Fiction Fantasy Contemporary

You Tube camera woman Amber was standing on the street filming when a man in regal attire appeared in her view. She asked “Who are you?”

People who were passing were indifferent to what was happening as they assumed some film production was in progress.

The man said “I’m King Midas.”

“Can you turn people into gold?”

He nodded.

She said “Prove it.”

“Come with me.”

They entered the film studio nearby and saw film producer Jasmine filming. They stood in silence watching and heard Jasmine saying “Ruby you’ve to show more. The audience will want to see it all though it would be disgusting. I wish I were in some other field where I don’t have to see bare females every other day. Now it is intermission for an hour.” Ruby disappeared.

Midas now said “Jasmine I’ve come again as this You Tuber wants to test me. You’re now producing VEER IN WONDERLAND with superstars Arjun and Ruby.”

“I’ve included Sweetie as 16 year old Malaika.”

Midas said “I know Sweetie. She is well endowed.”

“My curses on you! You men don‘t acknowledge talent. She is becoming a top actor.”

Midas laughed and said “Tell us the story of VEER.”

Jasmine said “Veer is a top politico. He is handsome and is now 30. His wife Asha is from a moneyed family. Only she is short and fat though not unattractive. Social worker Malaika is attractive and talented. She falls in love with Veer. In a scene she lets him see her while having a bath. He is greatly attracted. Asha is aware of the situation and warns her husband about getting mixed up with Malaika. But Malaika announces that Veer has raped her and she is pregnant. Veer denies Malaika‘s allegations. Following this a young man Kiran  – a college student – shoots Malaika dead. It is said Kiran was after Malaika and when he heard of her affair with Veer had killed her. It was said that Asha was infuriated that while they had no children he had impregnated a minor girl. Veer who is an upright politico consumes poison and is admitted into hospital. Autopsy reveals Malaika wasn’t pregnant and was a virgin.”

Midas said “Very interesting.”

Amber the You Tuber was hearing the story spell bound.

Jasmine continued “Veer has been given the wrong drug by a confused nurse but is revived and wakes up in Wonderland. He is now King Pururavas.  He seeks to marry the divine nymph Urvashi. She lays down a condition: He should never allow her to see him naked except while making love. He agrees but she doesn‘t really want him. To keep him off she stipulates one more condition: He should bring her Aladin‘s lamp within 10 days.”

Midas said “That would be very difficult as Pururavas is in faraway Wonderland. The time given was clearly inadequate.”

Jasmine said “Pururavas is ingenious. He asks around and is told the lamp is in Baghdad but that someone in Wonderland now owned a flying ebony horse: Using it would be the quickest way to reach Baghdad. Pururavas promises a reward of a hundred gold coins for information on the current ownership of the ebony horse. A day later he learns that Lord Kubera has it. On request Kubera presents it to the king.

Pururavas immediately rushes to tell Urvashi and takes leave of her. She is in the pond bathing among lotuses and he stands appreciating her. He approaches her and says “Your divine body makes me run around so much.” She is flattered, but again says “Fulfill my conditions.”

Pururavas readies himself and sitting on the horse twists the key. He whispers into its ear “To Baghdad.”

The horse faithfully rises and finds its way to the chosen destination. Reaching there Pururavas parks on top of the palace.  Asked if he has come to make the princess Aaliyah laugh he nods and is helped down and stays in the palace.”

Midas says “A very logical and neatly written story. Please continue. This You Tuber is listening with mouth agape!”

Jasmine said “I have yet to tell you about two subplots. Pururavas enquires and is told that having seen something sad princess Aaliyah had stopped laughing. Anyone who made her laugh again could marry her. He enquires about Aladin’s lamp and is told it is with the princess. He has a magic ring to use in some way to amuse her but had never used it before. He goes before her and wishes to become female. At once his clothes fall off and he gradually turns woman in women‘s clothing.

The princess laughs and claps her hands as Pururavas turns male again. The Sultan is informed of the developments and he orders the wedding to be performed.

Pururavas asks for Aladin’s lamp and Aaliyah gives it to him saying the genie had abandoned it long ago.

Once he has the lamp Pururavas thinks of fleeing but the sultan’s guards have kept the horse locked up and would release it only after the wedding!”

The You Tuber now said “I suppose that is the end of the story.”

Jasmine said “There is more. A day after the wedding, the newlyweds climb on the horse and set off for Wonderland. Urvashi is stunned to see Pururavas land with a young woman in tow. He explains to Urvashi the consequences of the conditions set by her.”

The You Tuber said “Urvashi must’ve been very angry and must’ve reneged on her promise.”

Jasmine said “Certainly but she is true to her word. She remains withdrawn while Aaliyah is very happy. That evening she being in the mood shared her bed early with Pururavas . They were happy together when Urvashi enters without knocking. Pururavas springs up but Urvashi has seen him au naturel! She immediately vanishes. The next day Aaliyah after a disagreement disappears on the ebony horse. Pururavas is left alone. Somebody has tapped him on the arm and Veer wakes up. It is his wife. She says ‘You’ve slept two days. You’re cleared of all changes.’ He has come back to life.”

Midas said “Let me hold the camera again for a moment.” He handed it back.

Jasmine said “We’ve given this movie much publicity due to novelty of the theme. It is a compelling story with a well written script. And as I had earlier said actors Arjun and Ruby are superstars with reach to audiences.”

Midas added “Those combined with the talent of visionary director Jasmine and two bath scenes will make the movie a resounding success.”

Jasmine said “The movie will be released worldwide and we hope to collect ten times the investment.”

Midas said to the You Tuber “See how my touch had turned people to gold through the box office?”

Jasmine said “This man is an actor in our studio and sometimes acts up like this.”

The You Tuber left laughing.


NOTE: This story is loosely based on the Hindu legend of Urvashi.

Posted Sep 01, 2023

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