
Albie Sanders was the weird kid on Blackstone Avenue. It was no doubt that the kids that hung out with him were bribed by his dad with money, and Carter knew that. Carter Hamilton was the mystery solver of the neighborhood. He was a very good observer. Though, that was his part-time job. Carter sold lemonade on the sidewalks with his little sister Abbie. So you may be wondering, what do these two very different boys have to do with each other? Well, that’s easy. There was a mystery to be solved at the Sanders’ treehouse. And it all started with Albie’s secretary-treasurer screaming. “What happened?” Albie asked him. “It’s your ultra-rare slinky! It’s been stolen, dude!” If this were a cartoon, three little exclamation marks would’ve popped up over Albie’s blonde head. “You’re bluffing, Frank! This can’t be possible!” he said, attempting to clear the chaos of the event from his mind. “It’s true, dude. You’re greatest achievement has been snatched up… forever!” Albie then burst into uncontrollable tears. “That’s right, little dude. Let it all out. We have the budget to get another one.” Frank reassured his friend. “No! Nothing can replace McSlinks-A-Lot! The ensemble in the next room might need me for press day, but I need my slinky!” Albie cried out. “You’re so right dude. What’s a man without a slinky? A no man, or something.” If this were still a cartoon, a little light bulb would’ve popped up over Albie’s still blonde head. “I know who can help us find McSlinks-A-Lot! Detective C. Hamilton!” Frank blinked at his boss’s sentence. “You mean that kid Carter who sells lemonade and 3rd Street with his violent little sister?” Albie nodded. “It’s worth a try. For McSlinks-A-Lot!”

And so it was. Albie sent an undercover agent, his eccentric cousin, Angelic Grace. When she arrived at 3rd Street, Carter was nowhere to be seen. Only Abbie was in sight. “Hey, kid. Where’s the man that can investigate for Mr. Sanders?” Angelic asked her. “Off on his leisurely. As should you. It’s twelve.” Abbie put emphasis on the middle sentence. “Maybe I care for a glass of your tacky lemonade.” Angelic fired back. “We utilize real lemons. If you think otherwise, you might as well pay with counterfeit money or dump some lemonade on my head.” Abbie replied. “Girls, stop fighting over me. I’m here.” Carter said, walking up to the stand in his detective trench coat, despite the 80 degree weather. “We’re not fighting over you, psycho. We’re fighting over your bad texture lemonade!” Angelic told him. “But she has come for your services. Mr. Sanders of the Sanders Treehouse Residence’s slinky has gone missing.” Abbie explains. “Ah. I see. It wouldn’t happen to be the permanent full-length slinky Mr. Sanders made a portrait of in kindergarten art class?” Carter inquires. “It is. And I’m pretty sure Mr. Sanders would like that slinky back, and not a reimbursement from Mr. Baxter.” Mr. Baxter was the local store owner. Angelic knew from personal experience that whenever he said he’d give your toy life insurance, he would just give you money and would leave your toy and its memories shattered. “Of course. I can do it. Albie- I mean Mr. Sanders will have his possession back in less than a day.” Abbie cleared her throat. “I? Don’t you mean we? I wasn’t serious about forfeiting our mystery solving contest, you know.” Carter neared his sister and handed her five bucks. “I know. But you’re better off here.” with that, he and Angelic walked down the road towards the tree house. “You’ll be the worst at decision-making forever!” Abbie yelled after her brother. Carter ignored her and struck a conversation with Angelic instead. “Still mad at me about Miss Ross choosing me to hand out the repertoire for the Junior Boomwhacker Band in second grade?” he asked her. “You wish. I’m now a spy under my cousin’s name. You should be jealous of me.” Carter scoffed. “Sure I should.” he replied sarcastically as they reached the treehouse. “Angelic, Carter! Dudes, come quick! Albie is very distressed. He refuses to take a bath without his beloved McSlinks-A-Lot!” Frank said running out the front of the hideout. “What kind of name is ‘McSlinks-A-Lot?” Carter sneered. “It’s Albie, what did you expect?” Angelic told him. “Now come on!” as they headed inside, they could see Albie had had several temper tantrums, as the place was trashed. “Is the detective here?” Albie rushed out on a bathrobe, his freckled face was tear streaked. “Yeah, I’m right here. Where’s the scene of the crime?” Albie led Carter to his “Room of Achievements”. They then trailed up to a glass case that had a puddle in it and a tag “Biggest Slinky In The World” at the front. “Do you have security cameras?” Carter asked the boy. “Of course.” The detective face palmed. “Take me the surveillance room, pronto.” 

When they got to the room, Angelic Grace pulled up the footage, and sure enough, the thief was in plain sight. The thief was none other than… “Frank?! B-but why?” Albie whined. “Because you always spend my salary on that stupid seahorse slinky and never pay me, dude!” Frank told his hirer. “And he had help. Care to come out of hiding, Abigail Hamilton?” Out of underneath the surveillance notes dest, Abbie crawled out. “Fine! You caught us! We hated that old thing, so we decided to hide it for a long time. I also wanted another case.” she admitted. Carter signaled Abbie's pocket and out came five dollars. “And the slinky, Abbs?” The girl huffed and signaled to the lake in Albie’s backyard. “Oh.” It took lots of hands getting wet and dirty with algae, but in the end, McSlinks-A-Lot was found. “Thank you so much, detective! How may I ever repay you?” Carter thought. Albie’s family was rich… then he shot the thought down. No. He wasn’t like that. “Just tell me one thing.” he told him finally. “What?” Albie replied. “Why didn’t you check the security camera in the first place?” 

“Panic, I guess.”

“Albert Sanders, you’re one interesting human.”

July 24, 2020 21:23

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