The Unsolved Case On 22nd Street

Submitted into Contest #204 in response to: Write a story about a stranger coming to town and shaking up the order of things.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Fiction Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Title: The Unsolved Case On 22nd Street

 Hello! My name is Luna. My family and I are from California; we now live in beautiful Ohio. Mid-June, June 19th to be precise, my family and I moved to Ohio, a city full of beautiful buildings, unique fashion boutiques, restaurants, breathtaking parks, beautiful gardens, and a clear blue sky; my mom and dad thought it would be a great idea to change our surroundings, and that was how we moved without hesitation. My dad, John Thompson, works as a computer engineer. I'm glad he stuck with his childhood passion; as Grandad explained it, my dad had a very curious mind as a child; he would research, design, and develop new ways to build stuff, so he wasn't surprised when Dad became an engineer.

 Quote: When your mind starts to wander around, it becomes curious

Your curiosity level then increases

 If you feed it with positivity, it will leave you with intelligence, creativity, and a problem-solving mind.

The Next Chapters Of Our Lives.

As days went by, everything was going great, just as Mom and Dad had hoped and prayed for. My mom, Jessica Thompson, works as a teacher. She adored children and loved spending every minute with them. She believed that being with her students made her a better person. She learned to love others around her, and she became a better version of herself. Of course, her days don't always go as planned, but being a teacher is all about patience, active listening, empathy, focus on growth, and the backbone of each individual. 

Let's Explore The New City, Shall We? 

 It's Saturday at 8 p.m. My twin brother, two of the neighborhood kids, and I waved goodbye to Mom and Dad as we proceeded to walk out the front door. My mom jokingly said to me, "Don't get pregnant," And dad followed up by saying." Don't do drugs." We all laughed as she closed the door behind us. 

Anxious, But Excited.

 We had planned to grab something to eat and then just walk around town, but peer pressure is a dangerous drug by itself. Lisa and Alex suggested that we go over to Mike's house. It wasn't part of our plans, but they kept pushing and pushing. My brother, Joseph, and I finally gave in. Lisa and Alex are eighteen; my brother is seventeen and 18 minutes older. He never lets me forget that, and I'm seventeen. I guess we wanted to feel accepted and valued by our friends; I mean, they are older and wiser ( we thought), so we decided to go with their ideas as we continued with our journey. When we were almost out of sight, Alex stopped walking and turned to us, and said." Phones are not allowed where we are going, so I will need you two to turn off your phones." My brother looked at me strangely, and I got the feeling that we were heading to the dark side of town. You know, the underground, which is run by gang members, pimps, prostitutes, and drug dealers. It became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. My heart was pounding out of my chest, and I started to see the fear and worry in my brother's eyes. I reached out to grab his hand as tightly as I could and whispered, "We will be fine." It was a word of encouragement to feel sane in an insane world," I told myself. I set up my phone to recording mode as I pretended to turn it off. We didn't say much to each other. I held my brother's hand as we walked (brother's keeper at its finest). The Silence went on for about two minutes, and then

 Alex started to sing

"They say the devil works overtime

 He's the one that runs the whole town

 He gives drugs

 Makes you feel lost

 He makes you lose your senses

 And then you start to misbehave

 Death becomes your safe place

 Wishing you could get away


 And ever


 It sucks that something that seems so invisible

 Can fuck you up ( up)

 Yeah, it sucks

 It sucks, but the devil works overtime

 He's the one that runs the whole town

 He gives drugs

 Makes you feel lost

 He makes you lose your senses."..... "Rest in peace, Josh. I failed you, buddy. Your death was ruled a suicide while your killers walked free." Alex was so distracted talking to himself that I peeked to see if my phone was recording, and indeed it was. I commented on his singing and asked if the song he was singing was from a rock band. "No," he answered.

 I was so invested, I had to know what else he knew about Josh's death, but I didn't know how to ask him the right questions to make him spill the tea. I am not the best singer in the world, and as the saying goes." If you can't beat them, join them." I started singing, "He gives drugs

 Makes you feel lost

 He makes you lose your senses

And then you start to misbehave."

 It was a strategy to let Alex know that we were with him and not against him

 And that he could talk with us freely without any judgments. Honestly, I was scared out of my mind and thought he was taking my brother and me to our deaths. Alex couldn't look any of us in the eyes. I saw a troubled and guilty teenager. If he didn't kill Josh, he knows who killed him.

After 3 seconds, Alex asked, "Are you guys familiar with the unsolved case on 22nd Street?"

 My brother and I answered, "No."

 The truth is, we are very much familiar with this case. It's the talk of the town, and everyone has their version of what had happened just to claim the prize money of fifty thousand that Josh's parents had put out. From what we know, Josh Brown, a 16-year-old, was killed on 22nd Street three months earlier before we moved to Ohio, and his death was never solved or looked into properly.

Ohio City and Josh Brown's case will never be the same. Let's shake the town and solve the crime.

 "Hey Alex, are you familiar with the unsolved case on 22nd Street? Were you there when it happened?

 Was Mike involved? You are so young to hold on to such a big secret that is eating you away." Lisa, Joseph, and I believe in your innocence, and we are on your side one hundred percent."

 "....We don't have to go to Mike's house. Let's sit down for a few minutes and talk. It would be a good way to drop some of the weight you are carrying, I said." We found an old bench nearby, and I was the first to sit down on it. Lisa and Joseph stood by while Alex sat down and tried to put his head on my lap. I could feel how down and tensed he was, and I guess he needed a sense of love and safety

 I checked once again to make sure that my phone was still recording because this was the moment we had been waiting for; every detail about this case matters

 Alex: "A house full of alcohol, hookers, drugs, and teenagers translates to disasters."

 Joseph: "What do you mean, Alex? "

 Lisa: "Yes, Alex, what do you mean?"

 "Are you responsible for Josh's death, Alex? " I asked

 Alex: "Josh wasn't killed on 22nd Street. He was murdered in Mike's apartment over a drug deal gone wrong, and his body was later moved to 22nd Street. There were no fingerprints because we cleaned his body and the crime scene, so the police ruled his death a suicide. Mike and his gang members paid me to keep my mouth shut." Alex then passed out on my lap- karma works when you least expect it. Lisa called the emergency line, and we were found within minutes by the police and ambulance. I gave my phone to the police chief and explained that every inside information they needed to arrest Josh's killers was on this phone. "His parents deserve Justice; I said as we walked away in the opposite direction.

June 24, 2023 18:48

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