You sigh, in a couple minutes, you'll have to go to your daily lessons. After begging and begging and begging, you've finally convinced your mother, the Queen, to give up the history lessons. You don't need to know whether you're uncle was 80 or 85 when he died, and how that changed his use in life. You don't need to know what jewels your aunt wore when she went to one in about 100 wedding or balls. That was your main argument. The queen is now really mad at you, and reprimands you for everything that you do. "Dear, I know that you try, but could you actually walk with your toes straight?" she asked one morning, at breakfast. You replied with "Who's going to be looking at my toes?" which got you one of the glowering glares that you receive daily. "Honestly, I'm not going to get married, we've already stated that, so I don't need to look for a suitor, or a friend. I can be as disagreeable as I want, and it won't matter. " You complain. "At least it won't matter to you. I have a reputation to keep up, so I would appreciate it if you would just hurry up and go to your next class." she said "I don't need any classes, and I'm going to my room, locking the door, and not going anywhere else except to the stables." you shoot back. "Fine, but you spend too much of your time in those disgusting stables with that terrible horse." "Starlight isn't disgusting or terrible!" you cry, running out of the room and slamming the door. "Sorry about her, she's so sensitive all the time" you hear her say to a guest as you run out. You rush up to your room, crying, and take out the last picture of your brother. He died of cancer, and you're still sorrowful. You don't care about any of your silly makeover, and dress fittings, so you decide to be late for all of them.
After you finished riding, you walk up yo your room, and, remembering that you swore to be late, decide to go to the kitchen first. You quickly get around 10 cookies or so, run out, and then manage to eat them before you get to your room. Somehow, you've managed to get most of the twigs and leaves from the gardens in your hair, so that's one thing that'll waste time. You walk to your next class, and, after a whole lot of shouting and pulling (mainly at you), you're finally sent away. You're expected to go to your next class, but instead, you decide to run around the castle. You know that you'll get sweaty later, so they'll make you go for a shower, wasting more time.
After your run, you head to your next class. "What is the matter with your hair!" your mother screeches. "Nothing," you reply. " I just went for a run, I thought I had time." "Your excuses are... are just terrible! You knew you didn't have time, you just didn't want to do your classes."You received another one of those glares. She sighed. Your only response was "Can I take a shower?" She sighed again. "Yes, but you'll have to come straight to dinner later. Understood?" You sighed, you knew this was coming. "Okay, I will" you agreed. After your shower, a maid was waiting outside your door. "I have to take you down to dinner, your mother asked me to" she said, none too happy. For dinner, you had chicken, but you couldn't enjoy like you usually do. It was usually your blissful time when people weren't fussing over you all the time. You realized that even thought your day was fun, it's better with the lessons. That was your main lesson of the day, your only one.
You had to go to bed straight after dinner, and frankly, you couldn't be happier. You were tired out after your exercise, and your father came to see you. "Good job with the lessons today" he said, "Didn't you know I used to do the same when I was little?" "No" you replied, "But I think I know why." He chuckled, and then left. You had a hard time going to sleep, even though you thought it wouldn't take much. You decide to just think, think about what you did, and why you did it. It was a silent night, and when you finally go to sleep, you end up being happier than you ever were before. The only problem is, you wake up to around 10 maids to escort you to your classes, breakfast, lunch and dinner. When they leave, you can do whatever you want. Those were your instructions for the day. You absolutely hated it. you didn't need that much supervision. All you needed was one, but you couldn't get your mother to agree on that. You had made a deep wound, and it would take ages to heal. You decided to start by not complaining as much as you used to. You'll still complain, but only about the things that matter.
You found that this way of life was much easier than the way it was before. You didn't have arguments with your mother, your father was the same, and you were happier. You didn't care what other people said about you or Starlight, though you were still a little sensitive. You got to go outside way more than you used to, which made you someone people wanted to be around. You had already known that this was what would happen, so you just rolled with it. You made friends, and even got married to a prince (obviously) who's name was Sir Alexander the third. You just called him Alex or Alexander of course, and you had 4 kids together. They were called Charles, Edward, Lucy, and Fiona. They were like you, and were mischievous. They played many tricks on not just Alexander, but you as well.
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I believe you have touched on much of the drama of the teenage years in this story. The issues could be applied to many people, not just princesses. Try to pay a bit more attention to format, grammar and spelling, especially when using "conversation." These have more impact when formatted on a new line for each individual character's response.
Ok, thanks!
Hi Aamena!
GREAT story Aamena! I do agree with Laura that this story reminds me of the Disney princess, Merida! I loved your story concept!😊😁
Looking forward for more stories from you!😉
Keep writing and have a great day Aamena!❤️️
Thank you so much!!
You're welcome Aamena!😊
This is really fun! She reminded me of the Disney princess from Brave, not interested in following the rules or doing what she should be doing. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Aamena!
Wonderful job with this one! I love the perspective from which you wrote this in! It's so awesome! Keep up the amazing work!