Adventure Fiction Horror

 “By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire.” I told the two police officers but they looked at me with disbelief. “Don’t you guys believe me?” 

“Totally, we just need to understand it a little bit better. Can you tell us the story from the beginning?” One of the police officers asked. He looked professional and truly wanted to help me. The other one was a grumpy old man. He looked like he didn’t want to be here at all. 

“Do I have to tell it again?” I asked annoyed. 

“Yes, for us to understand what your doing here you need to tell us what happened!” The grumpy officer yelled. 

“O.k, I’ll tell you. It all started with my normal morning jog. I was running back home when I knocked into a handsome young fella. He was about five ten with a muscular build. Of course like any clumsy girl I fell on my face. The man stopped like he wanted to help me but after a few minutes he continued his walk. I couldn’t believe it that moron couldn’t care to help me. I was angry and I yelled furiously at him. I wasn’t going to be taken lightly.  He wasn’t either, the young man stop dramtically, and then he put up his hand and gave me the finger. I wanted to go up to his face and punch him but I kept my calm. In my neighborhood I was the nice girl, and I was going to keep it that way. After brushing myself off I continued on: or I tried to. My Legs started to feel numb and I couldn’t feel them.”

“Your legs, were numb?” The nice officer asked. 

“Yeah, they were numb but I’m not sure what caused it.” 


“I got home after walking three blocks and started icing them, thinking that it would help the numbness go away. Though, it didn’t and after trying several times I gave up deciding it would be best to leave it alone.”

“Did you leave it alone?” The nice officer asked. 

“No, of course she didn’t,” the grumpy officer yelled slamming his fist at the table. “We heard this story a billion times!” 

“I know, I’m just making sure.” The nice officer told his partner. 

“Yeah, it looks like you weren’t listening for the passed billion times she’s told us this. Though no matter how many times you ask her, your not satisfied.” The grumpy officer tarted back. 

“I’m sorry for interrupting, I promise I’ll try to do better.” The nice officer apologize. 

Thank you and it’s no promblem, I’m just glad someone can try to believe in me.” I said looking at the grumpy officer. He gave me a smirk which I returned one back, he wasn’t happy. “Anyways, after trying multiple ways to uninvited my legs, I decided to go up the stairs and go take a bath. After a few minutes of waiting, I stripped down and went into the tub. When my skin contacted the water, it was cold. Erich didn’t make any sense since I turned it on hot a few minutes ago. I didn’t want to deal with waiting any longer so I turned on the drain for the tub and turned on my shower. Again, my water was cold against my skin. So I decided to get dressed and call a mechanic, which led to them telling me that they would fix my promblem in a few days. I couldn’t wait that long and I wasn’t going to because I needed my daily exercise. I also needed to have my shower so I wouldn’t smell like a boy. No offense to you two.” 

“Offense taken,” the grumpy officer growled. 

“Don’t worry, we get.” The other officer said sweetly. 

“Though, in the situation I was in I was like a boy not wanting to wait for any help. Not even to ask for help either. I got my tools and went into my basement and went to go fix my heater. 

“Did your legs work mam,” the grumpy old man asked trying to hold his anger in. 

“They did, in fact they went back to normal until I started walking up the stairs.” 

“This is when you heard screams right?” The nice cop asked. 

“Indeed it was, and boy was I foolish. I went outside just to see that it was the Halloween decorations. I screamed in fury, I wanted to know what was going on with me. Was I getting sick? Am I going mentally insane? The anwsers had to be somewhere. After my screaming I went inside to go get a cup of coffee but once again the universe was out to get me. My power went out, so I decided to light a candle. Could’ve I used a flashlight? Yeah, but the luck I had I wasn’t going to take my chances. I carefully headed to my garage looking for the electric panel. I found the panel but somehow the air got really thick making it hard to breath and by the time I stepped outside for the billionth time, the leaves were on fire. I was shaken and went inside. I went to the sink putting cold water onto my face. I had to be dreaming, there was no further explanation. I went outside again and the leaves were still burning, making everthing burn. I could’ve worn that if we add Zombies it would’ve made a perfect apocalypse movie. I went inside hoping that I would be safe, only  to see that a burning leaf was in my house. It started to burn and it engulfed my house. I don’t know how, I made it out alive but luckily I survived.” 

“What about your legs, did they survive too?” The grumpy officer asked, smirking at me. He knew the anwser. 

“Oh, they stop being numb, afterdrinking some coffee, I think my sugar was just low.” 

“Well, I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear?” 

“Good news,” I told him. I was exited was I finally going to say to my friends this was all a dream. 

“Well, there is no good news! You're dead because you couldn’t escape your dump house!” The grumpy old man yelled. He laughed evilly while the nice cop tried to reason with me. I exited the room, the building, wondering how I dead. I saw some people looking in the distance. I wondered what they were looking at. So I gathered with them and saw that indeed the leaves were burning as my house was in flames. I could see my dead corpse seeing that I had a pumpkin spiced candle in my hand. I guess I should’ve taken that flashlight after all. 

I closed the book, finishing the story, a kid’s hand shot up. 

“Hey Mrs. K, why are the leaves burning outside?” A kid asked. 

I went towards the window rubbing my eyes. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the leaves were actually burning. I took a deep breath and answered the kids' questions. 

“Well, I guess it’s fall, it’s killing season.” I told my class. The kids all started to gather around the room as if they were ready to face their doom. I on the other hand was freaking out on the inside. Why did fall have to have all of the change? 

October 12, 2020 02:57

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