Lianna's Special Gift

Submitted into Contest #101 in response to: Write a story about a character who always repeats themselves.... view prompt


Friendship Middle School Happy

Lianna was a quiet girl, who most people thought wasn’t very smart and was very shy. But, in reality, she was one of the smartest kids in her class of the 7th grade. And, she was shy, but she would talk to those kids who talked to her, and to the teachers who asked her questions. She got teased a lot because she repeated things, but it was her way of remembering the “important” things, like: people’s addresses and phone numbers, her friend’s birthdays, what time her favorite TV shows were on, and when her best friend would be coming over to play with her that week.

    What most people didn’t know was that Lianna was Autistic, and repeating things was just who she was, and one of her little “quirks”. Those who knew and loved her accepted it with no questions asked. But, for everyone else, they looked at her like she was a freak and stayed at least 6 feet away from her at times. This hurt Lianna’s feelings at times, but her one teacher, Miss Rebecca, told her that She was *Special* just the way she was, and if people couldn’t *accept* her way she was, then they weren’t worth her time. And, she thoroughly agreed with that assessment. But, she didn’t always know what to do, when kids teased her at school, except to walk away and go find her friend, Maria, and they would go to the library until it was time to catch the bus. She loved spending time with Maria, and they would go to each other’s houses after school and work on homework, and then play outside until it was time to go home. And, then, they’d have the occasional sleepover, which Lianna always looked forward to. Lianna wished all the kids in her class were as nice as Maria.

    And, Lianna had a special gift: she could make someone feel *Special*, just by giving them a hug and smiling at them. And her teacher, Miss Rebecca, told her once, that she had a way of *brightening* people’s days, just by doing “little acts of kindness”, like: opening doors for people, picking up something that dropped, giving *hugs*, helping her fellow students sound out words, play a game with someone, and other “little things’ throughout the day. She told Lianna she watched her during the day, and she told her she had a sweet, gentle spirit; and to never *lose* that. Lianna smiled, remembering that, and vowed that she would always help others whenever she could, because she knew what it felt like, to be shoved aside, and not be helped. It made her feel good, to be able to help others when she could.

    Right now, though, she looked at her watch and practically sprinted down the hall to her next class, so she wouldn’t be late for Music class, because it was one of her favorite classes. She had some classes that she felt she was almost “invisible” in (because there were so many kids) and then there were some classes that there were only a few students in; and she felt she could “breathe a little easier in”. Music class had more than a few students in it but, she felt she *relax*, be *herself*, and just *sing* her “little heart out”. She got to class and settled in and listened to the Chorus teacher go over the music for the upcoming Spring concert. She hated having to wear black and white (again!), but she didn’t mind the music and sang with great gusto as they practiced the songs they were going to sing. She liked to clap and sway to the music, despite the looks some of the other students gave her. Maria sat next to her and the Chorus teacher encouraged them to *express* themselves; so, she didn’t care what the other students thought. She lost herself in the music, and was sad when the period ended and she had to go to gym class. Though, today, they were going outside and running on the track; so, maybe today wouldn’t be a bad day after all. She loved to run, because it was when she felt completely free. She and Maria were two of the fastest runners and they were going to go to Special Olympics this year; so, she was pretty excited about that. It was a lot of work, with all the sprints and everything, but it worth it, because she got to have fun with her friends. It wasn’t about winning to her-it was about running and having fun.

    After they got back inside, they did some reading and then it was time to go home. Lianna was excited, because today was Friday, and she was spending the night at Maria’s house, so she got off the bus at Maria’s house. Maria was having a sleep-over for her birthday, and had invited about six girls over for it. They were going to watch movies, have snacks and see how late they could stay up. And, hopefully, Maria’s older brother wouldn’t “tease them” like he did last time! Maria’s mom, Greta, greeted them at the door, and showed them where to put their stuff, and then told them to come out to the kitchen when they got things put away. Lianna and Maria came out to the kitchen, just as the doorbell rang, and a few other girls arrived to spend the night. Abby and Darla came bounding into the kitchen, with BIG smiles on their faces, excited about the sleep-over party, and all the fun they would have. After the other girls arrived, Maria’s mom ordered pizza, and they sat down to watch their first movie, “CINDERELLA”, Maria’s favorite movie of all time and what the house was decorated with. There were plates, napkins, balloons, streamers, and blankets all with CINDERELLA on them; and some of the gifts were even wrapped in CINDERELLA paper, too.

    After they ate and watched the movie, they played a few games and then it was time for cake. Maria liked marble cake with French vanilla icing, and it had a picture of Cinderella on top. Lianna thought it was the most beautiful cake she had ever seen. By the time they finished their ice cream and cake, it was almost 8:30pm, and Maria’s mom told them to get their sleeping bags set up in the living room, so if they fell asleep watching a movie, they’d be all “tucked in”. Maria let one of the other girls pick a movie and so they watched 101 DALMATIANS. Lianna loved watching all the puppies running around and having fun. But, when Cruella De Ville came on the screen, it scared some of the girls; so, she went over to give them hugs, which calmed them right down. Maria’s mom saw it and smiled, thinking that when Maria picked Lianna as a friend, she certainly chose well. And, as she looked around the room, she realized just how well the girls got along; it was, she realized, because each of them had something *special* that they “added” to the friendship with Maria. Maria was certainly *lucky* to have them all in her life, and had told her mom that on more than one occasion.

    The next day when Lianna got home and told her mom about the party, she was so excited, she kept repeating things over and over. Her mom just smiled and let her talk, because she knew that Lianna did that when she got REALLY excited and didn’t have the heart to stop her. She loved hearing her sweet voice being so excited and seeing that beautiful smile on her face, especially after all that she’d been through in her life. So, when she was excited, it made her heart sing for joy, and her soul be at peace. Her daughter was the most important thing in her life, and anything that made her happy, was worth all the stories “repeated twice”, even “three times”, as long as Lianna was happy. She was generally happy most of the time and that was a true joy to her. She wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!    

    When Lianna got to school on Monday, all the girls were talking about Maria’s sleep-over, and how much fun they had putting shaving cream in Maria’s brother, Mark’s shoes. The look he had when he put his feet in them Saturday morning? PRICELESS! Lianna would never forget it as long as she lived! She loved playing little tricks like that, because they were fun and didn’t hurt people. But, she didn’t like it when kids tried to put paint or glue in her friends or her hair when they were at lunch. That was a mean trick and she could never figure out WHY they would be so spiteful. Her teacher, Miss Rebecca always said it was probably because they were “unhappy at home’, and wanted to make others “unhappy” as well. But, Lianna still didn’t think it was very nice. She just prayed for them when she said her prayers at night, and by the end of the week, lunchtime got a little better. So, apparently the pastor was right: there IS power in prayer!

    By Tuesday, the lunch room was “a buzz” with news about try-outs for the school musical and Lianna perked up her ears with interest. She liked singing and thought she may try out for a part. She went to the music teacher during free period, to see when try-outs were, and then went to go find Maria, as they bother usually tried out for the musicals and plays together. Try-outs were scheduled for Thursday afternoon, and by then, the signup sheet was pretty full of students from 7th-12th grades. It was open to all students, so Lianna knew parts usually went to the best singers and tried not to get her hopes up. She and Maria crowded into the auditorium, and listened to students audition one right after the other. When it was her turn, Miss Rebecca came over to her and whispered: “Just sing what we’ve been practicing, and you’ll be just fine! YOU GOT THIS!!” So, Lianna went out on stage and sang her little heart out and got a part in the musical. It wasn’t a very big part, but it was a part, and she was happy, because Maria got a part, too. So, they would be able to stand beside each other on stage and rehearse together and it would be a lot of fun!  They were going to do the WIZARD OF OZ, and she and Maria were going to be guards, Munchkins, and “fill in” where needed”. Lianna knew it was going to be a l  o  n  g three months of practicing and getting things *perfect* for “opening night”. But, it would all be worth it! She couldn’t wait to go home and tell her mom about it!

    As she and Maria were going down the steps to catch the bus, some students were teasing some girls who didn’t make the auditions for the musical. Lianna rushed over and told them to shut up, and led her friends, Sophie and Mackenzie onto the bus. Once there, she gave them both hugs and told them everything would be alright, and they could help her and Maria practice, if they wanted to. They seemed excited at this, and it gave Lianna an idea: She would ask the Music teacher if there were any “extras” parts left tomorrow, when she came into school tomorrow. She thought Sophie and Mackenzie would make perfect “munchkins”. But, she wouldn’t tell them, until she found out for sure, as she didn’t want to get their hopes up. The next day when she came into music class, she talked to the Music teacher, and she said that if Sophie and Mackenzie came to her during their “free period” to sing for her, so she could hear their voices, she would see if she could ‘fit them in” the musical. Lianna was super excited and went to find Sophie and Mackenzie, and since they all had the same “free period”, they all went to the music room together. They sang for the Music teacher, and she said they could be “munchkins”, which made them very excited!! They all left the music room, talking excitedly about the musical and making plans as to when to practice; and whose house they’d meet at for after school practice sessions.

  Lianna decided this week had been a pretty good week, and couldn’t wait to see what the weekend held. Though, with now being in a musical with her friends, she figured her weekends would be filled with sleep-overs, to practice the songs for the musical, and finishing up homework from the week. She liked staying busy, but she would be busier than she ever was, in the next few weeks; and knew she’d have to get as much sleep as she could, to focus on the tasks at hand. At least with the notebook Miss Rebecca gave her, she could keep track of things pretty well, and knew what she had to do each day and could check it off when she got it done. And, if she didn’t get it done, then she knew she just had more to do the next day. She liked to stay organized, despite the teasing she got from her fellow students at times. It was a ‘calming” mechanism for her. When she wrote things in her notebook that Miss Rebecca gave her, it gave her a sense of pride and accomplishment; and she felt she could “take on the world” some days. Though, there were some days she had trouble getting out of bed…but, then, who doesn’t?!

    So, as she looked over her notebook, she decided the next few months were going to “fly right by” and it would Special Olympics before she knew it. And, then….Summer vacation! She didn’t know what she was going to do this summer, but she hoped she would be able to go visit her Grandfather in Pennsylvania, and spend a few days with him, like she had the past few years. She loved going to visit him and seeing the animals, and petting the barn cats, dogs, cows, and whatever other animals happen to be around. And, she loved picking blueberries from the blueberry bushes that grew along the fence line on the property, too. And, she smiled as she remembered the beautiful flowers she always saw growing along the driveway and just inside the fence line. And, she knew…she’d pick some to bring home to her Mama. It was, after all, where her Mama had grown up, and picked her own beautiful flowers, too. She had also gone sled riding down the long driveway, and climbed the trees that lined the driveway, and climbed up into the treehouse that once stood in the last tree, too. But, what Lianna loved the most, was swinging in the swing that hung from the tall posts that her grandfather had made such a long time ago. She recalled living close to her Grandfather and Grandmother, when she was really young and being pushed in that swing, too. Those were some “happy memories” for her, and she hoped to make some more this summer. 

July 09, 2021 01:09

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