The Reality of the Climate Apocalypse

Submitted into Contest #90 in response to: Set your story in a world living with the consequences of a climate apocalypse.... view prompt


Science Fiction Speculative Creative Nonfiction

It had been 15 years since the beginning of the climate apocalypse. Today, there are few human beings living on planet Earth. The world had changed drastically over the 15 years. It hadn’t changed technologically, and instead, it’s now almost uninhabitable. The increase in temperature, the rise of sea levels, and the damage in the ozone layer was all but small parts of this change.

It all started with global warming. People knew about it. But it was left unattended for far too long. Politicians denied global warming, saying we won’t have to worry about it for many years to come. But they were wrong. Storms worsened over time. Floods became the new normal. The evidence against their statements was overwhelming. But they continued to deny, and people believed them. It was only when cities started to fall under oceans when people started to take action. But by then, it was the point of no return. Cities continued to flood and many people were forced to relocate inland.

The first of the deaths were simply caused by the heat. Everyone was used to living in a colder climate. Everyone was just trying to do their normal routine. However, it was hard to maintain cool. Hyperthermia cases became common. The price of air conditioning skyrocketed. Only the rich could afford one now. Riots occurred every day, just to find any air conditioning. Factories shut down as the heat damaged machinery and buildings. Water supplies started to dry up. But now, something about the air was different. It had the smell of rotten eggs.

Soon, hydrogen sulfide gas filled the atmosphere. The increase in temperature caused gas-producing bacteria to thrive. The toxicity of hydrogen sulfide increased with temperature. It was only a matter of time before plant and animal life would go extinct. Nothing could stop the production of hydrogen sulfide gas. No existing technology can lower temperatures back down. Humans who could survive the heat now had to survive the deadly gas.

A damaged ozone layer became a part of everybody’s lives. It had happened before in the past – from the 1930s to 1960s – but back then, humans took action. This time, nothing can slow the damage of the ozone layer. The hydrogen sulfide gas produced by the bacteria has taken its toll. UV radiation had killed many humans and animals over the years. But nobody could hide from it. As the floods continued, many scientific instruments were destroyed. Soon, scientists couldn’t collect data and the warnings stopped coming. But these weren’t the only consequences.

Starvation became common even in the most unlikely places. As crops flooded and animals died, sources of food became rare. Canned food could last for a few weeks, but everything was limited. Soon, people ate animals we normally wouldn’t consider eating. Some even turned to cannibalism. In the United States alone, millions starved. But nothing could be done. Fish were almost extinct from the acidification of oceans. The UV light, higher temperatures, and hydrogen sulfide gas made growing crops near impossible. Without crops, animals starved. Without the crops or animals, so did humans.

However, starvation would’ve been the least of the worries of many. Diseases were being transmitted like wildfire. Dormant diseases in permafrost were released during global warming. Diseases like Ebola spread and infected entire continents. Many medicines required to fight them were lost from the rise of sea levels. Doctors tried to help their patients, but the heat and gas proved too much. Many lives were lost to these diseases.  

Humans are not extinct, however. Those who are still alive are living in bunkers. The bunkers that were made were one of the most secure areas on Earth. The environment outside would not affect those living inside. Air filtration systems filter out hydrogen sulfide gas. Indoor farms feed fish which feeds humans. They can survive even in this climate apocalypse. However, many weren’t as lucky. Only the rich who could afford a spot in these bunkers live in them. Everybody else died from the heat, or starvation, or diseases. But one place is not a place for the rich. It’s a place for research.

This bunker specializes in research. They have all the things a bunker would normally have: their stereotypical thick walls, self-sustaining food supplies, and water filtration systems. But they also have scientific equipment for all fields. They are researching ways to fix the ozone layer and decrease the temperature. It will take time, but it’s progress. They will eventually develop technologies to solve this climate apocalypse. Maybe new machines to kill diseases or scaled up ozone generators to repair the ozone layer.

But, not all of these bunkers were for survival. Several contain missiles and nuclear warheads, as well as other weaponry. The lower food production and damaged economies will cause global conflict. These bunkers won’t be used for survival. Rather, they will be used to attack other survivors. Unfortunately, nothing will prevent war from happening. The world has already been damaged.

All of this could’ve been prevented if humans acted. If humanity acted 15 years ago, none of this would’ve happened now. Humanity would’ve been able to develop new technologies to slow or even prevent such a climate apocalypse from occurring. Alas, humanity did not act. Billions died. Only handfuls of humans can survive by living in bunkers, protecting them from UV light, intense heat, and toxic gas. But others will want to fight. They will blame others for this problem. They will launch nuclear weapons and missiles, furthering damage on Earth. All of this resulted from one simple mistake: not acting as the problem arose.  

All hope is not lost, however. Humans do prevail in the most hostile environments, even these. They build bunkers with self-sustaining food supplies and water filtration systems. They build luxurious rooms and swimming pools. Humanity can adapt to these environments. Humanity will find ways to solve this climate apocalypse. The world will definitely be a different place after the climate apocalypse, but life will continue.

April 24, 2021 02:48

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