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Crime Drama Fiction

Ben drove home after a long day at his accounting office. It was late Friday night. As he drove up to the house, overlooking Mailibu beach, he enjoyed views of the ocean. He and his family were taking a vacation to Hawaii in a few days to celebrate his twin boys, Nathan and Gabe graduating from Harvard. The boys had been home from college for about a month, getting ready for the big trip. It was sunset as Ben arrived at the beautiful home. Ben and his wife Beth had worked hard for this home. Ben as an accountant and Beth as an architect. They both designed the house of their dreams. It was modern with a French Country accent. The house was modern with beautiful gardens. Ben parked in the 4 car garage. He noticed Beth’s car was parked, but the boys cars were not there. He thought, ah well, its Friday night after all. Ben was planning to help Beth with packing , but first they had planned dinner on the patio with a glass of wine. As Ben entered the mud room, that led to the kitchen. He called out for Beth but no reply. He noticed the side door of the kitchen that led into the garden was open. He stepped out into the garden and called for Beth, no answer. He walked through the beautiful chefs white kitchen. No sign of Beth. He noticed a piece of paper scrunched up on the floor. He thought nothing of it. He headed upstairs to the master bedroom to change into shorts and a T shirt. As he entered the master bedroom, he noticed a blood spatter on the wall. His heart leapt and he felt nauseated. He screamed out for Beth, and suddenly saw her on the floor with multiple stab wounds. He kept screaming her name. He somehow was able to check for a pulse and a breath. He soon realized his beloved Beth was dead. He called 911, then he collapsed next to Beth.

About 3pm that day, Dawn rang the doorbell. Beth heard the doorbell, but felt a little irritated, since she had so much to do. She hurried to the door, and Dawn who is Nathan’s girlfriend, was there. Dawn said“ surprise, I have treats for your plane trip”. Beth was very appreciative, but had no time to chat. Dawn followed Beth into the Master bedroom, where Beth continued to pack. Beth said it was lovely to see Dawn, but that she had so much to do for the trip, that she couldn’t stop to chat. Dawn felt annoyed,, but tried to pretend she wasn’t. She said no problem, but as she began to leave, her rage grew. Beth continued packing. Dawn felt enraged. As she walked through the kitchen to leave the house, the rage overwhelmed her, she grabbed a large knife, and returned to the master bedroom. Beth was facing away from Dawn, Dawn stabbed Beth several times in the back. Beth fell to the ground. Dawn screamed with fright from what she had just done and she ran down to the kitchen, and as she was about to leave through the mud room, she noticed an envelope addressed to her. She was shaking, but opened the note. It read, “ Dawn, we would love you to join us on our trip to Hawaii. Here is your plane ticket, and hotel details. We will be leaving on Sunday, for two weeks. This is a surprise for Nathan also, so please don’t mention to him. I was unable to get you on the same flight as us, but you will fly out on Monday, just one day later. Ben and I are so happy for you to join us, love Beth”. Dawn’s heart sank, what had she done!! She ran out of the house crying.


Earlier in the day, Dawn had joined her boyfriend Nathan, his twin brother Gabe, and Gabe’s girlfriend, Molly for lunch. Gabe had dated Molly for years. They even knew each other since middle school. Dawn had just known Nathan for one year. They all got on quite well together, but Dawn seemed to have this nagging feeling that Nathan’s mother, Beth, was not keen on her. Molly seemed to fit in well with the family. She was a childhood friend of the boys, and Dawn felt jealous of Molly, although she did like Molly. The boys and Molly chatted about the upcoming trip to Hawaii. Molly was almost like family, so it seemed natural she was invited, but Dawn felt soo left out. Dawn decided to pay a visit to Beth later in the day, to persuade Beth it would be fun for Dawn to go to Hawaii too.

It was Christmas before the twins graduated. The twins had invited their girlfriends to the family home for Christmas and New Years. They all had a wonderful Christmas. Everyone got along very well. After dinner on New Years Eve, Ben made a toast, saying he was proud of his boys getting through Harvard, with one more semester to go. Ben then told the boys they would be taking a family trip to Hawaii. The boys were very excited and hugged their mum and dad. On New Years Day, they all went to a neighbors house for New Years Brunch. Molly was chatting and mentioned. Gabe’s parents had also invited her on the family trip. Dawn overheard this, and felt left out, and upset. She felt she got along well with the family. She couldnt understand why she wasnt invited. She went to one of the bathrooms and cried. She felt is was Beth’s decision to leave her out. She was not good enough for the family. Beth had attended a community college. She was not Ivy league material. She was brought up in a single household with her mother working two jobs.

Sometimes in life, we get the wrong impression, thinking someone may not like you, but they actually do.

April 17, 2021 02:00

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1 comment

15:46 May 01, 2021

I cannot read this right now because I’m out with my family, but respond to this and I’ll be able to check out your story later tonight. ☺️


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