The White Stuff-Cookies, Powder, Flour, Power and High Tide. Crystals can be sparkly too.

Written in response to: Write a story about an unconventional holiday tradition.... view prompt


Adventure Friendship Kids

“Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em”

Begging for your life.

The trade of all trade?

Your life for a life.

For THE the drug to keep your life going…over others? Over. under…..

It is here. The magical time where the calendar pages start to turn along with the tables—one can only hope. Gotta rush a quick text to Santa Claus asking for “one more” It is here. Even this Yuletide time of generous spirit of the holidays.

Stay alert.

Keep your friends close.

Keep your enemies closer.

The lines become blurred with the delivery of the goods, the drugs on the mules.

And it is everywhere. Cookies, brownies, gummies to go right into your tummies.

MYOB someone said to me. Of course, they would say that. To me. They are here. How they got here is anyone’s guess. Our preferences differ often and always.

I prefer the tangible honest square knot of truth as opposed to the so-called-make-it-up-as-you- go spirit of “consequence.”

This is my business. Well being of my family is my business. You were born more yesterday than me. Yet I call shots, the number of shots. And no one bothered to listen. So I sought the justice that is due. Overdue. Why is that. Has the steam run out of


You DO indeed exceed my expectations in how different we think.

My steam ran out along time ago except no one noticed. So I made some new friends and family and as God would have it. We get along. Seek and ye shall find. And I did. Inclusive too. They allowed the baggage to come with the old bag.😳

Oh the joys of the holiday season. Of making families. The sadder moments of breaking families. The time for throwing caution to the wind—the wondrous excuses of excess is ours. Consumption galore. Consumptional monitoring left to the experts to divvy up and dole out the goods and goodies—as they prefer.

Not you. To you. For you. Nope. Not to you. We’re you “Naughty”. Were you”Nice”. Were you TOO “Nice” When left to our own devices—and believe you me, they are devices. Some are forced to scrimp, save, penny pinch and wince. Grimace and hope. Bob and weave, punt and fake it. Grovel and work the room.

What to do. What to do?

One plan: “Do it” now and “fix it” later. In the New Year. A new start. A new resolution. The wondrous start of a New Year. It’ll be better then. For sure. So long as your friends drag you along, across the finish line. At least someone is dragging you along, you think.

There is better for you. Trust me. If Santa tells you so. Santa leads the team, his magical team made up 9. A team of players you want to play with—magically, honestly, playfully. Am not making a case for mixing, for conversion, for praying. And as the Santa lists come in, He says the same thing repetitiously:

Be good.

Be you.

Be good.

Be you.

You are. Always have been a “Person who will not be denied”. A great man of a great man saw this of you. At the birth celebration of his 100 year old mother. A good and honest man, with a good and honest brother, a good and honest sister. A good and honest, hard working family. Is one to be emulated, remembered and celebrated this time of year. Any time of year.

But this gets old? Yep. The anticipation. The waiting. The renovations. The repair. The reparations. The restorations. The signaling. This bad old traditional way. This traditional method of survival. Forgetting Santa is watching, one thinks, there must be a faster, quicker way—a way to dupe, loop and stoop.

Blast it our there and see what happens. See who “bites”.


Watch out for your friends. Keep watch over your friends. Even if and when you seem to be acting like Mother Hen. Don’t allow the manual of your life to be written or re-written by

Someone else.

Who runs in nefarious circles and believes in the motto: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

It can get pretty cold out there, out East, out West, heck—this time of year, when the wind starts a blowin’…. Blowin’ in the wind. Aimlessly. Stay prepared, stay alert, for the numbing of all numbs. However it blows your way. Comes your way. Is served on a silver platter in front of you. If is is too good to be true. Than it is too good to be true.

How will you know?

The sniff test.

The snuff test.

If it looks like coffee.

It may be tea.

Or something else.

How? Take a sniff? Of the snuff? Not quite. Don’t do it. Just say No.

This time of year brings with us too many opportunities to not pay attention to what is right in front of our eyes. It is exhausting. And can sneak up on ya too.

Exhaustion + fatigue+ overwhelming lights= Shut down.

Don’t add any powder to that mix. To the swirling concoction set down before you. Unless you know the person “delivering the goods” And even then. Pause. And. Think.

Sometimes it is simply better to drink beer out of a bottle.

Watch the server. Watch the cream. Watch the whipped white stuff too. Signaling a virtue of reparational manipulation that may feel good going down, but awful when it knocks you on your “keester”. And comes up brownish black, reddish yellow……

Some persons take honesty and swallow it whole and spit out for the rest of us to try and pinch and pick up with our own hands. Fine motors skills to the test. Not good.

Not at your hands. Not at your fingertips. Won’t happen on my watch of you. Not at my hands that will be for certain. My sniffer is not as good as a dogs. But close. Not at my fingertips either. Please. Remember at this time of year. At anytime of year.

Life is precious. All life is precious. Even the so called “enemy”. But you are not required to “fix” everyone—they gotta ask for forgiveness themselves and fix themselves. First.

Some people are incapable. Of walking and chewing gum at the same time. Care about their well being. If you smell, sniff a rat, do not doubt yourself. Turn and run straight in the other direction far away from them.

The need for belonging can have dire consequences.


Gotta run. The buzzer on the laundry, just went off. Time to switch loads.

December 24, 2022 13:12

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