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Horror Thriller Fiction

In one building, a large one with 100 floors, abandoned, lies a monster. But, this monster was once like you and me. Allow me to set the stage.

Our story starts with a man with tan skin and brown hair, a golden watch on his wrist and a plaid shirt. He looked out of his balcony with woe, despite his life. As he looks out at his 5 cars, and beach residence filled with rich and extravagant items, he sighs with heavy shoulders. As he got into his platinum plated car with soft leather for it’s seat, he sobs slightly before speaking. “God, I’m so poor and lonely, everyone hates me for being so beautiful…” As he laments, he looks in the car mirror to comb his hair slightly, looking at a picture of himself attached to the mirror as he smirked. He finally parks his car, getting out to a huge, staggeringly tall building. He greeted the lady at the front desk, as he stepped into the elevator. He pressed the button to go to floor 100, as the elevator skyrocketed up. He finally steps out to reveal a huge room, with a sprawling, soft red carpet. In the middle of this room lied a dark wooden table with a black, comfortable office chair, and a plaque reading, “Stephen Casterline, CEO of Stephen’s Space Crystals, powered by Space Rangers.” He sat down and looked at his bank account, which read in the billions. But he wanted more, it seemed. Suddenly, the elevator doors swung open, as a nervous, blonde haired guy with glasses and a pen in his hair fidgeted as he passed some paper onto Stephen’s desk. “Great, more work, AND the workers want more pay? Thanks, loser.” The blonde haired man nervously sweats as he says, “S-Sir, you’re making so much money, I think it's fair…” Stephen glared at the nerdy looking employee, as he started talking in a stern way. “I already provide them all with a ship, gas masks, and weapons to deal with so called “monsters”, and they want to be greedy, and you’re SUPPORTING THEM?!? Get out of my sight, you're lucky I decided not to fire you.” The blonde haired man scurried out frantically, sobbing slightly. But, just after that encounter, a strange person with red hair and a red suit to match walked in, smiling in an evil manner. Stephen looked annoyed as he talked. “Great, what do you want? Wanna yap to me about ‘ethical laws’ or something??” The man waited before speaking, “Sir, I hear you want more riches, and I think I can help you with that.” Stephen suddenly perked up, but still tried to look uninterested. “Yeah, how did you know, creep…” said Stephen. The strange man dismissed the question, before saying, “Well, I have a contract that you should sign, it will give you power beyond comprehension and your wildest dreams.” He passed a paper that was ripped at the edges, with sprawling red text written on it. However, Stephen didn’t care, and started signing his name, as the red suited figure laughed. “Well, have fun.” Stephen suddenly got mad, as he shouted at the mysterious man. “HEY! Where's my money!!!” saud Stephen as the strange man left back into the elevator as the doors closed. Stephen was in a huff as he picked up a pen, until suddenly, the pen started to turn shiny, until pink and white crystals formed on the pencil. Stephen jumped up in surprise, until realizing these were the very same Space Crystals that he sold. He picked up his phone, until it turned crystal, so he rushed to the elevator. After getting out on the first floor, he rushed to the front desk before shouting, “Fire EVERY employee, NOW!!!” The lady looked confused, before saying, “Sir, why?” Stephen shouted, “Trust me, we’re gonna be richer than God!!!” So, within a day, all employees were laid off, with it making headlines, many employees being very frustrated about it. However, Stephen didn’t care, due to his new power. He went on a rampage, turning any object he could find into crystals. But, after selling all these off, he was rich to the moon and back. However, everything was downhill after this. After he made so many crystals, the price declined rapidly. What one was a luxury suddenly made a 180 and was something everyone had. On top of that, many employees after being fired came out to say their experience with the horrible conditions, many showing the horrors of the monsters that they nearly died to. This, alongside the crash of the Space Crystals, only spelled bad news for Stephen. He was crying in his office, wondering why he signed that contract. He ran around the whole building, filled with cubicles, until he found the red suited figure who caused him all his pain. He caught up to the man, as he shouted, “take me back… I don’t want this anymore!!!” The red  suited figure smiled before saying, “Well, you should’ve been more careful about what you wished for.” before disappearing behind a corner.

From that day on, Stephen went crazy, his once tailored and luxurious suit became torn as he went on a rampage inside the offices, but instead of making objects crystal, he was doing it to people. Any employee in the office building that was left, was turned into a crystal statue, suspended forever. Stephen then started making crystals on the walls, until all 100 floors were filled with the crystals that caused his downfall, which only made him more crazy. Eventually, he started growing crystals on his actual body and in his hair. He was no longer an egotistical human, he was suddenly a monster, hungry to make the whole world crystals like he was. Luckily, he was never able to make it out of his office building, and eventually, he was so overrun by crystals, he became a crystal statue, suffering the same fate as all the employees he had crystalized. But, rumor has it he still is alive, and will one day break out of his statue and enact revenge on the world, all because of his own selfishness.

May 31, 2024 15:25

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Tim Vester
07:37 Jun 24, 2024

Hello Miles- Like a few others, I have really enjoyed this story and I would like to ask your permission to narrate it on our storytelling YT channel. Here is a link. If you are game, you can reply here - or reply via email. http://www.youtube.com/@AlternateRealityReading AlternateRealityReading@gmail.com Thank you- and great work on the story!


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