Romance Sad Thriller

This story contains sensitive content

(Warning contains death, su!cide, murder, Language, mental health issues) 

Oh, my god’s I got to start getting out more Zak told himself. Zak was a man who would normally go out for a run in the morning run. Just so he could get it out of the way, so he didn’t have to do it during the day. He was a very independent person, he never really cared about other people’s opinions innless it was his big brothers' opinions. But he lived alone. His job was research and Youtuber during his free time. (Anyways back to the story) Zak saw a woman sitting on a bridge he walks past all the time the bridge was never stable. It can’t hold cars trucks or any kind of vehicle, but it could hold runners and joggers crossing/passing by. Zak went up to this mysterious figure but once he got close enough, she vanished, he was really confused. Hello who are you the spirit said gently and quietly. Zak was wondering where that voice was coming from, he looked all around and still no one was around. He started to get a little worried that he was going crazy. Hello who’s there show yourself Zak calling out to get a response. At this point 5 minutes had passed and there was still no response so Zak just started to walk away. No pls don’t go it’s lonely here the spirit said in a worried scared voice. OKAY IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY SHOW YOURSELF THEN I WILL PROBLAEY CONSIDER STAYING JUST SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE, Zak called out. The spirit eventually showed herself in front of him was a brown-haired girl with bright blue eyes. With her wearing coral pink rose dress. She looked scared, sad, and desperate for a friend that she actually apologized for making Zak upset. Zak looked into her eyes and wanted to help her, but she was already gone dead he couldn’t help a dead person. Well, I don’t know how to help you because you’re already dead, but you are beautiful, and I can visit you every now and then, Zak said. She grew of exciment. Wait so you will visit me sometimes finally I have someone to talk to the spirit told Zak. What’s your name, tho Zak asked her. Oh, my name is Hannah what's yours Hannah replied. My name is Zak, he told Hannah. They planned to meet up a lot and never really fell in love, but they were really close friends. Zak never knew he would become best friends with a ghost. As months passed Zak asked how she died, and it was deep. So, Hannah, how did you die, Zak asked. Hannah was a little nervous to answer the question, but they had been friends for a while, so she answered. I died by um hanging myself underneath the bridge Hannah replied. Zak was shocked he was expecting that she was murder or attacked by an animal but killing herself he wondered why she would do that. They sat there in silence for a little bit, but he asked. Why did you kill yourself but if your uncovertebral answering you don’t have to answer Zak told her. I offed myself because I couldn’t handle my life anymore, I had to many meltdowns, and I did not feel like going to a doctor or therapist, so I came here Hannah told Zak. Once I hung myself, I started to regrated it and try to yell for help but no one came and after my final breath I told myself I would help anybody that tried to do it to themselves Hannah also told Zak. Hannah goes to explain the whole back story and as she explains more, and Zak grew angry. Because Hannah didn’t deserve to be treated horrible, so he decided to give her moments that she would love. So every time He came to the bridge he would do or bring something special for them to do this always brought Hannah joy. Eventually Zak started feeling lonely every time he went home and felt depressed. He realized he was falling in love with a spirit that killed herself 4 weeks before Zak found out. So they didn’t have an age gap, they were the same age. But if he offed himself on the bridge Hannah would know and save him. So he was going to tell her a quote that he was told a little while back. (The next day) Hey Hannah can I tell you something Zak said. Of course, Zak what Hannah replied. Well there one quote I learned from a friend Zak said. Oh what’s the quote she said curiously.” The quote was you treat other’s as other treat you” Zak told Hannah. Hannah was shocked to hear that but she knew he had a point. Also Zak pointed out that if he were to die on that bridge he would kill anybody who would take advantage of Hannah he would end the lives but would only save the ones that were desperate for death. When Hannah herd Zak mumble that to himself she was scared and worried. Finally the truth came out. HANNAH I SOME HOW FELL INLOVE WITH YOU I KNOW YOUR DEAD AND IT’S NOT POSSIBLE FOR AN ALIVE PERSON TO BE WITH A SPIRIT I CAN’T HELP IT THATS WHY I WANT TO DIE ON THE BRIDGE SO BAD Zak told her. Hannah’s eyes widened she wasn’t expecting that to be coming out of Zak’s mouth. Zak I understand and I feel the same way about you but I can’t let you off yourself because I care about you too much Hannah said. As they talk Hannah doesn't see that Zak is slowly pulling a very thin string that he previously tied around his neck. Eventually Zak passes out rarely breathing Hannah freaking out not knowing what to do she can’t call for help because she’s just a helpless a ghost and doesn't know what was harming him. So she eventually gave up and let him go but saw him laying on the other side of the bridge but he looked different almost like he was a spirit that was going to taunt people who aren’t thankful of there life. She got closer and it was Zak. Yes she was happy she fell in love with and got close to finally with her but she felt guilt so much guilt to the point where she wanted to apologize. When Zak woke up he was confused. What where am I why do I look and feel different Zak asked when he looked up at Hannah. He realized she felt guilt and that he fucked up and that he should have never done what he did. But he was trapped there. We got each other Zak don’t worry you confused on something you let me know Hannah promised him. One day tho a group of friends heard about that Zak and Hannah haunt the bridge and decided to risk it and jump as all of them jump. Hannah realized it this and went to try to go save them but Zak stopped her. They are testing your patience don’t save them there not worth it Zak said. As years went on Hannah saved the depurate and Zak killed the people who would try to test there mercy. Zak showed NO mercy to anyone to those who jumped for fun and games. It got to the point where people called Zak a demon and Hannah an angel because Hannah saved people.  (This is just a story I previously typed on a word document and part of it reminded me of this prompt not proper english but whatever)

October 13, 2023 17:15

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