
My stomach gets all happy feeling when my mom isn't awoken by the beeping machine.

It means that she will not abandon me today. The machine has been strangely quiet the past couple of days.

Maybe it is because she finally realized that I am the only important thing in her life.

Yep that must be it.

I jump beside her on my part of the coach and she smiles, giving me a good rub behind the ear before turning back the noisy box. I don't know why but she seems worried as the box flashes.

I must make her feel better.

Without warning I jump on her leg to give her the best wettest kiss on the cheek.

There that made her feel better.

She slides me back down to my side and rubs me again. She hits the good spot and my foot begins slapping the couch. It's my way of letting the happiness out when she hits the good spot.

I don't know why she isn't as happy as I am.

This is the best thing that's ever happened.

She switches off the noisy box and I know what that means. We are going for a walk.

Oh I love walks.

Chasing squirrels up trees.

And getting rubbing from others walking by.

Maybe today we will go to the park.

I love the park.

Tiny humans run around with sticky hands and faces.

They are so much fun to play with.

I bark letting my mom know that I am ready to go

She looks at me then looks at the door. Then she looks at the leash then to the door. That's not usually what happens.

She slowly gets up and runs water over her hands. She sometimes gives me a bath there.

I hate baths.

Then she picks up the leash and it is finally time to go.


Where are all the people who give me rubbing?

Where are all the little sticky people in the park?

I see one and try to go over to play But mom told me no.

I was sad until I saw a big stick I hopped over to it bringing it back to my mom.

She gladly took my gift. And then threw it. That must have been an accident.

How could she throw my gift like that. I rush to go get it. And give it to my mom. But then she accidentally throws it again.

This keeps going on until I give up trying to give her the nice stick I found.

My tongue hangs out my mouth on the way home and all I can think about is my water bowl on the hard floored room.

Mom does a code to get in the door and I rush to the bowl. And drink all the water from it. Except the drops that hit the ground.

Uh no.

Where did mom go?

I rush to the place where she gets a bath. And I see her changing.

How dare she leave me when the beeping machine didn't tell her to.

I beg her to stay. Sometimes it works.

She walks back in the room with the noisy box And sits on her side of the couch again.

It worked.

She is still home.

She didn't abandon me.

Me and my mom finally.

The days of her wishing me a good day before closing the door in my face or over.

No more worries.

No more cares.

I wish this never changes.

This is the best.

Why did she never stay home sooner?

My eyes become heavy as I lay next to my mom. 

I see vision of me finally catching that squirrel that messes with me from out the window. 

Ha stupid squirrel. 

I win. 

I awake when the smell of human food fills my nose. 

Human food smells so much better than the round pebbles in my bowl. 

Time to be all cute. 

She can't resist these big eyes and floppy ears. 

No way. 

As soon as I'm in place to beg the smaller noisy box goes off. 

She talks to this noisy box. 

She answers and I hear grandma on the other side of the box. 

I love grandma. 

She brings me toys

I think she gets trapped in there sometimes.

Mom's face grew worried again. 

But I don't know why. 

There isn't a reason to be worried when she is at home with me. 

When the small noisy box that sounds like grandma stops talking. 

Mom goes back to cooking our food. 

And I remember why I am in here. 

To beg. 

I put on my best face but she didn't even notice. 

I take my foot and hit her leg. 

Haha she sees me. 

My plan is gonna work. 

She drops a piece of meat and I hurry to reach it. 

She acts like it is an accident but I know it wasn't. It's a game we play. 

I wait by the door for the tall man. This is the time he comes. 

Mom says tall man might be my dad someday. 

I like tall man.  

Tall man never hits the door so mom will let him in. 

I wonder where he is. 

I look at mom to see if this is why she is worried. 

But it seems like she knew tall man wasn't going to come. 

I miss tall man.

Mom goes to give herself a bath. 

I don't know why. 

I hate baths. 

She gets out and goes to listen to the noisy box again. When the smaller noisy box alerts again. 

This time tall man is trapped inside. 

Tall man makes mom happy. 

Why didn't he come make her happy today? 

Mom doesn't look worried when she talks to him. 

Maybe that means he will come over tomorrow. 

Yep that must be it. 

When the sky becomes dark. Mom coaxes me to the bed and I curl up beside her. 

These are the best days ever.

As long as the noisy machine doesn't go off tomorrow or will be okay. 

March 21, 2020 16:05

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