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Adventure Science Fiction Teens & Young Adult

It was a day where people and children were freely walking around the street without any fear of soldiers of the harsh rule of the galactic order. He wandered around and children flocked to him to hear his story. He was a good story teller about his childhood and his adventures of a soldier that fights for freedom. As the children came near, he began to tell his tale….

It was at one fateful night that he woke up. He was unclear of his memory and why he was sitting on a treetop. He tried to recall his memory and remembered the horrifying events that happened. His name was Jason. His father was a general that opposed the galactic order. His mother was a supplier that supplies resources to an organization called freedom fighters. He recalled that they were on the run, moving from planet to planet, then their ship called the stronghold was ambushed by the capital ships of the galactic order. They crash landed on a planet forest like with a lot of vegetation, but they didn’t have the time to admire the nature because soldiers were closing in on them. As his father and mother traded blaster fire with the soldiers, they told him to run and hide far away from the ship so that he would not be caught. And now, there he was, in the dense forest and far away from the ship. He now wanted to go to the stronghold to see what had happened to his father and mother. He started by climbing down the tree and walked toward the direction the stronghold was.

He did not know how his legs carried him far away from the stronghold, maybe it was because the threat of getting captured or did he had this strength in him? It took several days to reach it. He rested sometimes during his journey while he ate some wild berries which In luck did no harm to him. It tasted sweet at first but sour in his throat. He saw no sign of soldiers too. He at last reached the stronghold. His mother was dead and his father badly wounded. It was there that his father spoke his last words: “In the ship, there is a secret compartment that has a secret holopod”.

He found himself a blaster with some energy cells, useful to defend himself from the soldiers. He did found the hidden compartment that was hidden to look like the floor of the ship. It contained a holopod that was a message of a gathering of those who oppose the galactic order. They were recruiting as many people as they can to fight against the galactic order. It will be held on a moon called tantive II. Now he knows where to go. He just needs a transport.

The ship’s scanner shows a galactic order base not too far from the ship. It was a good thing that the scanner still works. It is where the transport problem will be solved. Will he be able to fly the fighter ships? He could only hope there will be any other ship or the fighter ships with controls similar to the stronghold. He needs to sneak in quietly to steal one of its ships. If he accidentally put up a fight, then he will not be able to hold back all those soldiers because of the sheer number of them and the price will be costly. He might never be able to get out of the planet for the rest of his life.

He has his blaster drawn and changed for the soldiers patrolling the base. He just needed to get to the fighters hangar bay. He avoided attention and reached one of the fighter ships. That was when suddenly a patrol of soldiers spotted him and started firing at him. He started firing against the soldier but that set off an alarm. More soldier flooded in the hangar bay. He quickly went in the ship while firing against the soldiers. He found out that the fighter ship’s control were the same with the stronghold. He flew the ship out of the hangar and into space but other soldiers quickly flew the other ships left in the hangar bay . They were hot on his trail and started firing missiles at his ship . He tried maneuvering his ship to avoid their missiles when suddenly, a large capital ship appeared out of a warp portal with more fighter ships launching from it. Its turrets also started firing at him. He must get out fast before the capital ship’s tractor beam trap him, making him unable to jump to hyperspace. He quickly entered the coordinates he got from the holopod into the ships computer and a warp portal appeared in front of him and he was in a tunnel with a color of light yellow. The computer said it will take several hours before they reached the coordinates.

The ship finally reached the coordinates and before him, appeared the moon with both green and blue colors but it was under attack by the galactic order. There were many galactic order capital ships. Their turrets and turbolaser cannons firing against freedom ships. There were explosions as torpedoes hit one of the capital ships. S-wings were chasing over H-wings while firing lasers. Shields were absorbing damage, preventing harm from the ships. His radio frequency was overwhelm with many sounds, sounds of joy, panic, orders, anger, pain and sadness of loss. He chose to join the fight and help the freedom fighters. He got a missile lock on one of the capital ship’s turbolaser cannon and fired. The cannon was down but that alarmed several H-wings and they started firing at him. He managed to activate his shields at the back of the ship before the lasers get to him. The shield took the hit absorbed the damage. He launched a missile at the capital ship’s shield generators. It was a direct hit and the shields were down. It was now on full alert since now they were exposed for firing. Bombers started bombing the ship causing the engines to take massive damage and started overheating. The engine finally exploded causing the capital ship to be pull by the moon gravity and started to descend to the moons atmosphere and without any protection, the ship started to catch on fire and burned like a meteor. 

There also bomber ships that has enough bombs to destroy a capital ship’s core. They were surrounded by s-wings to protect them from other things like H-wings,turbolaser cannons turrets and torpedoes. They will reach the core then take some time to unload their bombs, it is crucial that the s-wings protect them at this moment so that they do not self explode and affect the others when fired by missiles, turbolasers or torpedoes. Once the bombs are out, it will explode the entire ship and the core. T-wings are also so agile and strong enough to overwhelm the defenses that lets them to get the job done.

The battle ended with freedom fighters ride as the winner and the galactic order sustained heavy losses. He identified himself over the comn and was allowed to enter the moon’s atmosphere. He landed at the rendezvous he was told to land at.

He was allowed to join them. His identification is now verified and now training to be T-wing pilot. He tested his abilities through stimulations and get some military training on s-wings, their controls, strategies to use them and how to fly them. He managed to join a real fight and took down a super capital ship in an T-wing. He doesn’t know what will he face at the end or whether they will win or lose against the galactic order. He only knew that he must have hope for the fate of the galaxy.

May 07, 2021 12:48

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1 comment

Luc Mulyono
11:29 May 14, 2021

What should I improve in this story


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