Bedtime Inspirational Fiction

There was a growing stillness in the world behind me around my head thickening and pulsing with life like an Emerald Green Vein pumping blood for the first time.  Prepare to bear witness to fiery lakes prepare now for all which soon I’ll create. This path will include a way to end death meant to learn early before my last breath. “See child, I bestow this gift of life upon you at a great cost for everything must move in a circle. I’ve been all through time from beginning to end and changed everything but it happens again. My life is the length of time for that is a lifetime and I’ve vowed to change one thing only every revolution the Universe makes.” 

But what do you change Daddy? “There used to be just one thing I wanted to change. See when I gave you the gift of life I also gave you the gift of death, a gift I pray for often for I’ve spent an eternity watching my precious little Angel die a thousand deaths.” 

But I don’t want you to die. “Don’t worry Angel I never will for I can only die if you gift it to me but I will never accept. I have to wait here for you to return from death for that is the way. Once upon a time I created a Universe of boringness. It had everything I could think of but still it just sat there. I didn’t know what was a matter with it until you were born. You mattered so much to me that matter became matter and the Universe exploded into life.”

I don’t understand. What did I do? “You turned me into a loving God and I realized it was a force more powerful than myself. I vowed to become the embodiment of love for my favorite little Angel and love you eternally so that you may live a thousand more lives. I knew when I first brought you to life that I’d always love you my child.”

“I remember many times ago when the Universe was perfectly devout of life, devout of love, but still it was perfect. So perfect that I froze it in time satisfied with what I had created. Then I created you and the Universe spun around in the blink of an eye and you sure loved to spin around back then. As you grew older the Universe grew too and you wanted it to spin slower so you could watch all of the beautiful lights go by.”

What’s my name Daddy? “Well once upon a time we decided to watch all the Universe  from beginning to end and choose a name for you when the Sun finally sets for the last time on life. It’s always hard to see you grow up and go live your life but you tell me my favorite stories before I’m left alone again with nothing but sleep. I did want to give you another gift today as well though.”

Now I know everyone says this but my Dad gives the best gifts so I was really excited to find out about this so I asked him what he got me. 

God held out his hands both holding forth a single seed. He said with one first “This is my life I give unto you.” and he shed a single tear of happiness so that I may grow and live. The beginning of life the beginning of time. Suddenly I felt motion inside me beginning to start the pulsing and pumping the beat of my heart. I could feel the build-up of blood lining up to the tracks like a royal guard still I dare not react. This gift my Dad gave me this gift he calls life Creation and Death are both paradise.

Then God held out his other hand and said “This is the end this is my death and when you are ready I’ll shed a single tear upon it and we shall die together. When the Sun sets on the last day of the Universe and we will learn your name together.

With that on the first day God’s favorite little Angel took the seed of Creation and the seed of destruction and went off to live her life and tell God all of his favorite stories in doing so. This being the beginning of life and the beginning of motion so now time could have relevance.

On the second day she created time and space to have a place to write her stories for God and organize them. On the third day she ran into a bit of a problem she really struggled with although she didn’t know what was the matter but she certainly had a theory. She let the matter build up until all that was a matter spilt out finally like a Big Bang of spectacular sounds and colors as they poured out in all the different directions. On the fourth day she made all the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies of the Universe from the very big to the very small. On the fifth day she made all of the creatures of the world to show God wondrous diversity for God loves all the creatures of the World. Finally on the sixth day she made man as a testament to God. She made man in God’s image because his favorite little Angel clearly worked so hard creating Adam God loved man more than he knew he could love anything except for his favorite little Angel of course. 

She wore herself out with all her creating so decided to go down to Earth for a little while and enjoy her Creation for it reminded her so or her Daddy up in the heavens above. She lived beside Adam and walked hand in hand with him and did not think of her father for many years to come but all things must move in a circle and what begins must end. Her time spent on Earth too had to end and she knew what that meant though she was stalling for every precious last second of life.

God came down from the heavens above that night and sat down beside his favorite little Angel as they watched the last sunset to fall upon life one last time. “I’m ambitious by right and choose to be here to accept all my darkness and shed my last tear.  I’ve sat down and watched this sunset a thousand times before and changed only one thing in the Universe every day that passes us by in hopes that one day you will ask me to die.” 

What do you change Daddy? “I’ve tried to change everything but nothing has ever worked for Daddy. The only thing I change now is that I shed one more tear for having seen you die one more death.” 

God looked down at his favorite little Angel one last time before he shed his last tear but something was different. She held out her hand holding her other gift but this time it was her who shed a tear for the first time ever this day and this year. “This time it’s real I pretended before patiently waiting with no reason to live I’ve lost all that I’ve loved I’ve nothing to give.”

Daddy she said as the Sun fell lower in the sky with the last lights from heaven floating on by. I’m ready to go and finally leave and tell you my name has always been Eve. I don’t want you to hurt I don’t want you to cry this time’s the last this time we’ll both die.

God was at a loss for words for he’d lived a thousand lives and didn’t remember anything new anymore but he said a prayer anyways. “Blood take my mind away in your richness of passion wash my stress with doubt for confidence is my solvent.  I lie here honest for I dare not move a finger in these trying times. I’m certain I no longer possess the strength. Who am I?  I ask for I am me yet not myself. Where am I? I have been here before but still I am lost.” 

God’s memories of good and bad with just moments of fleeting time to make new memories. For in his last breathe will be the last time anybody ever knows for sure that God ever existed and not even he knows what will happen next. God held his daughter one last time and for the first time ever God accepted the greatest gift ever given for he had always waited for his little Angel to ask him to die with her. “I have waited for your gift of death for so long now that I believed that my love for you was eternal.” God held his precious little Angel one last time and all was quiet all was still the fires lit and it takes deaths chill. “My child my child hush down now and God looked in Eve’s eyes as he held her in that moment and froze time as a single tear locked onto his cheek. “I might be God but I finally did something right for once. My precious little Angel made anything and everything in 6 days but it wasn’t anywhere near perfect until we fell asleep together on the 7th day. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful bless you bless you Angel of mine I’ll hold you forever for longer than time.

Dedicated to my Daughter: Alyssa

January 08, 2021 09:58

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