The Door of a Hundred years

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



    My Mom told me that I shouldn’t go outside. Too many things going on. Too many reasons to worry about me. I don’t want to be a bother. 

    Both of my parents are off to work. Leaving me nothing to do in this old house. I ate breakfast alone today, which makes the house feel more empty. I wished that I had more things to do. I’m such a moron for thinking that it was a good idea to stay inside all day. I don’t have much to do.

    I feel bored just staring at the TV all day. My friends aren’t online and I honestly am going to hurt my eyes if I look at screens all day. 

    I stand up off my couch. My head becomes dizzy and my body stumbles a little. I almost fall over one step off of the couch. I laugh at myself.

    Then  I remembered something that I haven’t in a while. The attic. I could grab something from the attic. Like a deck of cards, or some books. Isn’t reading good for you? I haven’t read any books in a couple of days. 

    I walk over to my room and place my phone on my dresser. I don’t need this at the moment, I’m positive my parents are going to call me. They never do. They’d rather call the home phone. 

    This used to be my grandparent’s home, until they both passed away. It was recently until four months ago. We packed most of their belongings in the attic. It would be nice to see what my grandma wrote in her journals she would write in.

    It felt like I was going into another world being in the attic. The attic wasn’t terribly bad looking, despite how not cleaned it is. The place had two ceiling light bulbs, unlike in most movies you would see.  For some reason I wanted the attic to be my room. The room was quite huge, larger than my current room. 

    I found a spider on one of the boxes that my parents and I put away two days after their funeral. They didn’t want anyone but us to have their belongings and the rest of their money that was in their bank accounts.

    I jumped and took off my shoe. I chased after it and after a few minutes, I finally killed it. I must be out of shape or something. I laugh at myself. This makes me wish that I had pets to play around with. 

    I don’t know why but I walk over to an old bookshelf filled with books. Some of them are classics. It, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Lord of The Rings, and much more. They weren’t too into horror books though. It consisted more of historical fiction and romance. 

    Next to the bookshelf was a part of the wall that looked a little off. The quality of the wall seemed to be differing. I assumed that there was a door. 

    I put away the boxes I almost opened. Nails dug into the side of the door. The door quietly creaked. To be honest, it should have creaked. The hinges were all rusty from the years it must have not been used.

    As if I’d been sucked into a movie or a show, I’d been crawling around in a small and dark tunnel. Continuing to crawl through the tight space, a room reached the end of the tunnel. One that must’ve not been opened in years. 

    Dust and spiderwebs had clung and hung around the walls. Walking over to the shutter, I opened that too. The room, being so stuffy and humid, I had to change that. I have to get out for a moment, sticking out my nose through the shutter. 

    Knocking something over by accident, I looked at what the item was. It was a little box filled with letters and some journals. The kind that people have obviously made by hand. I thought better of it to move over to somewhere else to read them. I checked in a little desk with a mirror, if I was able to find any valuables. None whatsoever. If there was, someone must have moved them. It seemed like the kind of one that people would store jewelry in.

    I crawled back into the attic and returned into the living room. Maybe this would be a good video for blogging. This could get me more views than I usually would. Click bait or not to click bait, is the question. If I do it, I could risk getting people disappointed from what I found. 

    I go to my old camera and turn it on. I pressed the record button and the light started flashing. 

    Starting my video, I tell my audience, “Hello, everyone, it’s the weirdo here. For today, since there hasn’t been much for me to do, I decided to go around and take a look in my attic. I had not been in there for four months, before today.”

    I told the audience about the experience and stuff like that. Continuing, I told them, “Now from that weird and creepy room, I discovered these letters and a journal in there. Now it may be creepy, boring, sad or a romance going on in here.” I set the box in front of the camera and dramatically opened it.

    Feeling a little nervous, I forced my hands not to shake. I felt a little excited to see them. I’ve heard so many creepy and terrifying things people have found in old letters, but then there’s that chance where there could be some old time money currency in there. Depending on how old it is, it could cost more than it is, or I could auction it off.

    Then I took a moment to look at the mail heading and who it was written for and stuff. The stamp could be a collector’s item as well. The letter was sent in 1898. Everything in there had been handwritten, excluding the stamp and maybe the paper. 

    I showed the camera the envelope and how yellowish-brown the paper became. I exclaimed, “That’s so weird to look at. In real life, not everyone finds weird yellowing paper anymore and for it to be in real life and not in some movie.” 

    I opened the neatly and already opened letter. There was one sheet of paper. I checked the back if they would also write on the back, but I found they didn’t do that. 

    I read it out loud, scanning the letter.

    To condense it all down, basically this letter is about how this lady named Mindy is writing to her boyfriend who is courting or seeing her. The letter is pretty vague. It explains that she would like to meet up with him, after learning that he was single and ready to mingle. And then something else was written on the paper.

    Have you heard of The Door of a Hundred Years?

    Then there was something else in the envelope. Another letter. This could be the guy who wrote back to her and maybe handed it to her or something. 

    He seemed to answer her strangely. He wrote to her as some normal person would in the first part of the letter. At the end of it, the handwriting turned worse. It asked, Why did you open it? Why, Mindy. You know that the last one who opened it died.

    I stopped looking at the letters. That was very very odd. Why did his handwriting change? And who died? Am I going to be haunted and die next?

    It seemed so familiar, the handwriting. I had to ask my parents if these people were related to us. Some very intimate things are in the letters that I may or may not be allowed to talk about. Then I found my great grandmother’s birth certificate. And a tiny windup box was stuffed in there, I didn’t see it from first glance but it appeared to be just as old as these letters are. 

    “Does this even work anymore?” I question after the realization that the item is a musical box.

    I bet it sounds nice if it continued to play nicely. I heard some here and there from antique shops. They had those sweet sounds that parents would play for their infants. I turned the handle around on the box. As I said, the notes on the music box are nice. Then ten seconds into the song, the melody turned a bit… creepy. Maybe something in the gears has rusted. 

    A piece of me thought otherwise. It could be a ghost that was trapped in there. That’d be a good ghost story to tell my friends. Surprisingly I felt wrong… so wrong…

    I don’t scare easily while I’m by myself. But this feeling was different. As if a person had been watching me all this time. I could put this music box and letters back. My hands started to shake. My back arches, like it’s been touched by someone. The one spot on my back felt eerily cold and weird.

I return from downstairs. The attic looked somehow darker with more shadows. I didn’t pay much mind to it. I just ate lunch, a sandwich was all I felt hungry for. I had to force myself on the sandwich. 

From the spot beyond the opened hidden door in the attic, I saw two hands holding up a little sign. 

Do you want to re-enter the Door of a hundred years?

☐Yes                             ☐No  

Then music played from the cardboard box. Eerie and sometimes scratchy notes came from the music box inside of it. 

March 26, 2020 00:30

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