
Have you ever lain on the ground at 2 am outside, looking at the stars above? Completely on your own? Or, at least you thought you were alone?

Jasmine has a fascination with stars. It feels like they hold secrets no one will ever know, because they only come out at night, and no one looks up anymore anyway; they’re too busy checking the media and wondering if they should or should not follow this person on Instagram.

Jasmine Harper lied there, thinking she was alone, but then she heard a rustle in a bush nearby. Her mother and father, Jessica and John Harper were inside, sleeping. Not knowing anything about what their daughter was doing outside.

Suddenly she felt uneasy, like someone was watching her.

β€œwho's there!” she called into the night.


β€œAlright, alright” said a boy’s voice. β€œJust don’t scream again. Oh and by the way my name is Joshua.” he said. From behind the bush a boy with unruly black hair emerged.

Jasmine gasped. Was he Harry Potter? But no, didn’t he say his name was Joshua?

β€œWere you watching me?” Jasmine asked suspiciously, eyeing him.

β€œSort of.” He answered. β€œBut I’m not some creepy stalker dude who’s been gawking at your every move for the past month. That would be weird.”

β€œOK?” she answered awkwardly, strangely not wanting to run even though it was probably be a wise choice.

β€œWell, I was wondering if you had plans tonight?” he said, flashing a Flynn Ryder smile. 

β€œThis is some kind of prank or dare, right?” I questioned him.


β€œOK” Yeah, she’ll just blindly accept this as fact. It’s not like she had anything better to do.

In the silence that followed they kept staring at each other. After a while Jasmine decided to say something. But before she could Joshua did.

β€œI know it’s really late and all, so when can I see you again?”

Jasmine wondered if she should tell a stranger information like that, but she felt as if she knew this Joshua boy forever, and that she could trust him.

β€œI’m going to the park tomorrow, at eleven.”

β€œOK” With that he started to walk away.

β€œBye!” I called after him.

β€œOh, and by the way, I wanted your birth date.”

β€œMy birth date?”


β€œ3'd of September. Why?”

β€œYou’re a Virgo. Like me.”

β€œA what?”

β€œLook it up” he said and with that he disappeared, leaving Jasmine there.


Ooh boy. Dad must have come wake her for school. She hadn’t realized the time.

β€œYOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!!!” her mother yelled from her bedroom window.

 That’s how she ended up at the dinner table after school, trying to explain without lying that she was only out a little while.

Eventually she did decide to lie and said her watch on her windowpane fell off and she went to pick it up. Her mother seemed to believe her, and so did her father.

Phew, safe this time, but no more risks, she will always take her watch with her and constantly check the time.

The next day at the park, Jasmine waited for Joshua , the random stranger she met the night before .Then she remembered she hadn’t looked up what a Virgo was and what it had to do with her birthday. Oh well, he’ll have to tell me then.

There he was! He was sitting on a bench, waiting for her.

β€œHi” he called when saw me. β€œcome sit down, did you look Virgo up?”

β€œno, sorry I forgot.. would you tell me?” I asked nervously.

He laughed. β€œDon’t laugh!”

 β€œI’m sorry, it’s just,” he laughed again.

β€œWhat!?” I was starting to get irritated.

β€œOK, OK! It’s just you looked so sorrow, and sorry!”


 β€œa Virgo is a horoscope.”

β€œa What?”

β€œa Horoscope. It’s a thing that Chinese used, like if you’re birthday is between this and this date, you have a certain personality. A Virgo’s personality Is supposed to be creative, smart and shy.”

 β€œSo, it’s another Chinese custom right?”



Silence. Once again broken by Josh.

β€œYou should smile more.”

β€œWhat?” I laughed

β€œReally, I’m not joking! When you smile your whole face lights up. Then you’re face lights up the room. It’s amazing. You’re amazing.” He said.

β€œI-I, well thanks I guess.” I was flattered. No boys really said anything to me. It was great to hear from someone other than family that they thought I was pretty. Well, he didn’t exactly say I was pretty, but still.

β€œWhere do you live?” It was random, and I don’t know why I said it, but then I thought it might be helpful.

β€œWhy?” he asked.

I blushed. β€œWell, I was never at your place and well, oh leave it, its random.”

β€œNo, I don’t mind really, to be honest. I live at the drummer beach near here. You want to come over?

β€œSure, I’d love to.”

β€œThen come on slowpoke!!!!” he called and ran out in front, his tanned legs flashed quickly.

β€œSlow down!!!!” I called after him running. Then I stopped to catch my breath.

β€œyou’re not tired already, are you?” he asked walking back to me, not even slightly out of breath. β€œOK, we’ll walk the rest of the way.” He said.

β€œThank goodness!” I said after I caught my breath. β€œAre we almost there” I asked.

β€œYeah, almost.” He laughed.” Do you walk much?”

I blushed. Again. β€œNo, I don’t. Surprising right?”

We laughed.

β€œOK, were here.” He said.

β€œFinally,” I joked. We walked into their garden, and the first thing I noticed is that half of it was sand, it was so close to the beach. it was starting get late and I was scared my mom will get worried. But I didn’t want to leave Joshua now and thought I could just call anyway and say I’m at a friend. She would be happy about it, the fact that I made a friend. I didn’t make friends easy, and my mom was always trying to get me to make new them.

β€œSorry Josh, but can I phone my mom to say I’m going to be late?”

β€œsure, there’s WiFi there in the corner. I’ll wait.”

β€œThanks! I’ll be quick.” I phoned my mom and as I expected, she was hyped about me finally making a friend.

 After that it got dark and the stars started coming up.

Me and Josh lie there on the sand staring at the stars. I knew we would be staying the whole night. I knew it wasn’t a lie I told my mom; I had finally made a friend.

July 24, 2020 17:41

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Mila Van Niekerk
06:05 Sep 24, 2020

That was nice, but just work on your grammar


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