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Drama Friendship Fiction

Bobby Lockwood had been my best friend since first grade. We had played together, gone to school together, had sleepovers and did little league together.

Our family life was a total opposite. Of course since I was an only child I was treatedlike royalty. Bobby on the other hand was blamed for everything that went wrong at his house. I cannot call it a home because for Bobby it was hell.

At least once a week Bobby's stepfather would find a reason to beat him. I found out one weekend when we had a sleepover. When Bobby took his shirt off to get ready for bed I noticed several belt marks across his back. I asked him what had happened.

Bobby proceeded to tell me how his stepfather would whip him for anything. It usually had nothing to do with anything Bobby had done. This explained why after gym class Bobby would wait until all the other boys had showered before he would shower often making him late for his next class.

Once I knew I tried to get Bobby to report his beatings. He refused fearing even worse beatings. He knew that he would always be safe at my house. So soon the sleepovers were only at my house. Bobby was afraid for me.

One weekend, instead of playing games, he started planning to run away. His grandparents on his mother's side of the family lived in the mountains and his sterpather was not welcome there.

On one of his sleepovers he asked me a question I was not sure how to answer.

"When I am ready to head for my grandparents' place would you go with me? I mean just to be sure I get there. My grandpa would make sure you got back home."

How could I say no. Never did I think he would actually follow through with this plan.

That Thursday Bobby was not in school. I looked all over the school for him. When school let out I walked by his house but saw no sign of anyone there. I was now afraid for Bobby.

I called when I got home but the line was busy.

I asked my parents what I should do and dad said he would drive to Bobby's to check. He was not gone long. Nobody had answered the door. Now I was really getting worried.

Friday I might just as well have stayed home as I could not pay attention. Glad school was almost over but all I could think about was Bobby. Was he lying on the floor beaten half to death? Had it been so bad he left without letting me know? The clock seemed to take forever to reach three-thirty and that end of the school day bell.

Once again I walked past Bobby's on the way home. It again looked like nobady was there. Getting more worried by the minute I rushed home.

I found myself alone so I called Bobby's number. It rang and rang. I looked up the number for our hospital and called asking if a Robert Lockwood had been admitted. They had nobody by that name. Now what was I going to do.

Sitting in my room thinking and waiting for my parents to return frustrated me to no end. I soon lay back on my bed and sort of dozed off. Not sure how long I was asleep but I was awakened by what sounded like a tapping at my window.

Half awake I looked out. To my shock it was Bobby. Suddenly I was wide awake, opened the window and pulled him through.

"Where in tarnation have you been the past two days?"

"Time to go. You still going with me?"


"Now" and to show me why he pulled his shirt off. It was horrible.

"You need to get to the hospital and then report his sorry butt."

"Maybe but not until I get to my grandparents'. You still gonna go with me?"

"Can I let my parents know?"

"When we get to my grandparents I will have my grandpa call and explain."

"Can I at least let them know I am helping you and will call when I get the chance?"

"Fine. Can you get that spray Bactine your mother uses on you. Then spray my back and bring it along."

I did and then grabbed a change of clothes and some snacks. Got my piggy bank out and took out my savings in case it was needed. Then I wrote a quick note and left it in the middle of the kitchen table. They could not miss it.

"Okay, pal. How are we gonna do this?"

"My neighbor's son Donald is back from college for the summer and knows the issues at my house. He's gonna pick us up at the corner park, take us to the bus station and buy our tickets for us. It leaves in thirty five minutes."

"Good thing all our school work is finished. Would have hated to miss finals."

"Kind of why I have put this off until now. Wednesday night was the straw that broke the camel's back. I gotta get away now."

Did not expect to start my summer with a road trip with my best friend instead of my parents. I grabbed us each a bottle of Fiji water and we went out the door to begin this mission of mercy.

Don't know what Bobby's neighbor said when he bought us tickets but the bus company treated us like royalty.

Moments later the bus pulled away from the station and we were on our way. We seemed to be making pretty good time until our first stop. Then came a second. It seemed to stop in every little town and for at least fifteen minutes. So much for making good time.

Bobby seemed to be relaxed while I was on edge half expecting the police to be waiting for us at the nest stop.

As we neared where his grandparents lived Bobby could not hold back his joy. He was bouncing on his seat alternating with giving me hugs.

Finally the bus rolled to a stop and we waited until everyone else had exited the bus. Then Bobby could not hold back. He raced down the aisle, stepped off the bus, looked left, looked right and began running towards an older couple dressed for church.

"Grandpa! Grandma! Thanks for saving my life. Oh, and this is my bestest friend. He knows everything and has helped me get here."

They gave me almost as big a hug as they had given Bobby.

"Well, son. From Bobby's letters I feel like we know you already. Thanks for helping even though you could not help stop the beatings."

His grandmother could not hold back the tears.

"Doctor Wilson is waiting for us in his office. He is going to examine you. A county youth representative will be there to witness. Deputy Parker is waiting with an arrest warrant to wire back to Farmville hoping to bring an end to this madness. That sound okay?"

"Any chance of calling my parents so you can explain and make arrangements for me to get home?"

"Soon as we know Bobby's stepfather has been taken into custody we will call them and arrange for you to get home."

Now I was a bit worried about my parents. If Bobby's stepfather thought I was in on Bobby's escape he might take it out on them.

Needless to say I had nothing to worry about. The warrand and pictures of Bobby's back, Bobby's mother breaking down and admitting she had suspected and a statement from me landed his stepfather in prison.

Bobby remained with his grandparents. We called and wrote every week.

The next summer my parents let me spend two weeks with Bobby and his grandparents.

Then the letters became fewer and soon ended. The calls came to an end as well. I never saw Bobby again.

When Bobby's grandfather died his grandmother sent me a note to my parents address.

She told me Bobby got married and they had adopted two boys who had been abused as Bobby had been She thanked me again and wished me well.

Guess that unexpected trip back when I was a kid and my friendship with Bobby was totally worth the effort.

June 25, 2021 04:16

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1 comment

LuAnn Williamson
16:51 Jul 01, 2021

Very good story. There are a few typos that could be eliminated with careful proofreading. The ending was a bit predictable but satisfying. Keep up the good work.


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