
“Don’t be scared of the demon” I told my grandchild in her super-secret hidey spot. “You don’t need to run and hide”

“But its going to get me!” she cried as she itched her butt.

“It will get you regardless of whether you run and hide.” I told her.

“Oh no, will it get you too?” She sobbed.

“Yes.” I replied, and I started to reminisce and tell her of my last scary experience with the demon, many many summers before she was born.

 There was a knock at the door, and I went to check who it was that my god had brought to my home. It was the box, come again, to haunt me. I told her not to. I begged her, but she ignored me, as my god usually does. She allows me to starve, kicks me when I’m down then blames me, but that’s not my story today. She opened the box, and I ran. We all ran. Myself, my children, my sister, we all ran. But not my poor elderly mother. She sacrificed herself to the demon, to slow it down and give us time to flee. It went after my youngest son, too small to defend himself it injected its long ugly claw into his neck as he screamed. “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t save you!” I called from my super-secret hidey safe spot. My sister was next, “Come here” it beckoned. “I won’t hurt you” it teased as it laughed maniacally. My sister wailed in pain as it sunk into her next. Then it was silent. I felt my ear twitch from a creaky sound that came. Down came a large, scary arm. Its ugly long toes reaching for me, “No!” I screamed as I slapped the skin off of it, and it retreated in pain and I ran to my kitchen between its tall legs. “I’ll get you next!” It yelled after me. I thought I had been the only one in that room but then I heard the demon telling my older daughter not to worry, “It’ll be all over soon”

“Don’t worry!” I called to her, “I will avenge you!”

It heard me.

It snuck around a corner and then darted over, and it almost grabbed me, but I screamed at it and it jumped back, probably remembering the slap I gave it earlier. Its long toes were still bleeding.

“Don’t worry,” It said, “I’ll get you.” It jabbed my other daughter and my heart broke for her. The demon left and I went over to heck on my daughter. “Go” she said, “Run and hide. The next time that door is opened, you had better run through it quick or you will be dead next. It hurts so bad”

“So dramatic” I heard a scoffing voice say in the distance. 

I snuck towards the door archway that divides the kitchen and the Livingroom and I scanned the room for movement. “There you are” I said to my god. “Always on the couch in a time of need”

My god ignored me and laughed at nothing in particular.

I ran back to my super-secret hidey safe spot and I waited. I knew it would be back, but I wanted to have it blood tonight. The darkness came. I heard owls hooting in the distance and a dog howling at the moon down the street. I hate dogs. I wish he would just shut up.

I wish the dog would shut up, I wish the demon would go away and never return, I wish my god would protect me when the demon came around, I wish… I wish my butt didn’t itch so bad.

I was starving by now. I heard my god calling, “I have food!” I went out to the kitchen and I noticed my god was hiding something. I cautiously got up to the table and started eating. Then I looked over. My god was gone, and in its place was the demon! The demon had taken my god! “How dare you!” I screamed as I bolted under a chair. It grabbed my back just as I got underneath, but I turned and sank my teeth into its mangled toes, and it screamed and ran away. I stayed under my chair for a while and was so tired that I actually fell asleep. I awoke to the demon trying to grab my neck. I screamed, tried to bite it but it flinched away in time,

“Ha!” It said, mocking me, “You won’t be getting me again!” It showed me the impenetrable glove on its hand as I ran off to the bedroom and under the bed. It was dark and scary. A big rabbit hopped by me, no just a dust bunny. Speaking of dusty, a long, dusty, pokey thing came under the bed and yelled garbled nonsense at me! “You…need.. to…get….out” it yelled through gritted teeth as it waved the pointy thing at me. I crawled out the other side, behind the end table, and ran off. It didn’t notice and kept swinging its long pointy thing under the bed.

I was starving again and took this chance to go wolf down some food as fast as I possibly could. It was so good, but I didn’t really have the time to enjoy it. I got some water quickly and darted back to my super-secret hidey spot and went to sleep. After a while of sleeping the indoor sun popped on. “My god?” I cried. I was so happy. It was over. I came out of my super-secret hidey spot, but I didn’t notice until it was too late. My god was trapped in the demon’s body. It was smiling at me.

“How cute!” it lied as it came over with the one long claw, but my eyes darted around the room and I found a route to escape. I ran off and as it failed to grab me with its ugly long toes it fell and yelped in pain.

“FINE.” It said in defeat, “I GIVE UP!”

I stayed hiding until the next day when I felt it was safe. I came out and ate some food slowly so that I could enjoy- oh who am I kidding, I love food, I gulped it down as fast as I could, then when I was gone I cried because I wished I had more.

I noticed my god asleep on the couch. I went to cuddle with her.

“Got you”

It wasn’t my god; it was still the demon in my god’s body! I tried to run but it grabbed me and jammed its long, awful claw into the back of my neck as I screamed. I hissed at it and it just laughed at me!

“Jeeze, you cats act like I don’t give you flea medicine every month” my god said.

My mother rolled her eyes at me from the back of the couch and went back to sleep. “But, I thought you were dead” I said, confused. Mother laughed at me and rolled over, as I looked around and noticed that my sister and all my babies were just fine.

It was all over and my butt itch was gone.

June 20, 2021 21:44

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