Inspirational Science Fiction Historical Fiction

It was a decade when the wind blew , the sun came out to shine , the mornings passed and yet he was the one who had come to belittle the six letter word ''random.'' '' You is you but l is around you , lam not too afraid ''whispered life into his twisted like ears wrapping each word he could hear.


The horses came running towards him as he observed the skyline in the city of New York. Adrian was just a young adult who lived in a one roomed bedroom , his parents had all passed away and he had to look after sibling named Stephen. '' Is it me but the big picture of that simple wireless communicator looks fascinating , it looks like a digital , analytical engine turning completely unexpected,'' he said. It was 1960 and yet this young man had a robotic and computer like interest in what he liked. It all began when he was only 5 downside Chicago in which he was been inspired by Grace Hopper . He was fond of fixing computers and anything to do with technology and he lived by the motto: Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic, not just magic but the great magic.'' It was him sitting on a bench watching the sunset as the grass swayed from side to side increasing his imaginative curiosity in the spark behind the spark of every great idea of the future he had better aid of. Things were hard and the life they were living had not even a single developed modem or computer. ''Why?'' ''How?'' ''When ?'' ''What ?'' ''Are we ever going to fit into the room of improvement or just wait for the next generation ?'' '' l mean we don't even have a better way of communicating with people about maybe 1000 miles away from us , think about it the people of the 20th century,'' he said . Adrian always talked to himself but one day he questioned : What else can l use to talk to myself instead of my mouth and subconcious ? lam interested in computer science , what can l use ? What can l use?, was the only question that would maybe lead to discoveries because nearly every great discovery in science has come by providing a new question rather than a new answer. It was all simple observations but he didn't look like he was going to ever stop the expedition to the best of all. It all showed love in humanity because all lied in the hands of him assisting. His question kept on ringing continuosly and he decided to at least produce some action that was worth of value. Spending days and days on his cracked floor and still wondering got him frustrated , he was a college dropout but his interest seemed like it was never going to fade away so easily . People ignored him and took his scrutiny as a joke. '' You fellow mates want to stay like this with no ways of telecommunications that will help better living ?'' A multitude threw stones at him and even chased him away like he was a dog. '' ''I'm going to find ways to prove your doubts and ego's intolerance of the greatest life changing ideas,'' he said as he walked away all bruised and dusty. Adrian reached home and thought of joining a company that specialised in his interests , a company that was a worth the foundation of his dreams.

1 month later..........

''Hey the server has shut down!'' ''I'm on the go to get it fixed.'' ''Quick hurry up .'' Different shouts could be heard from different corners as bells rang in a unsolicitered order. Adrian could not believe his eyes as he walked in the largest buliding he had ever seen . His hairs raised to the ends as he shivered . A world class company welcomed him in the most unexpected way as he looked around , still in shock. It took Adrian a day to settle in and that also welcomed him to a project. He thought of his days in the village when he would never rest and now the had learnt that it was all about partnership and collaboration to solving and answering his question openly. This company was well known for setting objectives and being able to accomplish them. This time the company had the main aim of wanting to invent computers with many opportunities for the people and the company . It took years and years for so many neccessties to come from all over the world . Adrian began with the idea of the structure and its outlook , only a drawing defined what he wanted.''A smart idea,'' said Mr Geothermal. ''What about the alphabet being in it's order ?'' ''No , that could cause key jams!'' Adrian spoke in the highest voice , His innovation was quite open . It took months and months for the team to develop a well set up strategy of what they wanted. The software required so much concentration that it almost led to giving up completely, but Adrian discouraged that and they continued working . Days and days , a screen was developed and a proper keyboard was developed and named the qwerty keyboard. A superior connection through out the computer was made by Adrian as the applications developed slowly but surely

maybe something like this?

Computer terminal - Wikipedia

A year later......

It took days for the computers to get somewhere , but one day a man's voice reached millions and soon the company got popular for it's invention. ''Wait , l can use a computer's text and recording system to talk to myself, wait what my question has finally been answered by the work done by many,'' Adrian said . President JF Kennedy bought more than 7 million copies for his government and organised a worldwide event . It wasn't the company only but it was Adrian's curiosity that led somewhere , finally effective and efficient communications between people around the world would improve business and many more things. Truly this was a revolution of a fortune placed in the next upcoming century. They had done it and most of all a reward in disguise was yet to come for them. Adrian nodded his head sat on a beach watched the sun set and who knows was his next question was going to be?

February 23, 2021 23:00

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