Fractured Fairyland.

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a summer vacation gone wrong.... view prompt


Contemporary Fiction Funny

Let's all sit down and practice our silent literacy, much desired skill. Open this magical tale, written with pixies on a keyboard these days. It is telling of impossible things, a story of love which is inherent in our human race.

Our heroine today was known as Stacey S. Snow. Somehow, by flawed mischance and bad luck, she had wandered down some lane in the magically enchanted world that exists in Fractured Fairyland. She had been on her summer vacation, but her plans went astray, her happy holiday had gone all wrong.

Down on her luck, seeking to be rescued, she wound up in a little house, totally messy. There dwelt some Little People, who sort of kindly kept her as a captive. Stacey S. Snow guessed she might be safe for a while, so long as she agreed to do all their cooking, cleaning and gardening in their vegetable patch.

Stacey S. Snow, was a pragmatic individual, she had an easy going and kind personal attitude of going with the flow. So, her days went flowing by, that babe could certainly cook. Housework kept her trim figure totally slender, she soon sorted the mountain of dirty dishes, all that dust, all the surfaces and floors, removed all crumbs, and polished the windows.

The Little People were quite good friends, and disappeared daily to do some wealth inducing workplace practices, digging up minerals and jewels. They were determined to keep Stacey S. Snow as their chief cook and housemaid,. They were big fans of plates of creamy mashed potatoes, and puddings of sticky dates and toffee sauce.

Yo, but the housework was always waiting, it had Stacey's name on it. The Little People had some unusual names, and were all single males. As the days in the forest flowed, Stacey S. Snow learnt that these Little Guys were never going to be good husband material, for very valid reasons.

Bit tuff, but some fairy stories are slightly fractured. Dopey, for example, could not decode any minimal appliance in the cottage, he was very glad his socks and jocks were not so smelly. Grumpy was aptly named, and Bashful did not display any social anxiety when he demanded second helpings of yet more food. Sleepy went to sleep the minute any dishes needed to be washed, he was too tired to tidy up this man cave.

But Stacey S. Snow went with the flow, even smiling as she did endless housework. She did not quite understand what she was grinning at, housework was quite unfulfilling really. She did not really know what the Little People would do if their cottage in this magical land was not spotless when they arrived home.

Stacey S. Snow went for a walk one day, and chanced upon a counselling service. No one is perfect, she thought she could do with some tips for teaching less than perfect expectations, maybe the Little People needed to change. The counselor of the day made an urgent appointment for this hapless housemaid, and proffered some wisdom. "Stacey, some women get mixed up with pitiful excuses of men." Stacey S. Snow nodded, but asked, "But how do I meet unpitiful men?"

"That is a true mystery of love. But do not despair, you are a reasonably attractive and nubile woman, some day your Prince will come!" Stacey S. Snow looked a bit dubious, was this all the advice?"

The counselor continued, "You must establish healthier, more meaningful boundaries in future. Change comes from within, Stacey, my dear. The fee is $180 in fairyland currency, the pixie at the front desk is waiting."

Stacey sorted that, and went home to cook dinner again. The very next day, she decided to cook some more wholesome foods, so she used some ripe red apple, on which some old bag had cast spells to poison innocent maids in the woods. Stacey was a bit beyond caring that she had a bit of a reputation, shacked up in the abode with all the Little Men.

Hungry, she nibbled on an apple, and instantly decided she was now too tired to cook and clean. So Stacey S. Snow lay down and went to sleep, all those meals had given her fatigue, sparkling surfaces and smiling at the same time was exhausting.

The Little People came home and were duly horrified, gazing at comatose Stacey and a couple of raw potatoes. That was their dinner, they tried not to eat them all at once. Grumpy was exactly that, dining on an unbaked pumpkin. There is only so much you can cook in Fractured Fairyland.

Doc tried to wake up this tragic heroine, asking, "Are you alive?' Even for a medical provider, that was quite a dumb question. Stacey S. Snow briefly stirred, no polite answer to Doc sprang to mind. "Undecided," she breathed, and resumed in slumber. The incipient dust mites set off Sneezy again, Happy the Little Person looked so sad.

All the Little People had a Dessy Downer moment, encasing their housemaid and chef in a glass case, preserving her in sort of aspic, like Stacey S. Snow used to cook. She needed to rest, so that is exactly what she did. Time flowed by, one day Prince Charming did roll up to her door, or glass case.

Stacey S. Snow awoke, slightly annoyed by this handsome intrusion on rightful repose. The Prince was bewitched by her attractive face and appealing figure, declaring, "I love you, be mine!" Stacey S. Snow wondered if this fetching figure of a male was also a pitiful excuse for a man. "Have you got a housekeeper?' she inquired, not so discreetly or tactfully.

"Well,no, I am poor, but I really, really love you."

" I must set healthier boundaries," Stacey S. Snow firmly told herself, "Resist!"

Not far away in the magical world of Fractured Fairyland, Little Miss Muffet was holding the high ground, still sitting as a single woman on her tuffet. Survival makes sweet women stronger, as the Muffet cheered loudly, with a thumbs up, as Stacey S. Snow told the Prince, "Rak off, hairy legs!" He disappeared to try his luck with Sleeping Beauty. He was a bit superficial, after all.

Surreally, while our heroine had been sleeping instead of daily drowning in creamy mashed potatoes, her invisible fairy godmother had deposited by her side a large purse of real world dollars. Stacey S. Snow took her chances and change in fortune, escaping down some Faraway Tree to Humanville.

There she leased her own two bedroom flat, and resolved that there are worse things in life than going with the flow as a single woman. Solo nesting was her future. Humanville had evolved while she was resting. Mankind had invented robots which vacuumed and mopped floors, as well as home delivery catering services for provision of wholesome foods.

"Brilliant ideas!" Stacey S. Snow had a sparkling rich life, no need to worry, no longer caring what Little People and their personality disorders wanted for dinner. She was drowsing over her good book one sunny afternoon, going with each restful day's flow, until she heard a knock on her front door.

She opened her door to another handsome male, bearing a bunch of roses and a winning smile. "I've always wanted to meet the girl next door, " he told her, "Welcome to our burb. Welcome any time for coffee and cliches, lovely to meet you."

Stacey S. Snow mumbled some hasty thanks, and sighed onto her couch, inhaling her rose bouquet. Roses and romance were weaving their artful enchantment on this maiden. Her "Hotty Hornburger" alert went silent in her brain.

Did that S. in her name represent S. for Silly Stacey. She might struggle to express her true feelings, but still believed in impossible things. But, lo, love has a beautiful face, it can appear anywhere, in Humanville or Fractured Fairyland. Those roses sent her reeling, gals and guys, just go with the flow!

August 05, 2024 19:40

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Frances Gaudiano
18:32 Aug 16, 2024

I felt the phrase 'go with the flow' was over used. This is an original idea but the vocabulary could be diversified. Word Hippo is a fabulous resource for synonyms.


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Rabab Zaidi
00:52 Aug 11, 2024

Really sweet take on Sleeping Beauty!


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Mary Bendickson
16:41 Aug 08, 2024



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