The Scarlett Letter

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a plus-one.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Suspense

“Jenny, are you almost ready?!” John yelled from the bottom of the stairs. How is he able to speak out of turn after I hexed him last night? There must have been a mistake. I roll my eyes, annoyed with his happy-go-lucky attitude that snaked its way through my efforts. Today is his cousin’s wedding. The thought of his stupid little cousin brings the fiercest energy to my balled-up fists. I force myself to subdue my petulant attitude clawing its way up my throat and heating my cheeks. I urge myself to respond with a lilt, “Oh, sorry sweety! I’ll be down in a moment!” And I return to seething.

It’s getting harder by the moment to pretend to enjoy his immature company. I had no choice, you see. John was the only one out of his family who was of age and had his plus one break up with him a month before the wedding made room for me to weasel my way in. I must admit that I may have had a hand in his high school sweetheart breaking up with him so that I had my chance to attend this wedding without the bride and groom knowing who is really attending. I even have John thinking that my name is Jenny since my actual name, Scarlett, may raise some alarms. John’s family knows he has a “rebound” coming and they’re not happy, of course, but they just don’t know who will be there.

I take a few deep breaths as I look in the mirror, my sultry black silk dress hugs my thick body and sinches at my waist, creating the sexiest curves that is too daring for any normal wedding. My deep vampish red lipstick contrasts with my naturally blanched skin but compliments my rich brown eyes. I finger at my long brown hair, cascading in elegant waves across my one shoulder and spritz a bit of hairspray taming the frizz. “There,” I say with a satisfying nod.

I walk over to my altar on the far side of my room and grab the glass of my favorite perfume I spelled the night before. My eye catches the official save the date that I stole from John’s frat house a week ago that I already disfigured with a rusty nail and a mixture of herbs and liquid concoctions to prepare for today's spell.

It helps that tonight is a full blood moon, providing me with more menacing energy than I have ever felt before.

I close my eyes, and I spray myself with the warm and spicy scent of sage and rosemary, the depth of the bay leaf I had steeping in almond oil, and the freshness of lilac and lavender. As the perfume enchants my aura, protecting me against spiritual harm, I feel a rush of grounding energy pulling me down. I whisper a chant as the perfume oil sticks to me,

“Bound by earth,

bound by spirit,

protect my soul

and do so in secret.

Hexes and curses

Be returned to your owner,

Whoever attempted,

Be sure to dethrone her.”

At my last words, a rush of air stumbles me back and I feel the pull of protection around me like gravity. I quickly put on my Selenite necklace and dangling obsidian earrings. I slip on my black heels and be sure to take my purse full of… things, and exit my bedroom, prepared to face the main event.

John hastily opens the passenger side door after parking the car and I get out with the electrifying grace. I hid my face so no one on either side of the bride and groom's family may recognize me. I turn towards John and get close to his ear and whisper, “why don’t you be a doll and find us a seat in the back of the chapel, I will meet you there shortly,” and walk away towards the grand front door of the church, my hips swaying with each daring step I take. I can feel the trees and the wavering long beach grass go completely still, as if I am drawing up their energy to borrow. I dip my thin fingers in the holy water by the front door, feigned a prayer, and walked in.

I slip through the outskirts of the crowd, gratefully unnoticed by the excited chatter of family members. I look around slowly for a door, I don’t know which door until I… yes, this one, my intuition hums within me.

I skirt around Dior dresses and Chanel No. 5, and quickly dash into the room and close the door behind me. It’s too dark in here except for a faint glow of a monitor on the other side of the room. I fumble around until I find the light switch. I find it after a minute and the space illuminates. I'm standing in a storage closet full of odds and ends such as extra bibles in a box to the right with a thin layer of dust across the top, a bucket and mop, a broom, cleaning supplies, and, oddly enough, active CCTV footage viewing most spaces in the church.

I walk over to the ancient computer and at the multiple little squares of footage across the screen. There were squares with all the family members mingling on the front lawn and another square showing the main foyer adorned with flowers and wedding decorations. My heart hitches for a moment as my eye catches the square with her on it. The bride. This is the first time I’ve seen Daisy since the end of us. I take in a sharp breath as I move closer to the grainy computer screen, watching her. Daisy is sitting on a chair with what looks like her mother putting a necklace on her. She looks in the mirror in shock and astonishment over the extravagant looking necklace, mouths words I can’t make out, and turns to hug her mother. I look away from the computer and feel my heart beating faster. At first, I feel this strange emotion come over me. I feel this pit of… sorrow in my stomach and in my chest, it’s washing over me like a disease. I think this is called remorse. Or possibly regret? Guilt? I take a deep breath and close my eyes, willing away the useless emotion.

I start to set up shop. I take out my makeshift altar that I use when I need to travel. I begin by taking the small box of salt out of my purse and creating a circle big enough to fit myself and my potions. Before I get to work, I take a deep breath and chant, protecting this supply closet, and deterring anyone who would want to come in. I light my sage incense and place it down, cleansing each item I am going to use with its smoke.

I’m sitting on the floor, in my protection circle, and I open my grimoire to the spell that I used just last month. A smile curls devilishly on my face as I begin slowing my breath and my heart rate. I close my eyes and prepare my body to be a conduit for the energy of the blood moon and mother earth. I think of my target and my intention with my whole being, whispering and humming their names. I take a printed-out picture of Daisy and Elijah that I found from Facebook out of my purse, put it on my altar, tie a string around a small black and red votive candle connecting them, and light each one with intention. The potions nearby vibrate with me, the flames grow taller, and I feel as if my whole world is spinning with the energy I am drawing up, snaking through my body. I finally feel the urge to speak the incantation, so I begin smearing the potion over their faces on the picture.

Take this couple that I see,

Have the man lose love, get up and flee,

Endless discords, fights and hate,

Begin to be apart their fate.

Tik, tock, the clock it goes,

Time ran out,

Your vows turned woes,

In this moment, anger bubbles,

Till death for none,

I curse their love to be undone!”

A powerful surge of energy whooshes through the closet, blowing out the candles, turning the pages of the grimoire. I gasp with surprise at the amount of energy coursing through me and I can’t help but feel a bubble of a laugh escaping my body. I laugh and cry and pray for their demise. Slowly, the wind dies and the crackles of energy pulse through me.

The CCTV monitor glitches to a complete stop, but just before the screen went black, I saw Elijah and Daisy confronting each other.

I closed out the practice and asked for protection as I break my salt circle and quickly clean up the space. Energy is still rolling through me, and I keep finding myself cackling, wishing I could be a fly on the wall in their private quarters as their relationship meets its ends. Just as mine did with Daisy. Just as she did to me.

I step out of the supply closet and rush to find my seat just in time. Elijah is down the aisle, nostrils flared, lips tight in a line on his face and jaw set. Oh, splendid! As soon as I sat down next to John, the string quartet begins their composition.

“Hey, Jenny, where have you been? I wanted you to meet some of my family,” John whispered looking at me, annoyed.

“Shut up you immature newt," I hiss at him with a fire in my eyes, just as the doors open and the music turns to a melody that sounds familiar, but I am unable to remember its origin.

Daisy, embellished in her long cream-colored wedding gown and her mother’s rare sapphire and diamond necklace, entered the room. Her eyes were cast downward, as I am sure she is still collecting herself after their argument moments ago. When she looked up, her glassy eyes caught mine as if we were always to be drawn to each other. I give her a malicious smile and a little wave with my coffin tipped fingers. I see her gasp and take a step back, first confusion hit her, then disgust. I watched as her father whispers something to her, and they nod to each other in reassurance, continuing their mission. My eyes never leave hers, and then as she turned to continue down the aisle, they bore into her back. Oh, I hope she can feel my stare.

The music ended and the couple was standing there, not touching, not smiling, just staring at each other. A few people were murmuring, confused looks on their face as they feel the energy shifting in the room. The priest, also noticing the change, began to speak anyway in an effort to try and control the space. I feel the hum of the spell begin, stirring in my lower chakras, reminding me that it’s in play.

The ceremony went on and I am at the edge of my seat, waiting for the moment for it to all fall apart. The priest is droning on and on about love and loyalty, I roll my eyes. Daisy isn’t loyal, no, Daisy cheats on me with disgusting men like Elijah and then escapes to marry him a year later. I see Daisy’s eyes keep shifting to me with fear and disbelief. Good, she should be afraid of me.

“Now,” the priest said with a grin on his face, Daisy’s eyes snap forward. “Elijah, do you take Daisy to be lawfully wedded wife from this day forward, to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; will you love, honor, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?”

Silence. Beautiful tension that slices through the church like a broken promise. I feel the anticipation electrifying like a lightning storm, and I am at the center of it. I lock into the scene that is playing before me with bated breath.

I couldn’t hear him say no, but I didn't have to, because all I heard was the choking of Daisy’s cries echoing through the church and the gasps of family members all around me in a chorus of disbelief. I take in the sweet sound of despair, and that same guttural laugh escapes my lips with pride and astonishment.

Elijah takes his ring off and walks down the aisle, avoiding looking at anyone, and marches off like he’s summoning a hurricane. I push past John, “Hey!” he squeals. Ugh, I think to myself, and I walk down the rest of the aisle behind Elijah, and make my exit, humming a tune that Daisy taught me on her guitar one lazy afternoon after making love.

August 18, 2024 22:44

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Rudy Greene
22:27 Aug 28, 2024

Fantasy is tough and you do a good job. You incorporate a lot of surprises which is fun I wonder if you tried a third person rather than first person whether it would be more effective? Just a thought


Hannah U.
02:03 Aug 31, 2024

Thank you. I think that's a great thought and I will consider that in the future. Thanks for your tip, Rudy!


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