Lipstick and Love

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



A blind date setup by a friend who apparently is in fear I just might marry a guy twenty years younger than myself. Apparently this friend doesn't know me as well as I thought.

Fun is what I enjoy with my younger young man, and fun we do partake in quite often.

Jessie, my friend and my own kids don't like mom dating the younger man, did that stop me heck no.

Jessie and I met another friend of ours for cocktail hour. While enjoying our drinks Jess saw a guy she used to date and introduced him to us. Somehow along the way the conversation flowed in the direction of, "Amelia needs a date." What the heck and no I don't and stop talking about me as if I'm not here."

Robin, the no longer welcome male intruder of our happy hour needed to go away. Jess I said, "let this go I am more than capable of acquiring my own dates." Ame, that's short for Amelia in case you were wondering. Yes, of course you can but Robin knows a nice man, single and very nice looking. Not interested! Come on Ame just let Robin set it up. Okay I said, but on my terms. And your terms are? If I agree to meet this man and we don't get along you will never and I mean never question who I date.

Hum, okay I agree.

How old is this man Jess? He's older than you. That's a vague answer Jess. I think he is fiftyish. That's also vague which means he's nearing sixty or he just turned fifty. Alright Amelia, I'm not sure but he is in his fifties. Fine I said "set it up".

Tonight is the night, what have I gotten myself into. At least we're meeting in place I like. So, he's conservative, older than me but has white hair. I'm younger, liberal and blonde. This arranged blind date will go nowhere.

I was sitting in the lounge, waiting and waiting for this guy to show up. Good lord what if I have a no show on a blind date, could I ever live that down. Finally, a fairly good looking man is coming my way. No, this cannot be him he's too old. Oh no! He looks shy, he sits down and I introduce myself.

Honestly, I didn't expect to like this man let alone accept a second date. But I did, he's interesting and hasn't seen the lower side of fifty in a long time. I guess a little stretching of the truth from Jess is okay.

One date leads to many, after several months I introduced Mitch to my kids and my mom. Everyone really liked him. Even me, which is why my young fun guy was no more.

Mitch is shy but not so shy so I didn't become bored. He was a follower and a good sport about just doing whatever I wanted. On more than one occassion he half-assed a marraige proposal by saying the dumbest things. Once he suggesed that I might need a dentist and should be on his dental plan. I'm like, "what the hell kind of proposal is that?" Another time he tried to tell me how much he thought I would like living in his house. Really, creative he is not, but I was in love with the man and knew I would like to marry him but not until he asked with some normal pitch.

I saw Rob my prior younger than me guy while out one night with friends. I felt ashamed for dumping him without any explanation so I approached him to have a chat. "Amelia, how nice to finally see you." Hi, Rob can we sit for a bit I want to talk to you. Why? I want to apologize for my behavior and not speaking with you sooner. Ame, you hurt me deeply and I know why. Really, Rob you have no idea. Yes, I think I do you have finally allowed your friends and family to convince you that our age differnce was an issue. Ame, I was in love with you, I wanted to marry you and then one day you're gone. You didn't even answer my calls it hurt.

I am sorry Rob, greatly sorry, it was wrong of me but honestly I was never going to marry you. You are the most fun I have ever had with a man. Rob, you deserve a younger woman, someone that can give you a family some day. We could never have had that kind of relationship. Then why Ame, what happened? I met someone, someone more my age and I really like him maybe even I love him. Forgive me? With that Rob just got up and left. Dang what a jerk I am.

Months go by and I was staying with Mitch but not yet moved in. It was my birthday and we celebrated until late that evening. I was somewhat tipsy but not tired. Mitch went to sleep right away but I was in a mood like no other. I was struggling with my feelings, I missed Rob and how much fun we had. But I wanted a more stable relationship. Yes Mitch was almost fifteen years older but was in great shape. Maybe I needed someone to knock me down a few notches. I have been known to be a willy nilly kind of woman. Enough is enough.

I jumped out of bed went into the bathroom. I picked up my red lipstick and wrote on the mirror. "Do you want to marry me? Check this box for yes or the other for no."

Mitch left early for work and when I woke up I was petrified to go into the bathroom. Well I needed to go in no matter what, but even though I knew he checked the "yes" box something inside felt silly. What if he didn't check anything.

Courage Amelia, I walked in with my eyes closed and when I opened them there it was a big red X in the YES box.

I now knew how to communicate with Mitch, just take the lead and ask the right questions on a mirror with red lipstick. Along the way of a thirty year marriage I used about ten tubes of that red lipstick. No matter how one communicates the important thing is to do it even if its not with a pen or a pencil.

Lynda L Freeman

July 12, 2020 23:09

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