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In time I am still, waking to the sound in my bedroom that oncomes from traffic and bustles of the streets at some distance below. I hear an interesting scribbling in the stalls of my mind, to find out more and to show a proof to waking-up itself of the fortune in doing so, and so at a pounce and off the bed I was and doing, respectively. I was found by my mother to be all that she knows about that energy when seeing me in such elation. Poofs came off my scrambling trail out the door that made a gas typically seen through a window from outside as clear to appear instead thick so as to indicate of the speed at which I took off; and out the door to meet their gaze I was which, as again instead of what is typical, surprised the observer. 

At the junction is where I am at currently and with not green bristles in sight as of heavendown signs about my success. Skies tester about how to lay down upon the earth of their fluorescence based off each having a different angle at which the sun shined on them, contradictingly producing a great myriad of them; as to that fine point made from me in my deep thoughts over where best is the action to take place as I and the town’s continued running of things smoothly expect. But to be this wasn’t as what seemed to flicker as mental accidents happened from the realization of how unpointward was the road to become hereon; since, as was from the city’s mighty governing out west by the shores to the wider world, the laying out of roadways was against the freescaping that my adventure would make if its bound were to become ceased in its through-activities enjoyment. I then proceeded that, by the odds of not doing so, had the street in quite the scurry crossed as from the worthwhile reading of the city map by the bus shelter about where my path leads next. As from a great numerosity, which tenable ideas find as an attribute, is too great a need to have confirmed to its standards, I searched the pauce crowds to see if even a singleton of a set of busy, life-longing humans has such. Nothing came of the effort, but in knowing that of alles alongside boulevards comes a similarity between the support I will find and the treacherous journey ahead, I made it a duty that this will be felt through till completion, with all the side-shops and white vans ahead representing distractions and dangers, respectively. 

I learned of the whooshing air of cars, as well as from how the distance seemed from the nearest routes to one as a reference on that read map, though, that these first steps were to be with promptitude. Birds chirping now made crimson lightway, being it now evening as a long time passed since the decision to cross the street was made. Said lightway shines past leafs and their huddles and into the uncomfortable angles of my advance, as the road across the one on which I was on currently leading to the Main Street broke down into gravelled foundation, making it unstable for any work that is to carry onward as progress is made. Before then was even the panting that was partly from the fear at such a sight as seen through those leaves there in indication of the malignancy to come. 

At no other crossing but the one of that view was I, who stood still as stopping to pause and think necessitated. Dears graced across the plains by the sides of that graveled path as I watched them, and without a trace when I wasn’t, to show the new conditions of my safety as I walked further down the path. I crossed but at a moment’s notice had my neck snapped as was to happen if without pause taken was every step of the way forward, and this I saw even now. But since the dream ached away with the same kind of pain that was felt of my ankle as its snapped result from running away from burglars or the kind, I made headway and knew that at that once were the fears to be real and imaginary as foresight and action in their lines became blurred. The local shelter zoomed and flashed another set of terrible scenes in which my depiction contains, in no short measure, pools of blood, and so with restlessness did I take not note of such. The area here really was terrible, as were the feelings in their feeling justified to ride upon and harass me so that awareness, in this current depiction, seemed null. Woods everywhere chirped with the slightest of more agitations, with the current note of such in orchestration from this group to the left of me currently. I felt a trembling as into this forest I was walking and not that fading sun shining on me to a good path all the while, since we both knew as it seemed, that somewhere in the woods was malice to be confronted.

The path was stretched as now very windingly did the distance yet to be covered seem. Biomes in between the definite paths of then and now have undergone a majesty of performance about their need to have someone reached out to and given a question as to their place in the world. Hills were beginning to have sight to them, being affixed in their place of the future setting of the actions to take effect as I now entered into a clearing; with some littoral activity about to my right and an island, right of which is a sagar, having erected from its leveled layers as up one saw on it a lake cottage. For the eyes to fall upon nearer water, it now had in its doing, an area of sargassum and to only cause hidden presentiments in its sight. I footslogged up this rocky incline, and to my surprise did I find the pass-by of ages. I took a view of this activity, then crept to another spot from which that view was even better, and never had my eyes widen with such iridiality

Jute robe was taken and then around the legs of long-deceased bodies, which were then skimmed across the lake on a speedboat. This was due to reasons unknown, until a sample retrieved of a surfacer behind the path made of the skimming revealed that some illegal means to products from insects was the goal of the whole operation. The lines over which messages could be relayed hung not over me but in some far distance elsewhere. Bogs that are imagined of swamp could have associated with them this feeling I get from watching this, and so in a dilapidated and unsupported state I am given momentum to resolve. 

One of the henchmen was slitting the pharynx from the heads of the many insects fished, while a cohort of them was set aside for a bucket into which they were placed, having it filled some halfway distance up to the brim, past which the fat content did not diluted with promise. And so from the way the buckets were arranged, and all related equipment, did I infer that this butter is what was to be derived from this process. Whether it was illegal or not, I sought this activity quit from them, and the measures I took were to have some action and explosions take place.

The slitter’s mouth was muted as to it faced the ground as my weight pressed him down, seeing to such my great sprint as bringing in the necessary condition. From there to be disbanded did the criminal operation quickly configure itself to the task of its self-preservation, and so had, thereon, a squad was sent to run down the camp of any pests, the kind they had throats of slit. I rolled to the corner of a tent, whose angle to their investigation revealed that with carried arms there was confidence and misplaced if not. I made it a mission then to find a way, somehow, to have such stripped from them, and as I snuck to the other side did another become seen as walking by to cover the side of the camp I was at. I managed a quick jab and lugged him off where he was to be seen no more. The table of the area of the camp where now the action was to take place most had no chance of it being seen that I took and used to have the entire camp engulfed in flames, an ignitor and gasoline. I pronounced that vision when all that was heard were yowls after all around them as a basis to their livelihoods went aflame. This I made sophisticatedly so as it was when the head of the investigation had most of his guards burned that I lurked around to have the gasoline poured. 

Away I sailed, or should say, canoed, as it became clearer with the fog that their presence here was no longer sustainable, seeing to it their livelihoods destroyed. The water reflected with chastity the entire gulf now as it stretched to sweep the landscape in a pristine postcondition, death and cinders to all barks and leafy bits, as natural as when it first flourished. I beheld it all, with the wavy reflection from my view as I continued on canoeing echoing its proportions down the miniature ravines. Oh what a journey that happened and to return from, excitement like that was something so spared that never before happened. The path on which I pressed further was ensured to have such in more of, for adventure is the thrill that on which is my life. 

February 15, 2025 04:52

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Aidin Hadzalic
04:55 Feb 15, 2025

This is a Joycean, stream of consciousness, and slightly archaic, narrative.


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