American Contemporary Happy

  Devoir my morning tea. It ran through my esophagus and my belly knocking to remind me my most comfort area my glamour – graceful bathroom. Had a gentle & perfumed bath. My mind pushed me to my dress area. I choose to wear a bright charming green shirt and caramel shade trousers feeling so carefree. My coffee bean shaded shoes added to my breezy feel again. My own species of veg sandwich with ginger tea says ‘it’s already time for the endeavour, let’s start my friend’. I stepped out of my rented apartment with an auspicious smile.

The day was bright with sunny stalking me from the backside of the sky-scraper with smiling face. I smiled back because I knew she always intended the best for me. She is burning without limits for all of us. She is loving and warm. She arrives to hug us but I have used the mask of sun-screen believing in myths and made up stories. But still I always had a crush on her because she is someone with high-standards. Usually she isn’t this nice on Sunday mornings. Don’t know why she’s so excited today. Maybe her husband would have arrived after 28 days of field trip from the other end of earth.

Suddenly I saw Oliwer on my way through the wide but not so wide street. He is proudly (not exactly) sitting inside his newly bought brand new Honda civic. I just waved my hands to which he gave a wink and a smile. The music system inside the car made thudding noise and I walked to it’s rhythm. Oliwer used to be one of the best students from my pre-university class. He always had a positive approach to everything. He always faced challenges with optimism because he believed in himself. He never felt any less motivated when he scored less marks. I always admired him. I got my positive and care-free approach from him. Whenever I gets skeptical, he supported me by saying “ believe in yourself man, you are powerful” and I felt relieved whenever he said it aloud to all of us. Even though he never really cared about friendships and all, everyone loved and praised him. He is still the same with that high-level confidence and off-beat spirit. In today’s he is an exception because he is never jealous of anyone or anyone’s success. Time passed by while walking through that ally thinking about him and all those teenage pranks we have planned and executed as a team during those old high school days. It was really fun back then. I’m almost my destiny and I saw it from about fifty meters.

That blue apartment located at the far end of the city. It’s just opposite to a farm house; multi-coloured cattle were there. Smell of cows and sweet milk aroma-filled air. The owner guided me to the said apartment which is vacant. It’s ninth floor, 802 number. He just opened the door. I entered the flat. First is living room, milky-white painted. Second, bedroom painted white. Then kitchen, the balcony & bathroom all glittering with clean & innocent white paint. I just inhaled the pure air. A positive energy living around that building. I just entered the bedroom. A very short but lengthy window welcomed me with an honest smile. I wished to open that window and the very moment it opened itself guiltlessly. I wondered!! An amazing world, a real greenery, cow yard, small ponds, lots & lots of cattle engaged in their daily exercises like jogging, walking, eating, drinking, singing, playing, dancing, sleeping, meditating, yoga. They are in their dream world ; creation field. They felt so light, free, fearless, confident, courageous, tension-free, unbothered about the next moment, next step, next day. They are just enjoying. They are so much attached to this nature. I felt like I am a boon companion of that gang.

I just flied down to the cow yard. They were holding my hands closer to them and gave me a speechless, heated hug. I………… just bowled over. An affable, real nature’s glowing kisses, all around my body. I am flowing in the love of milk. In truth, a child dipped in the ice-cream bowl. ‘Oh!! that smell. Indeed virgin smell’. Unstained love, the universal love and I got melted in that environment. I felt mesmerizing words. ‘This is your life. This is your world, where there is no windows, no doors, no rules, no formalities, no restrictions, no enemies, no competitions, no fees, no taxes, no rents, no cost at all. Everything is free. Everything is pure. Everything is in your access. Everywhere full of gushing pure innocent love & spring of enjoyment. Treasure of delight, endless affection, intimacy and unalloyed enjoyment’. I have never tasted such an artless sweet influence. Lots of puppies, chickens and ducks were playing there. Butterflies dancing on my head. Crystal clear dazzling water in the pond took snaps of the cordial rainbow meeting. The real glamour power of magnetism.

In this universe there is no words to express the true beauty of artless simple life. No burdens, responsibilities, complaints, jealous, command, orders, guilt, cruelty, insult, torture, luxuries, imprisonments in human life, fear of society, fear of family members, fear of government, fear of corporates, fear of business, fear of bank loan, fear of job, fear of cast, creed, rituals & dogmas, fear of cash, fear of position, fear of promotion, fear of house, fear of politics, fear of goons and fear of security. Fly like a free bird. That’s the natural living. Completely relaxed.

Suddenly there arise an alarming sound. My phone’s ringtone. And I noticed the owner of the apartment restlessly waiting for my decision to choose the apartment for rent or not. I just gave a glittering smile and stood up from the window side and closed the window very slowly and said “thank you”, to him and got vanished from that apartment. He was murmuring “ that window gave him a wonderful apartment in his life “ and I joined that farm house and became a member of that nature’s family. The real family. The true family member. The never ending nature’s family.  

June 11, 2021 16:28

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