Contemporary Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

In UH-Mānoa's Sinclair & Hamilton library nooks are a replica of the Rosetta Stone, Mesoamerican codices & countless Polynesian treasures. 

"Uh-hey Boo-Boo, you wanna travel through time?" "Uhh... I don't think that's a good idea, Yogi...": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel

Travel in spacetime for most people is understandably limited. Most of us just have 2 legs & 1 brain. Our legs can only take us over land & from 0 up to 28 mph.

"Humans could perhaps run as fast 40 mph, a new study suggests. Such a feat would leave in the dust the world's fastest runner, Usain Bolt, who has clocked nearly 28 mph in the 100-meter sprint. The new findings come after researchers took a new look at the factors that limit human speed.": https://www.livescience.com/8039-humans-run-40-mph-theory.html

Our methodical brains eventually learned to harness the speed & power of equines, bovines, camelids & elephantidae, which served us well for millennia. Then along came the wheel, a revolutionary invention impacting virtually every aspect of human life. Minor improvements followed, until steam locomotion was applied to wheels & industry boomed. Mankind accelerated ever since. When 2018's Solar Probe+ arced to less than 4 million miles of our sun, it reached 394,736 mph, a new world record.: 


From Star Trek science we learn that technologically warping spacetime is the sine qua non of both faster-than-light (FTL) speed & paradox-free time travel. Natural & artificial 'wormholes' might be other viable alternatives for future travelers: 


Simpler & much more energy-efficient, but requiring exceptional mental focus, one uses brain power in a different way, mentally warping spacetime, not as far-fetched as it may initially seem.: https://qz.com/1108124/the-physics-of-time-travel-isnt-just-the-stuff-of-science-fiction/

Mystic yogis are renown for physical & mental powers, little understood yet by western science, which labels them ironically as illusionists.: 


Let's imagine a journey on Yogic Time Spaceline with our yogi राযरा, that's Rajər if your Sanskrit's rusty. Doc Emmett Brown said "Roads? Where we're going we won't need roads.": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flge_rw6RG0 Rajər doesn't require NASA's elaborate fuel-conserving Interplanetary Superhighway linking LaGrange points either.: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/genesis/media/jpl-release-071702.html

OK, so how does our yogi Rajər warp spacetime with just his focused mind? If you're expecting yantras 'mystical diagrams' or mantras 'words or sounds repeated to aid concentration in meditation', you're partly correct, but the key is the same way we will, by creative visualization. Visualize a clear, detailed image of whatever you wish and then realize it. To paraphrase Field of Dreams, Focus: build it and you will go, or stay here unfocused.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_visualization

When we vividly recall a past event, aren't we in a sense recreating that time in mind? Similarly, we can visualize eons of time past & future. There aren't many steps between that & genuine spacetime travel. Humans like to make things harder than they need be. Remember this one? "If we were meant to fly we'd have wings." Or "Get a horse!" aimed at early drivers.

Most sci-fi writers mumbo jumbo their way through the science to get to the fiction, but that's cheating the reader. Cinema has a legitimate excuse of limited time, while an author has a luxury to spend several paragraphs or chapters explaining fine points to his/her audience. Isaac Asimov often did that. If they find it boring, they can skip ahead to return to the action. 

Are there other ways to travel? Here are a pair of intriguing books, The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time & Parallel Universes: The Search For Other Worlds, both by Fred Alan Wolf and available in some libraries.: https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Time-Travel-Mind-Defeat/dp/083560828X, http://isbninspire.com/pdf123/offer.php?id=083560828X, https://www.amazon.com/Parallel-Universes-Search-Other-Worlds/dp/0671696017, & http://www.eighbooks.com/lib.php?q=parallel-universes-the-search-for-other-worlds-fred-alan-wolf

"Time travel is not just science fiction; it may actually be possible. Wolf draws on yoga and quantum physics to show that time is a flexible projection of mind. Cheating time, he says, is an ancient metaphysical idea from the Vedas having to do with moving through meditation to a place where time stands still." "The author, a theoretical physicist, uses an ancient Hindu meditative technique, that draws on yoga and quantum physics to show that time is a flexible projection of the mind."

"Chapter One alone is more than worth the price of the book, as it describes how a yoga adept can overcome the five barriers to reaching the state of egoless mind... which is what Wolf explains one needs to do in order to travel through time without a time travel device." 

"Fred Alan Wolf is a world-renowned physicist, writer, and lecturer who also conducts research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He is the author of 13 books, 3 audio CD courses and received the National Book Award for "Taking the Quantum Leap". He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Scholars and was Professor of physics at San Diego State University for twelve years. Dr. Wolf has appeared in many nationally released films including "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and "The Secret." His latest book is "Time-Loops and Space-Twists: How God Created the Universe." He has been interviewed on several radio and television programs including New Dimensions Radio, Western Public Radio, National Public Radio, and many others. He was the visiting scholar/scientist-in-residence in the Pacific Northwest sponsored by The Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy during the spring season, 1994. He has spoken numerous times before The Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, The Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC, and several other prominent organizations and been interviewed on a number of television shows between the years 1995 to the present including: The Discovery Channel's The Know Zone, Sightings, The Thinking Allowed Television Series, The Malone show, The Evidence for Heaven. Star Trek IV, Special Collector's edition, The Fabric of Time, The Case for Christ's Resurrection, Down the Rabbit Hole, and the PBS series Closer to Truth." 


"What if you KNEW that your mind is actually a powerful machine? It is not only a tool for solving your daily problems; it is much more. What if you understood that your mind is an extension of your all powerful soul, that part of you that is the I AM, connected to Source, or the Universe or God? What if you could understand that your mind is more like a magic wand? What if you figured out the idea that how magical your magic wand is relates directly to how well you manage your thoughts, belief systems and physical reality? Yes! It is all in your Mind!" 

"The Yoga of Time Travel is a book written by Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., an American physicist acknowledged to be one of the most influential spiritual writers of our time."

"This newsletter is based on a cursory overview of parts of a book that I very much enjoyed reading this summer. It is a lay person’s guide to quantum mechanics, time, space, and an explanation of how the human mind influences time, space, and the non-physical and physical universe we all live in. In short, time travel!"

"Although it is not a technical review of quantum mechanics written for physicists, it is still complex for lay people simply because it deals with a lot of paradoxical issues as they relate to time travel. I found myself reading and re-reading a lot of the content."

"It is not my intention to provide a thorough review of this wonderful book. I will touch upon the key ideas that might help you understand your mind and its role in influencing the Youniverse and how it affects time, space and matter. Yes, Youniverse. You read that right!"

"I hope to engage you in some thinking about how your mind affects time and space to learn to experience yourself as the I AM of time and space." 

"Putting the You back into the Youniverse You are the centre of your universe; and all of the things you see around you too. All of your thoughts have power; they have power in the NOW to affect the present, the past, and the future of all reality and what you see as reality. Choose your thoughts carefully! " 

"So, what’s with all this Youniverse stuff? It is a bit much, eh?"

"I will do my best to help you understand why your Universe is actually your Youniverse… Or is that why your Youniverse is actually your Universe?"

"Let’s start with a bit of paradigm shifting first. We live in a world where we believe that we and what we observe are in fact separate. Well, in the physical world, things certainly do appear that way, but what we have learned from quantum mechanics is that the observer and the observed are inextricably linked. Put more strongly, there is no universe (what we observe) without the observer (you). This is why you are being asked to see yourself as fundamentally tied to the Youniverse!"

"Why is that important? It is important because it means that your observations (meaning participation in, deciding upon, wishing for, declaring true) are the thoughts that drive the world around you. The mere consideration of an issue and mental reaction or decision on something sets wheels in motion for you."

"Your thoughts are like a radio message to the universe on a massive scale that affects every piece of that universe down to the electron. It affects your own cells and their DNA, they affect how you perceive your universe and how that universe treats you, because it is delivering to you exactly what you believe is true! They affect all time and space!" 

"How you see yourself through your self-talk influences you on chemical and biochemical levels, creating your physical manifestation, the you that you see in the mirror, the you that has a bad back, the you that has a problem with weight, or appetite, the you that is prone to catching colds, the you that is clumsy or an all-star athlete. These are all physical manifestations of your thoughts translated into who You are physically, all through complex biochemical and neurochemical activities. Your thoughts create who you are in your world; your world does not create who you are."

"Extending this to the world outside of you means that how you talk to yourself about how you are perceived, how well you are liked, how your friends treat you is also an extension of physical manifestation working off of the same quantum field of energy. This time it is about what you perceive to be external to you. It is not actually external to you since fundamentally, all things are made from the same unified field stuff whether it is people, rocks, stars, bunnies, or cars. There really is no me or you or it! It is all one thing!"

"So, how you think about yourself and how you think about other things or people all comes down to how you see the quantum field as a whole. How it responds to you or what is around you is a matter of what you put into it."

"Some of you are thinking about the glass half full vs. glass half empty question In reality the glass is always full of something, but what it is full of is the real question." 

"Your mind is the centre of all activity, all creation, and all effects on non-physical reality. You literally think your world into being..." 

"You are probably wondering what this has to do with time travel. We will get to that later. In the mean time, I would like to get you to think about something really interesting."

"As I pointed out, your thoughts interact with the universe. This idea is exciting, but not as exciting as the notion that without your thoughts interacting with the universe the physical universe would actually disappear. Without our observations, thoughts, ideas about our world and without our inserting ourselves into it literally and mentally, the universe would slowly dissolve into the nonphysical elements or quantum field from which it was dreamed into existence."

"How is that possible? It goes something like this: If you were flipping a coin, it could land heads or tails. Until you observe one option or the other as having happened, it belongs to the realm of the quantum universe of possibilities or optional parallel universes. Once observed, it collapses into either heads or tails in this universe and perhaps the alternative option in a parallel universe too. But, until it is observed, all options are open as possible." 

"This example is not a complicated one, but it makes the point. When we interact with the universe we influence it and create an event based on our observations and thoughts about it. What this means is that the universe that is unobserved or unaffected by your thoughts is in limbo, waiting to be observed."

"It is not limbo; rather it is pure potential! The quantum field is what is often referred to as the void, the nothing from which all things are manifested. And what do you think drives the void to create? The void is driven to manifest into the physical directly through our thoughts. Whether these thoughts can co-create immediately, or slowly or not at all, is a function of how clear and detailed our thoughts are on a subject and how much feeling we put into them. Thoughts are important to conceptualize, but the heart is the fuel that drives manifestation."

"Again, the question is not about the glass being half empty or half full; more about what the quality of your thoughts are and whether they are clear and fueled by passion."

"“Whoever controls the past controls the future; whoever controls the present controls the past”.–George Orwell"


November 04, 2023 18:01

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