Bedtime Romance Teens & Young Adult

It was wintertime. Everybody loves wintertime, don't they? Making a snowman, snow fights, having fun, maybe having chat with friends that was all needed to escape away from the boring world we're living in. I wanted no different than that, but everybody doesn't get what they wanted in their life.

It was like any other regular day of my life, or at least I thought it was.

The day was pleasant like any other day of winter. Whatever, I didn't like being there at school felt like I was in some kind of solitary confinement. Rules, punctuation, discipline, homework, Feels like living the same day over and over again.

Although it was very bright outside, my mind was full of darkness. I actually never wanted to be here at school, but the place where I live requires me to complete at least 12th grade to even get a driving license. Was I in school just for my future driving license? Kind of, yes. Actually, my mom sent me there to get a good education. I did not want to disappoint my mom after all so I was at school just for my mom. With this much of a problem on my side, I had never even considered anything about getting the love of my life at the worst phase of my life. But boy, was I wrong.

Later that day, as I was passing my time staring at an empty space. A new student was called by the teacher. She was told to introduce herself. I still remembered to this day, she said," My name is LARA, I am a new student here, It will be a pleasure studying with you guys. She was so beautiful that I was mesmerized by her presence in the class. The class was looking like a monster to be looking at an angle. Everybody wanted her to sit on their bench, so all of the boys spare a little space for her to sit. I was sitting alone on the last bench. Without considering other benches, she came near me and said excuse me, I didn't answer I was too nervous to speak. I slide aside for giving her some space to sit. The class which felt like hours felt like a couple of seconds to me. Other days I would be staring at empty space while today I am looking at her eyes. Her eyes felt like the blue romantic ocean I just felt like somebody threw a bucket of water to my face, I was no longer wondering anything at all instead of her. She asked me "hello, you alright, hi myself Lara and you?" she waved her hand for a handshake but I let her down by showing no gesture or any reply. Some days went by, but I never managed to talk to her as I came late and leave early.

One day while I was walking home, alone from school for the whole day staring at her like a creep, I heard someone say, "hey" from a little far away. I didn't look back. This time the voice was louder like the caller was near. I looked behind, and it was Lara. I got surprised and shocked at the same time. I was scared she was here to confess about how I was staring at her the whole day.

She just said, "Hi, are you fine" I shook my head. She introduced me to her one more time, just like she did on the first day. "What's your name?" she asked. I just stood there thinking nothing but blank, for some seconds then I said I'm k.. ken. She raised her hand and said, "hi ken, nice to meet you." I nervously moved my hand towards her and said, "Nice to meet you too." We both shook our hands and walks along with our own ways. From that day I started talking with her in school.

I became best friends with her and our friends took to the next level and soon we found ourselves bound within a relationship. The day has come to our graduation. That day I was really nervous and she was as chilled as ice. While the names were being announced I was praying to get graduated. It felt like the announcer spoke some magical words, It was my name and I finally got graduated as well as she.

During our college, we both turned 18. We both had a pretty good job while in college. It was the time I finally proposed to her. I was nervous my hands were shaking. My voice was low It was the time I finally gathered courage and kneel down and propose to her with the ring. She only spoke one word, Yes. I cried tears of joy and felt extremely happy for the first time in my life.

 Eventually, we got legally married. It was not like we had no problems, but we had each other till forever so no problem ever made us cry.

We were only legally married we never had a celebration so we decided to do a small marriage celebration. On the day of the celebration, I was going to surprise my mom, I got a call that she sadly passed away due to a heart attack. I was devastated and broke. We canceled our celebration and we never had any ever.

Shortly after, we adopted 2 twin daughters and had a biological son. we never treat any of our children unfairly. We serve the organization for more than 40 years. we were already grandparents by then so we retired. Now I consider myself lucky to have grandparents like you." Now I am telling them stories right now", grandpa laughs and told the grandchildren. "But you didn't tell us the whole story", It was many years ago," I don't remember them all but what was the moral of the story?", grandpa asked.

Grandma, who was also listening to the story said, "Loving can be quite hard sometimes, but if you managed to hold each other's hand until the rest of your life, you will always be happy no matter any problem comes by."

The grandpa smiled and kissed grandma on the forehead.

A couple of Ken and Lara is still as beautiful as it was.

February 19, 2021 18:29

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Holly Fister
22:43 Feb 24, 2021

Hi! Critique Circle: I followed until the end when the narrator seemed to switch. I thought Ken was telling the story, and at the end it sounded like one of his grandchildren was speaking? A little clarity in that area might be helpful. Sweet story and moral.


14:40 Mar 12, 2021

I think you are right i had a little rush over a story due to my unfinished assignments which sure gave me less time to work with story so sorry for mistakes. I was gonna touch some parts of force marrige and sexism here because these are some big issues where i live but i just rushed the story because i had to do lot of assignments


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