
Ugh, the only worse than this blizzard, is the fact that I've run out of food; I just hit more than 10 buyers on each of the three paintings I sold and no food. I wasn’t expecting one sale. And I know it’s kind of ridiculous, considering the blizzard later but I need to celebrate. The bricks on my accent wall are looking, less brown, and less red the more I look over. There should be gold streamers, and gold balloons, champagne, and the whole shebang. I promised myself. But, the third blizzard this month had to be, the, blizzard to cause a state shut-in.

Okay- it's only 5 o’clock, Stephanie is coming over at 7 p.m, and the blizzard will hit the town full force, 9 p.m. It’ll be better if she comes earlier but the kids have a lot of weekend homework and little Preston is teething. So, I know her plates full; My plans are ruined-but not totally; I deserve this. If I can clean and finish everything I should be ready by the time Stephanie comes. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get champagne- and maybe pick up some stuff to turn this day into a self-care day. And make it home in time, to be safe from the storm. Perhaps some steamy and creamy sausage Alfredo. I’ll probably have Stephanie make it, her recipe is better than mine. Mhmm.

Unsurprisingly, Stephanie came 8:55 pm. Usually, the occasion. But if I'm being honest, it did make me more anxious to see her. This week was a busy week so we didn’t see each other much; I didn’t even make it all the way to the door before she busts through the door, to get tackled to the ground by her slim figure. And I can’t even finish my scream before she’s attacking me with tickles. I can barely breathe and get my laughs out with tears streaming down my eyes, the joy of this moment will be remembered. Every triumphs tickle is to be remembered. Especially this one, she smells like erasers and fruits.

“Triumph tickle!”

“Steph-a-nie-hee-hee.” I try to say between loud unladylike laughs.

“This is the most triumph tickles you’ll ever get, for the most positively pivoting moment of your life!”

“Wa-Wa-Wait” I’m basically wheezing at this point.

I can feel my energy level and happiness rise steadily through the tickles. Like always; The very first time I got a Triumph tickle was when I apologized to Stephanie during our sophomore year in high school after a really bad argument which was my fault but I was being stubborn so we went a whole month not talking. But I got over it soon realizing I really wanted her to stay my best friend, we just fit perfectly, flaws and all. The second was when we graduated high school, and the third when we graduated college. The 4th was when we both got apartments in this very nice apartment building 2 years ago since we’ve had our eye on for a while. And I mean, a-while, this apartment was in a perfect spot for us to manage our busy lives and still keep our friendship. With me, a surgeon, and her a realtor our schedule can get full sometimes. And today will make the fifth Triumph Tickle, for finally selling four of my paintings and receiving very generous offers for them. 

Getting off me to jump “Violet! You did it! I’ve been waiting for you to sell those paintings for 3 years. They were gorgeous, those paintings should be in museums, oh my goodness I’m so happy for you. Oh, and the money you are going to make!- but where are all the decorations, and why was your door unlocked- wait, no forget it, it was for me” she more so yelled. Her curly and rich brown hair moving with each sentence and her hazel eyes widening as she speaks.

“The decoration stores closed down because of the blizzard for 2 days now and I only got these offers last night. The town's main roads are blocked so I couldn’t even go into the next town to try and find some. But we're still doing something tonight. Which is why I’m so glad you’re here. But, first, do you think Robert could handle the kids because it’s going to be a long night” I said while getting up

“Yes, yes, yes. I can already guess that it’ll end up in a spa night which I can really use because it’s test season for the kids, and I’m tired. Jacob doesn’t get all the material so I have to help him study and understand, and pick him up and drop him off to tutoring every school day, and Julie, she understands everything, but like the perfectionist she is, she goes over stuff hundreds of times, so I have to spend time reviewing with her as well. And last but not least Preston is teething and he’s driving me crazy. But Robert just got home and is off for about 3 weeks on a paid vacation to help me so, yes.” she guesses correctly then tells me while walking over to the kitchen bar stool.

“Wow, 3 weeks, I hope you didn’t do your angry yelling then guilt trip act,” I say following her

“He falls for it every time. But I really needed some me time,” She says proudly

“Rob does fall for it every time. But great and you’re cooking because I can already taste the creamy sausage Alfredo dinner I want tonight,” I say

“No, problem, I can also go for some Alfredo tonight, but I’ll make dinner in your apartment and go upstairs to drop food off for Robert and the kids first then I’m all yours,” she said popping up to start preparing dinner. While I make my way to my room to start changing.

“Okay so here’s the plan, I’m going to go to the supermarket to get some champagne and things that we can use for the spa night and you can stay here and cook the Alfredo, hopefully, I’m back by the time you’re done. I yell from my room while getting dressed

“Gotcha, but- wait don’t you think it’s a little late to be going outside. I think the blizzard already started hitting the town. Robert said it's weird out there.”

“Maybe, but I’ve already made up my mind,” I say already on my way out.

“ Okay then,” she says while shrugging her shoulder turning back to finish dinner. 

“Oh and over dinner, we can sort out the offers for the paintings,” I say popping my head back in the door before heading out again.

The hallway is well lit as usual with is pretty wall scones on the clean gray walls, but it looks more large and empty than usual with the temperature lower than normal. The journey downstairs even seems longer, admittedly a little spooky and making me rethink going to the supermarket. Even the noisy neighbors on the first floor are quiet, I can hear a feather rustle right now. But I promised and I’m not backing down. It took me so long to finally get over whatever insecurities I had and sell those paintings. This is not just some accomplishment to me is a pivotal moment in my life and I promised I would celebrate so I will. No storm will stop me. Sounds crazy I know but I will only be in and out then come home in time for that Alfredo. 

But of course, I’m getting a call from Stephanie.

“Hello ”

“Yeah, Vee you know I’ve been busy with the kids this week, so busy that I wasn’t really up to date with the whole blizzard thing, I was just watching the news and then getting alerts from my phone and this blizzard sounds pretty serious I mean almost all stores are closed except for supermarkets and stores that hold essential things. But then only one is open and understaffed apparently. I know this is a big event but not enough to put yourself in danger. And I got a call from Robert who apparently was watching the news too, is now seeing the seriousness of it and wants me home tonight to prepare for the storm now and after it blows over, especially since schools just closed and some jobs too. I’m sorry but come back home, you’ll still get your alfredo with the sausages you like, we can celebrate another time. I know it’s a lot but I didn’t see news or follow any updates till now and I haven’t been outside much this week but the whole point is this blizzard is no joke people are evacuating, come back. Our building is safe, they say it's sturdy enough. There will just be a lot of clean up afterward though. And your mom keeps calling. I’m running out of things to say to her” she says, rambling like she does when she’s worried.

“Stephanie, no. You know how important this is for me and I am just not ready to give it up for some storm. I drive a sturdy Jeep. I’ll make it there and back safe” She is making this elevator ride down to the garage longer.

“ That sounds dumb, don’t risk your life for a celebration the accomplishment is already done. It’s not the time to make reckless decisions.” She says loosing her cool a bit.

“ You out of all people should understand this so-called celebration I wasted so much time with empty accomplishments pleasing others more than myself. I finally do something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’m going to celebrate it.” I say furiously walking out of the elevator over to my car which is weirdly one of 6 cars in the garage, including Stephanie’s and Robert’s. Which is weird. I know this building is exclusive, but not to this extent. People must have really evacuated.

“Violet Crandell!” She said sternly like I’m her kid

“No, No, and no. I’m doing this for me. Bye, and since you’re so worried before you leave can you please draw me a hot bath it is freezing out here ” I say getting into my car.

“Wait violet-” I hung up before she could finish and put my phone in the compartment. I love her but she can go, mother, her own kids. I’m doing this. The Alfredo and victory will taste much better when I’m back from my ‘reckless decision’”.

And of course, the gates automatic opening is turned off tonight. I just can’t help but grumble as I go over to manually open up the gate and go back to my car to drive out of the garage and do it again before I’m actually out of the building. But I wasn’t prepared for what I saw outside.

The streets were empty. No one insight. Barely any cars. Nor a stray cat. It could have been radio silence but the winds were roaring. The sleet and snow were practically stomping. The traffic lights were swinging and hanging on for their lives as the wind bullied them around the pole that they were hanging on. Street light swaying hard, like dancing offbeat. And my Jeep joined along in this fast song shaking and rattling every place. But it was moving. I am alive, the car has heat, I’m okay, and I’m going to get there for me. 


I got to the supermarket and prepared myself before I exited the car. This time I didn’t pay attention to the lack of cars or human presence in the area. I needed to focus on getting the supplies that I can, some champagne, and some things for me to enjoy my night. I got to the doors of the supermarket and tried to open them. but it seems my mind was so busy I was opening them in the wrong direction. Pulling instead of pushing. I’ve got to get it together. as soon as I open the door a gust of heat almost pushed me some steps back. Someone must have the heat and vents blasting. despite that, the supermarket was well-lit and full of supplies, but nobody was there. Even though the lights are on it’s still kind of dark and empty just like the hallways in my apartment building. What that means more supplies for me. I immediately made my way to find the champagne department, and the champagne just had to be cased Where I would need an employee to unlock it for me.

“Hello” I call out but didn’t get a response. But I wasn’t comfortable enough to wait so I guess I would have to come back when I found an employee. 

 Just as I was walking away I heard a faint scuffle somewhere around the store. It’s so empty in here the sound kind of echos. I stopped dead in my tracks and reached for my phone and pepper spray-Wait, Why am I so scared? I did just call for an employee. I can do this. 

“I’m looking for an employee, I need some champagne” I holler trying to sound casual.

 But then I heard a door shut a bit loudly followed by silence and I’ve watched enough scary movies to not be dumb and investigate or wait around for my death. So I started walking then ended up running towards the exit trying to remember how to breathe.

But my breath is caught in my throat as I come to an abrupt stop in front of a half-opened bookbag holding a sleeping baby wrapped in a thick blanket. 

This was definitely not here before. I’m very skeptical about the baby. And I know it’s a baby but this all seems too much like a scary movie for me. But I wouldn’t want to leave a baby in this crazy supermarket. But it’s too suspicious, I can’t it could be a trap.

I fiercely start running to my car to escape the supermarket and get away from the baby. I already had my keys out and was in the car in under a minute. I started the ignition and drove away but didn’t make it out the parking lot before making a loud u-turn. Maybe it’s another reckless decision but I can’t leave a baby in the supermarket. I don’t even turn the car off before I run into the supermarket grab the sleeping baby. Put the baby in the passenger seat without seatbelt and speed home. 

 I don’t want to think about why I have someone’s kid in my car. Why this kid, practically infant is in the passenger seat.

This is crazy I should have never come.

I reach the apartment building and to my apartment door in record time. Mostly because I am scared, and my adrenaline is pumping fast, making this short trip back faster than a snap and without much thought.

My apartment door swings open. Its Stephanie and we shoot out words at the same time.

“I found a baby at the supermarket”

“I thought something happened to you”

Then the door was slammed hard. Before swinging open in the next second.

“I am sorry, I kinda impulsively enacted my shock. I didn’t know what to do. What happened? I’m glad you’re okay, I was calling you every couple minutes since our last phone call- goodness you’re shaking come inside. Here let me take the baby, relax.” She blurted out.

“I-I- I don’t know how it happened. One moment I was in the supermarket, then I was scared, there were noises, then I ran, I saw a baby, I ran again, then I went back for the baby, sped home and here I am. But I’ll hold the baby” I say frantically almost sounding like Stephanie.

I don't want to admit that I feel more comforted holding the baby and suddenly obligated to take care of it. How the baby still sleeping? I don't know.

“I have so many questions,” Stephanie says plopping her self down on the sofa

 But surprisingly, I don’t. Am I shocked, panicked maybe? Yes. But all I know is I want to check to see if this baby is alive and get it cleaned up. 

Suddenly Stephanie apologizes and rushes out, after getting a call that Preston just had some crazy accident. “I’ll be right back,” She says rushing out the door.

 But I’m still standing in the same spot. As if I’m seeing the baby for the first time, I finally look down and notice the beautiful girl in my hands, probably a few months old. But the sleep she’s in seems too deep. I rush and put the baby on the kitchen counter and check for her pulse.

It’s there.

I grab a flashlight to quickly examine the baby as I take her out of the bag and unwrap her from the blanket. 

She only has a diaper on, and her body is soaked with sweat. But her fingernails are oddly blue. Similar to her lips which I am now realizing are pale.

I should've never left.

July 31, 2020 20:07

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