is falling. And we should have a flat tax for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
And we have to make better technology to keep up with the Chinese, the Russians, and North Korea. Right. North Korea has really advanced technology. Of course. And we need parades in America. Great idea. And we should lower the minimum wage so there's no shot in hell anyone can survive on it. That way the poor will kill themselves, so we won't have to kill them. Right? Idiots. Oh, and you're not racist, but. Take out the words not and but and you'll hear what this idiot is really saying. Each state should be its own seperate country and the other states should recognize the states as independent entitities, except for Porta Rico. Fuck Porta Rico. “America First”. Idiots.
You're for tax loop holes and for donation loop holes, but “kill the poor”. And we shouldn't send any foreign aid to Africa, Ukraine, Israel, or anywhere else. “America First”. And even though Trump's married to someone from a foreign nation, people shouldn't be allowed to get citizenship through marriage. But, I need somewhere to live and she needs a roommate. We just have to set boundaries and borders and we'll definetely need two TVs. One for Fox and one for NBC. And she tells me how GNC is going to give her the cure for her cold, while I go to the doctor to get anti-biotics, which she thinks is metamorphisizing into a super bacteria and we should use more organic therapy. She has crypto therapy, which is bullshit, but she says it helps. Placebo helps, too. She's a cat person. I'm a dog person. If there was anywhere else of anyone else looking for a roommate, I'd be all ears. She talks about her bullshit nonstop. She drives to rallys to hear the bullshit. Like Trump won the election. Votes weren't counted. Forget that Al Gore's votes weren't counted. That doesn't matter. Trump's votes are more important.
Sometimes it gives me a headache, listening to her bullshit. It's this or homelessness and this is better than homelessness, maybe. She won't remarry, though, because then she'd lose her alamony. And that would be catastrophic, but she can still fuck around. No, I don't want to fuck you, thanks. Her part of the house is a mess. Dirty bras on the uneven carpet, a shower with inconsitant heat, bugs everywhere, mold, mildew, it's disgusting. But, it's better than homelessness. Better than homelessness. Anything's better than homelessness. Anything's better than homelessness. Well, almost anything
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