Romance Sad Fantasy

The darkness and snow subjugated the night. It's the vernal season to flowers. The moon dressed up white saree to the widowed sea fishes.

Through the window strung of the train, Poet MeeraPeriyan was measuring another side of the day.

The dreams which he had dreamed in the womb, failed in the litter bin.

He also flickered in that world by getting membership as an orphan in the address lost home of flowers.

If he wishes balloons, he will get foam bubbles. If he gets hungry on eggs, he will get some churned rice. Like these, he proposes something and the god disposes of same thing in his life.

The love he kept on his mother without seeing her face, has been fulfilled through his mother tongue.

He says the butterflies as the sky, dewdrop as an ocean, flutes as babies, clouds as doves. He has created another type of world through his unique views.

Even he has the heap of displeased wounds in his heart, he accepted that life satisfactorily.

He was returning to the orphanage home to see Meera, with the hand of National Award which he received in Delhi for his song, the had written in cinema.

He started to turn the beginning of this year as the memories of last year diary with tear leaked eyes.


A reader's letters inverted his life. Meera's letters were the carving chisel to Priyan in this criticism filled the world as the spiders live in the dilapidated house.

He had shared all the pains and disappointments from his birth to today. There is no cunning or hypocrisy.

Only the post box carried the two hearts from there to here and here to there in the shape of letters.

Today he feels loneliness, even he sits among the crowd on the beach, the place he likes most. He started to travel in the search of Meera.

Consciously and also unconsciously.

It is the start of the week, as usual, he was waiting for Meera's letter.

The letter, that doesn't know to play hide and seek like the eyes, was received. The letter which he had received is not only a paper but also Meera's heart.

My heartiest greetings to the poet who carves me!

If your Tamil is an ocean, I wish to be the wave. I want to see your eyes. For a while, I want to cry, leaning in your chest. I have the desire to kiss you. I tie myself until lips are in reticence and get your consent. You feel that you don't know your mom's face. At that moment, my eyes cry for you than yours. You want to sleep in my lap. That should be continued till death. I am learning a lullaby only for you. When you read this letter, I will have finished that. My dad's properties are in the number of crores for me. but I don't know what the mother's love is. Your letters are the handkerchiefs that wipe my tears. I wish to become a servant in your home. My soul, my body, and my flesh also should be belonged to you.

Your loving,

- Meera -


Dear Meera,

I am owed to wash your feet with my tears. Come into me as my beloved soul and sense. You have kept me in your heart safely. The letters you had written for me are the wombs where I live. I have hurt you any time as the tears in your eyes. Please forgive me. You accepted this flute, that nobody wishes to buy as your baby. The tears from your eyes for me sweeten as breastfeeding in my throat. My dreams frittered as salt. I got a chance to pen lyrics in the cinema because of Meera's luck. I will buy and bring you a silk saree in the color of rose which you love a lot and an earning to sing my name in your ears until death, in my first-month salary. Meera Please accept those without refuse. I am waiting with tears for you as a baby.

With Love

- Meera Priyan -


He was waiting for Meera's advent. He felt greater happiness like the flying of thousand butterflies.

Time was flowing perfectly as the rivers. Suddenly, his phone rang unexpectedly.


'Hello Sir, I am calling from G.H. Who is Meera to You?'

( Breath struck. Words stumbled as low birth delivery)

'Sir..., Sir..., What happened to Meera...?'

"Please Listen, Don't get nervous. Nothing to worry about Meera. ( His heart controlled the riots of a heartbeat but his thoughts were throbbing like the earthworm which was tramped by leg ) But her father passed away on the spot. Can you please come immediately, sir?"

The sudden whistle sound of the fast train controlled Meera Priyan's past memories and brought his mind to present. Hereafter, his hands don't have the energy to turn the page of his diary. His mind also tired.


His travel took time more than half of the day. The sky was captured among the illusion of the dusk.

The group of children played like the pigeons which have small hands and legs. The pearls were looking up the kites, fighting with hawks. Even the god did the mistakes in their body parts, they were like the wingless parrots and were saying a message to god with smiling lips. The people who granted lots of love adopted the shade of the banyan tree.

His every step remembered the past from gracing to standing up.

Kanmani Amma, the breath of that orphanage home; he was waiting in her room. with the award and some bags. A few minutes later.

Priyan, When did you come ( He hugged Kanmani Amma by her words. The tears overflowed )

Amma, If you were not to me, I would never have achieved this. If you didn't see me that day I would be the prey to street dogs. ( Kanmani Amma shut his mouth with her hand as she doesn't want to hear any more. )

Priya..., What did you bring me? ( At once, he gave a white color saree to Kanmani Amma she kissed him on his cheek )

Amma, Here are the clothings to all in our home. Some sweetmeats and toys to children. ( Kanmani Amma's heart was filled by the brightness of his love ) Whilst he took another bag.

Amma, this is for...,

For Meera, Am I right?

Smiled with tears,

Yes ma, This is for Meera. Rose colored silk saree and an earring as I promised her.

Priya... After you went from here, She didn't eat well Go and see her.

He ran to Meera's room quickly.

At the age of three into eight (3x8=24) years, Meera was pushed off to the condition of a baby. by that accident. Her womb also removed by the operation as she was injured in the stomach.

Time hurt him with so many tests.

His heart came into Meera's room before him. The evening, she enjoyed tied her in the darkness. Priyan's eyes searched Meera with love. His eyes found her crouching in the corner of the room. He switched on the lights. She shined like the angel.

Her face was fade away, her hair seemed complex like knots. She was in the darkness during these two days. Her eyes were blinking, seeing the light.

His heart melted like the candle for Meera,

When he sat near Meera, he felt the bad smell from her mouth. In the last two days, she didn't bathe, so he started to freshen her.

Meera faced this accident before meeting Priyan. But, by fate, she obeyed and listened to his words like the baby hugs the mom.

Priyan was adjusting Meera's dress for bathing Meera's nakedness also made him feel the purity as he sees himself.

Then, he brushed Meera's teeth, enjoying her naughtiness.

He dressed up her that saree and the earnings. He forgets himself, Looking at Meera's face.

The expression of tears in his eyes without no reason.

Priyan embraced her and sat in the chair, which was like a father teach the child to walk stepping the child's feet on his feet.

'Baby ma.., Just open your mouth... Eat this please da...'

He was begging to Meera to make to eat sometimes she eats and many time she refuses,

Only Priyan knows her play trick.

He cleaned the food on her lips and gave water to her.

she leaned on his shoulder as usual.

Priyan felt these all as God's enigma play which makes Meera not to understand what is happening around her.

His head touched Meera's head, they leaned on each other.

He looked Meera to see whether Meera was sleeping or not when finishing his last chapter of the poem compilation "The Battle Of Cells 14 Under 14". Meera was thinking something late at night.

Priyan kissed on her forehead.

If she sleeps leaning in his shoulder, he would take her in his hand as carrying flowers.

The spit from Meera's mouth. When Priyan tried to lap it the pen fell down.

The Shredded unfadable flower holds the pen.


June 08, 2021 18:00

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Mohamed Musthak
10:22 Jun 15, 2021

Amazing story👏 Keep going👌👌👏👏👏


Mohamed Sarfan
18:03 Jun 15, 2021

Thank You!


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Mohamed Mubeen
09:41 Jun 15, 2021

Super story


Mohamed Sarfan
18:03 Jun 15, 2021

Thank You!


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Afrar Ahamed
06:54 Jun 15, 2021

Super bro.... Go ahead bro .....


Mohamed Sarfan
07:30 Jun 15, 2021

Great Pleasure! Thank You So Much


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Abdullah Azam
06:45 Jun 15, 2021

keep going


Mohamed Sarfan
07:29 Jun 15, 2021

Great Pleasure!


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Nancy Mary
06:25 Jun 15, 2021

Amazing story👏 Keep going👌👌👏👏👏


Mohamed Sarfan
07:29 Jun 15, 2021

Great Pleasure! Thank You So Much Friend


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Thilwan Mim
06:19 Jun 15, 2021



Mohamed Sarfan
07:29 Jun 15, 2021

Thank You!


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Fazaal Ahmed
06:10 Jun 15, 2021

Good effort Brother Keep it up 👍🏻


Mohamed Sarfan
07:29 Jun 15, 2021

Inspiring Feedback! Thank You So Much My Dear Friend


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