
In a very vast sky where the flora and faunas meet the beam of light from the sun, a very dark woods that never taste the heat of the sun due to its very chaotic view from a distance. John has a rare condition where he needs a blood transfusion every week in order for him to survive. He has to go to the hospital every Friday for the blood transfusion and this is his condition since he was three years old and now his fifteen years old. His parents- Marcus and Lisa is very determined to give everything for their only son. John was a miracle baby that they've been waiting for almost ten years of their marriage. John can only view the scenery from a distance riding his wheel chair. He has a personal nurse and his parents own a restaurant. The distance of the woods from their house is just a 50 meters away. John was always reminded not to go to the woods because theirs a lot of animals in it like bears and wolves. John though that his parents wanted him to be safe.

In a very different morning, john woke up in a very strange noise in the backyard. He tried to call his nurse but it is not answering. Out of the window he was surprised of what he saw, a woman in a hospital dress like she is from the hospital, it was lying down in the backyard mourning for her life. John noticed that its has wounds in its arm. "Miss Mara? come here! John shouted as he try to call the nurse. No one is answering so he tried to go down and help the lady. When he reach the area, he saw no one but he noticed foot marks on the ground. Mara, his nurse suddenly appeared at his back. "I'm sorry i was in the bathroom, i heard you are calling me so i come as early. "Miss Mara i saw a woman here laying down and it has wounds in some parts of here body" John explained. " It's very strange to know but how can a woman dressed like in a hospital" Mara explained. "I guess so" john said with a strange feeling that he s very convinced that he saw something. He wandered into whats really happening. In a usual day in the afternoon, he was just siting in the garden facing the dark woods and something in him that attract to explore whats behind it. He was just sitting everyday due to its weak body. He is fun of reading and watching T.V. as it is his daily activity.

Miss Mara is a full time nurse that has been hired five years ago. John doesn't know much about his nurse only he know is that his parents trusted her so much. Mara always leaving the house every Friday in the after he was sleep in his bed. Mara did not noticed it but john was still awake every moment and followed her in the sight through the window of his room. He has no idea of where nurse Mara is going but he saw it walking toward the dark woods. Another day passed but the situation is always the same, he always the feel headache, taking medicine and sitting in the garden, reading and watching television. While he was watching on the television he saw a news. He was surprise of what he saw, some women are missing and he recognize one of it.. The woman he saw in the other week was in the news of missing person. He was very sure about it, he called Mara and said about it. Mara strongly agree and believe of what John said. He immediately call the police and tell what John said. John remember always the face of the missing person. One day while he was seating on his wheelchair and facing towards the dark woods he heard a strange scream from the woods. He was frightened to a very scary voice feels like something very dangerous is happening in the forest. He stand and step towards the forest but nurse Mara came in. "John it is your schedule now for the medicine. they go back inside the house with a feeling of strangeness in his feeling. Several nights John can't get a good sleep and he was always reminded of the strange scream in the forest. Its been a three consecutive days that he had a nightmare about the noise in the forest, its feels like the woods are whispering of something that he can't understand.

One night in a very cold moment, John followed his nurse to know why she always going in that place every Friday night. The nurse did not notice that john was following her. Due to its week body, he walk slowly that nurse Mara fall out from his sight. He just continue to follow the track of Miss Mara. In the woods he saw a house made by a container and it was surrounded by trees that it can't seen in an instant. As he was near, he smell something strange, if smells like a dead animal. he looked up in the window and he saw Miss Mara wearing a mask, apron and gloved. She is like a nurse in the hospital. He was surprise of what he saw, someone in lying down on the table. He trembled in fear but he was curios of what is really happening. he sneaked into the backdoor and enter into the place. He was surprise to what he saw. He saw two women lying down with wounds in their chest and arm. they also have hose for blood and it scares John. He witness the a very crucial murder scene. He screamed in surprise of the dead bodies in the boxes as he open one of it. And Miss Mara saw him in an devilish smile. "Don't kill me! John said. "You don"t know hat are you saying" she said. He was saw his mother and father wearing an apron and gloves like a butcher. John scream in fear as he noticed bloodshed in the garments of his father. And he pass out instantly.

November 19, 2019 01:41

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