Creative Nonfiction Holiday Drama

There's finally some changes happened to the Northeme village, which deleted the misconception that Northeme is just a dull, full of boring people village, with only one faint cream colour covering all kinds of walls and the longan trees standing still along every street. There's nothing much to describe Northeme to be honest, it's just there on the map, hardly ever witnessed any entertainment events, from music concert, travelling circus, to annual festival, or even a visitor. Therefore, it must have been extremely astonishing when Mr. Doswitch moved in the house at the head of the road, repainted it into brown, as brown as the chocolate he's going to sell there.

It's a small shop, though. Was it placed in the urban, it would be totally outshone by other gorgeous malls. Guess that's Mr. Doswitch intention, being a big fish in a small pond.


- Is that why you come here, Mr. Doswitch? - Galentine tilted her head, blinking her lovely blue eyes with the new comer. She's literally an angel of this town, you can't find a more adorable child than her.

- Haha - Mr. Doswitch slightly laughed, it's hard to get angry at this little creature, even when her question was quite irritating - Partly true. But that thought only happened to me when I had settled down. I have never expected this place so... quiet?

- Why that? - Galentine just blinked nonstop, looks like she loves talking to him rather than knowing the exact answer.

Mr. Doswitch took a napkin to clean his chocolate hand, he shrugged and sighed at the same time

- Don't know for sure. I just wanted to move away, and randomly chose Northeme.

His sorrowful face put Galantine off asking another question. She copied the man and led her eyes through the window wall. There's nothing outside for sure, just some longan leaves floating aimlessly before landing to the cold stone pavement.

- I could say I made the right decision - Mr. Doswitch suddenly voice, with a moving sound he could ever had - I love being here, this peaceful village.

Galantine seemed to be surprised. Surely she had never heard anyone expressed their love towards Northeme village.

- But... everyone lives here only because they have nowhere to go.

- People just want to experience new things, Galantine. - Mr. Doswitch looks older for about ten years old as he was saying that, smoothly breathed in with his thoughts - I myself moved here with a view to trying a different ambience, just like to taste a kind of chocolate that you've never had before.

Galantine heard the word chocolate with more than excitement. Little girl jumped down from the wooden round chair, which made her princess dress puffed up like a lovely parachute. She had waited for this moment when Mr. Doswitch mentioned his tasty chocolate, each piece obediently lay neatly, they were so plump that seem to explode if touched. Galantine couldn't hide her cravings anymore. Her forehead wrinkled up against glass layer, she smiled with Mr. Doswitch, even sweeter than those stunning pieces of chocolate.

- That must be true Mr. Doswitch. So... Can I experience that new flavor? The one covered in white nuggets?

Mr. Doswitch laughed loud, his laughter was just like an alarm rang all corners of the mall. He glared with adore toward Galantine's cute eyes, trying to fake an anger.

- Hmm. Is that all why you talked to me? You are trying to take advantage of me.

- I am not! - Galantine tiptoed to look taller. She akimboed, as to drown out the shop keeper. - It's you who talked about chocolate first.

Now that Mr. Doswitch just laughed helplessly, Galantine was too persuasive though, as well as irresistible. The shop owner shook his head and also his curly nut hair. His hands unconsciously opened the glass case, slowly crawled to the shining chocolate and handed it with all the passion to Galantine.

The girl felt that, Mr. Doswitch wholeheartedness, such things were extremely inspiring. Galantine no more considered the sweet piece just some delicious junk food, but an outstanding masterpiece, created under the most devoted artist, so-called.

But just as she was about to put the chocolate in her mouth, feeling the sweetness thawing through the veins of her tongue, the buster interrupted.  It was her brother, wearing an old windbreaker.  He opened the door so the bell rang. Galantine stopped there with the chocolate put down, surprise ran all over her face. Imagine a brother who goes to work away from home, came home out of the blue. The little girl was taken far aback. She screamed with amaze, jumped to her brother, hugging his legs tightly, moaned in such an unbelievable mood.

- It can't be!!! Paraboti, you're back.

Paraboti bent down to pick up his sister. He kissed her on the forehead hard before saying hello.

- Yes, Galantine. Mom said you're here. What are you doing here?

His skeptical tone of voice was more like coming from a conservative old man than a young man, which bothered Mr. Doswitch a bit. He had been an outsider for a while, but definitle Galantine didn't forget him. She drew her lovely eyes to the shop owner, excitedly introduced to her brother.

- This is Mr. Doswitch, our village's new comer. Can you believe that? And he sells chocolate, very delicious choco.

- Mr. Doswitch? Chocolate? - Paraboti unexpectedly repeated, expressed as if there's somthing struck him in memory, or just an awkward situation would happen. His mind cast back to the hooray of his co-workers in the office, as their opponent brand has lost the lawsuit. However as a gentle brother, he decided not to expose the shop owner immediately. He stared Galantine regretfully.

 - But I bought you chocolate as gift, too?

- What? - Now it's Galantine turn to feel wrong, she quickly found out the heart-shaped box with a bow tie on it tidily lay in her's brother pocket. Just a first glance did she know what's inside.

Mr. Doswitch suddenly found himself in a dilemma. His two customers, if had to be called, were confusingly staring at each other. He might be the only person who could cut the ice.

- Ahem... I suppose your brother's chocolate tatses much better, Galantine.

- Of course it is. - To Galantine and Mr. Doswitch shock, Paraboti rudely stated. How can he stand this man lying impudently - I remember you now. Mr. Doswitch of Dochocolate, right? That cowardice imitator, who just shamelessly copied our gracious chocolate brand, Monsious.

That name, that astounding name struck Mr. Doswitch so hard that his whole body went stiff. It was terrible, a terrible phobia, a nightmare haunted him till death. Mr. Doswitch's face turned white, the colour of fear, sweat was streaming down his forehead, his voice as if to shatter.

- No... No - Mr. Doswitch was shaking his head vigorously, he simply couldn't do anything else. a poor man trying to run away from the prejudices attributed to him. - I didn't copy them. God knows how devoted I am to this darling dish. There's no way I have to steal their ideas.

- Hah...How would a copycat admit it a copycat? - Paraboti smirked unpleasantly, raised his eyebrows and also his scornful tone - Didn't you fail to lie? And then ran to here like a rat? I can see why Northeme? A pitiful village with naive inhabitants. You will never give up on fooling others, right?

- I didn't... - Mr. Doswitch exclaimed desperately, but his reason was nothing else but shatters of words.

They're living in a world without mercy nor understanding, there's no point for Paraboti in sympathizing with Mr. Doswitch hard-to-tell story as a stranger, let alone his job as a content marketer for Monsious. He smirked again, tightly held Galantine in his hand as if she would jump out to protect that liar.

But it seems that he was overly concerned, Galantine had no intention of protesting, because Mr. Doswitch did not make any excuses either. A stern expression appeared to replace the kindness on his face. The moment he tried to beg for some faith from Galantine, what he received was the child's shock and disappointment.  Something inside her had just collapsed, fragments must be weighing down her heart.  Of course she is not mature enough to understand the situation throughoutly, all she knows is that the new friend, whom she hopes to become very close to, is a con man, hence her brother hated him and scorned him.

The two brothers disappeared through the glass wall, leaving Mr. Doswitch bowed his head helplessly and frustratedly.  Seeing that the white-nudget piece of chocolate which should have been Galantine's only made him feel worse. The old man then raised his head and looked around at the new store. Sad for the word "new", as his aesthetic appeal was just enough to ease the gloom of the room. He lacked the spirit, that vital fire that must exist in any businessman. He doesn't have it, isn't passionate  enough. Not only can he not create the joyful and warm ambience of a chocolate shop, but he also can't win the law suit against Monsious. Pitty enogh, that failure was bringing him down again. He sighed, got rid of the "Galantine's place". That's when a new guest suddenly came in, a very rich and successful woman she seemed. She wore full black, wide-brimmed hat covered half of her face, but still revealed erotic red lipstick. The first thing she did after opening that door was smoothly walked straight to the glass cabinet. Her vest  rested against it, the red tone of lipstick couldn't match more perfectly with her attractive voice.

- Mr. Doswitch? You moved here?

Mr. Doswitch was taken aback, he had no idea who the woman in front of him was. But she had the power of forcing others to speak even they didn't trust her completely.

- Y...yes, Ma'am. But, may I ask who you are?

The woman gracefully smiled, she adjusted her perfect hat for a moment before officially answer.

- I'm the most dedicated fan of Dochocolate. - She paused for a second, enjoyer Mr. Doswitch changing problems. - And I would like to buy the best chocolate bar you have.

Mr. Doswitch was startled, he mumbled the guest's request, then quickly regained his concentration. His hand lifted a bar of chocolate wrapped in gold tin foil, carefully handing it to the mysterious visitor. The smooth as slik movements of him, there's only one word to describe them - professional.

The woman seemed to be completely pleased. Her red lip slightly raised when she took the chocolate bar.

- I am deeply sorry you couldn't stand those hatred. But I also know that you wouldn't give up on your greatest passion. That's why I came here.

- Pardon? - Mr. Doswitch still couldn't catch up. He didn't remember the last time somebody said nice encouragement to him.

- To support you! - The classy guest didn't hold back anymore, her voice became so powerful and inspiring - They may boycott you, they may trample you, may harass you, may bash you with all the negative energy they have. But, I love your chocolate. My driver usually bought them for me so you find me unfamiliar, I have been your guests for so long, even before Monsious was established.

She stopped to gain her a breathe, getting ready for another long sentences. However, Mr. Doswitch was too emotional to continue. He just kept staring at his precious guest. Wasn't she like an angel, a hand given out when he was drowned. Running away was never the solution, that truth finally dawned on him. What he should have done was looking for someone who trust him, but he was not confident enough to do that.

- Thank you - He said emotionally, bit his lip until it turned red, all the worry inside him exploded. He couldn't do anything but repeating that - Thank you so much, you really brought about my fire.

- My pleasure, you deserve more than that, Mr. Doswitch. - The woman nodded her head. She's such a businesswoman, her car parked outside the shop had started to honk, urging her to return to continue her journey.

She left the money, and also the last encouragement.

- Good luck, hope to see you back on the bigger street than this one.


After the guest leaving, Mr. Doswitch was sank back to thoughts. Being back on the big street as he used to was a good idea. But he had already been in love with this Northeme, in love with the tranquility, the quiet, a little dull but always pleasant atmosphere here. Through all the ups and downs, he finally realized what he expects. It changed a little bit now, a new item was added to the list: chocolate, and Northeme.




September 14, 2020 16:11

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