What a proposal ?

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



It was around 1’o clock in the night and I was winding up my household chores. After winding up everything I went to my son’s room to check whether he is sleeping or still playing games. After that I took a glass of milk for my husband. But when I entered in the room I found that he already slept. So I came downstairs again to keep that milk back in refrigerator. Then I slept by 2.

Then a new day awakes me with tons of responsibilities of my family as well as my office, and giving best in every field is my habit. After sending my son to school and husband to office I start my own work . I work as a content writer for XYZ firm. While I was doing my office work my phone rang .

When I picked up the call I was shocked. As I heard my son crying bitterly. I became anxious and puzzled after that . Then the next voice which I heard is of Ms Rose (a school teacher) I started questioning her about my child’s wellbeing . She gently replied calm down dear , nothing to worry about. By now I became rude . Then she told me that my son fell down from a slide and injured his knee . And told me to pick him from the school. And she told me that she has called  my husband for the same , and heard a voice note : “I am busy call me later and leave a voice note” .

Then I realized that I have to play the role of father as well as mother for my son. After that I left the home. And took a cab. After reaching my son’s school I paid the fare to the cab owner and ran towards the school premises. After reaching school I met my son and gave him a tight hug. And Started cleaning his wound and tears. Then with school conveyance we have gone to the nearest clinic. I was relaxed and content after reaching there. As my son was in safe hands now. After multiple check-ups and X-ray they called me and told that minor injury is there. And my son will be fine , in few weeks .

I was sad as well as happy at the same time. Sad because he will face problems in walking and other activities. And happy to know that he will be fine soon. After that a lady came to me and handed me a bill. I smiled at her and said just give me a minute I will clear all the dues. And I started looking for my wallet in my handbag . And I soon realized that accidentally I left my wallet in the cab.

I went to the counter to resolve the issue. Meanwhile my husband called up to know the wellbeing of our child. My son picked up the call and told his father that “mom is in trouble as she has no money to pay the bills” . I paid the bill using internet banking and left the clinic.

After reaching home I gave my son medicine as well as juice to drink. And then I opened my mail box to check my mails. There I found a mail from my boss regarding my dismissal. As I have left my work in between and ran to school without informing my heads. So I wrote an apology mail to my head and explaining him about the emergency because of which I have shown such an irresponsible behavior.

It was the worst day of life. As I have faced many problems since morning. And the next problem is knocking the door. My dear husband, was on the door. After opening the door he started   questioning. And was more angry after hearing about the wallet incident. And started abusing (this is not a regular practice of him, but it’s a part of my life now).  

Then my son called him, and he went into his room. After 25 min I heard my son calling me. I ran towards his room. He called me and said that he wants to eat Pizza. I told my husband that for Pizza I need cheese, and there is no cheese in the house. And requested him , that he could just go and bring it from the supermarket . He again started shouting at me   “You are not a good wife , not an ideal mother and not a perfect homemaker ”. I listened  everything very calmly. He ordered food my from son’s favorite restaurant. We ate the food together. Then my son and husband went to bed.

After completing my daily chores. I sat in my hall and started thinking about the words he said about my personality. I am not able to get it out of my head. I have an earworm! I started crying and weeping on the incidence that happened with me in the entire day. Starting from my son’s accident, then an email from my boss, than losing  my wallet in cab and   argument with husband.

I started questioning myself that today because of my irresponsible behavior things have become worst. Then a thought crossed my mind that my husband has blamed me for everything that happened today. Though I was not whole sole responsible for it. Just because I am his wife and mother of a child I have to listen everything without reacting . I was also upset about things that happened today, but instead of talking to me , he just shouted at me .

I asked God that “Being a girl is a curse ?” . As girls have to go through many ups and downs in life and still there are taken for granted by their family members. They have to go through the pain of periods , then leave her parents for converting someone’s home into heaven and then bearing the pain of giving birth to a child.   

And I slept there on the couch. After few hours I heard someone calling my name . And when I got up I was shocked to see that my entire room is filled with heavenly light. I can’t see anyone there but I can hear someone calling out my name . The voice gave me a PROPOSAL. A proposal that can change my life. The voice told me that he is giving me a super power of becoming a BOY. I was so happy to listen that proposal , and the moment I was ready to accept it . I saw some flashes of my life, some very beautiful moments of my life.

The first flash was of the day when my husband proposed me and changes my status from Ms to Mrs.

The second flash was of the day when I came to know about my pregnancy.

The third flash was of the day when I became mother. One of the most precious feelings in the world. And that was the last flash that I saw.

After seeing that flash I realized how wrong I was. As becoming a mother (and wife) is the best feeling in the world. I ran towards my son’s room. I opened the door gently and saw that he was sleeping peacefully. I kissed him and left the room.

I came back in the hall to tell my decision to that voice. But when I entered in the hall , I realized that voice and light has disappeared. I understood that it was a PROPOSAL given by God.

That changed my negativity into positivity. I smiled to myself and said "WHAT A PROPOSAL ?"

Next morning when I got up and went to the kitchen for preparing the breakfast I saw a sorry letter and thank you letter   on the dining table . It was written by husband. He told me that he was waiting  for me in the room  last night but I didn’t come so he wrote it and kept it in the kitchen .

MORAL = Making decisions in life is a necessity , but making correct decisions is an art.

July 16, 2020 17:32

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Brittany Gillen
16:12 Jul 20, 2020

Syeda - Thank you for sharing your story. Your title intrigued me. You had a very creative take on the idea of a proposal, and I was glad to see the mom make the decision to stay with her family. Keep writing!


Syeda Iram
16:31 Jul 20, 2020

Thanks , for reading it.


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