Fiction Friendship Teens & Young Adult

It was 6 am. Just like any other day I was running with earphones plugged in along the sea shore. It was quiet and silent, away from the busy crowd, hustle that we live in. There's never ever been a day in the past when I haven't seen the sun rising. Everyday I come here, I can feel the soothing whisper of waves that hits the shores politely.

For the past few days I have been observing a boy who too comes here, mostly for walks I assume but only on Fridays and Sundays. He makes me curious.

I wonder if he has ever even noticed me by the sea as I come here like every morning. This thought keeps wandering in my head unanswered but left me a bit more curious than usual this time. But as I myself have no reason to talk to him, I ignored this thought.

I went home and did all my usual chores of the day. I love my home and it's location by the sea. I'm a writer and wish for such environment around me. I still remember when I chose this place to live, my parents and friends were totally against it . Yet I being stubborn I did as I wish. Living far away from everyone lets me think and helps me to quiten my chaotic mind and thoughts that overwhelm me every time. I guess even my friends failed to understand this because of which I lost my touch with them.

I'm pretty sure people may think that I would rather be all to myself just because I'm so into my imaginative plots and solitude but thinking as much as I love my house and rigidness to live here, I do love people and interacting with them. I enjoy intricate details of every being around.

Even in my house which is deserted away from the city crowd I have people whom I talk to. Trust me they aren't ghosts. There's this continuous murmuring that keeps going on in the house where people recite, discuss and even argue at times.

Well I have a podcast or radio running in the background which I usually listen to.

"Coming up next is the weather report. The people living in the west coast need to pack their bags because It seems like there's a mild yet dangerous storm which is soon going to hit the shores of the western coast by tomorrow morning around 7." , The speaker on the radio.

The sun won't rise tomorrow because the storm clouds would swallow it. I felt bad and I had this weirdest remorse about not being able to see the sunrise and my little routine of everyday being disrupted.

I finally decided to distract myself by finishing up my work by the evening. On normal days I would miss my favourite show because I had to sleep early to wake up the next day before the sunrise. But I plan to listen to it later tonight.

It was past 6:30 in the evening. The sun was dipping into the gold guilt of it's not rising tomorrow.

While I was sipping my evening coffee I noticed the same boy by the shore. I tried to look properly through my window to make sure that I ain't mistaken. I thought this being a good chance of ending my unreasonable curiosity about this stranger, I went up to talk to him with the excuse of storms that are coming.

"Ha! I guess the storms are at least productive in someway", I thought to myself.

"Hey!" ,I said.

"Oh, Hello," He said in his ever-so-slightly calm but deep tone

"Are you informed about the storm that is about to hit? Cause I believe it's kind of dangerous being here right now." I aksed

"Well isn't it surprising how nature can be so unpredictable in it's own way yet we find it so beautiful." He said

Wow I wasn't expecting such answer. I thought to myself. He gave of the kind of energy which can make anyone around him curious. His eyes were hazel brown. He spoke with such calmness and poetic way as if he may surprise anyone anytime.

"You are right, no doubt! What's your name? Are you new here?" I asked

"I'm Sam Anderson. I ain't new here. I'm well known about this place, it's just I don't come here often so people mistake me of being someone new. What about you? You seem like one curious soul wandering around. Huh?" He said

"Haha! I'm Sally Mikaelson. Also, you are quite right there. I can't disagree to that." I answered jokingly yet in a hesitant manner.

The dark clouds were covering the sky like a blanket around us. I offered him to come by my house as it was just nearby. I usually don't welcome anyone but for some reason I wanted to talk more.

"I have heard about you in the neighbour. You are a writer if I ain't wrong?" He asked as he entered inside my house

"Ah yes! It is one of the main reasons I moved here." I replied

We talked like there was no end to our conversation. He looked at the simplest and smallest stuffs with a whole lot different view.

We started hanging out together more after that day. He began narrating me his peculiar thoughts that he knitted inside his head when he wandered by the sea shore.

He told me about his favourite books and I suggested him few podcasts in return which he may listen to.

Every time I talked to him I ended up learning something new. He left me with no words to say, not in terms of being impressed but more like I don't want to say, I only wish to listen.

Well who knew? When I asked him to come over, he denied because of such formality but you know the process, they always agree in the end. Likewise a connection from being strangers to talkative friends began from here.

June 04, 2021 07:45

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Shivangi S
09:12 Jun 11, 2021

Its a beautiful story Saloni, Sally Mikaelson, a beautiful character, who is a writer and loves the calm of the nature away from city crowds. What is not there to fall in love with her? But she is passionate as well, so much that lives near the sea to write and enjoy a peaceful life and people a lot of times disagree with such notions and the decisions which follow, the touch of misunderstanding from friends as of her choosing to be away. Others even mistake her love for solitude and imagination as her not needing anybody or enjoy anybody's ...


13:58 Jun 11, 2021

Thank you so much!!! ❤


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