Friendship Funny Contemporary

The house was huge. Probably had 10 or more rooms. Although the party remained on the first floor. The upper floors were off limits for the night. There was definitely a second floor. Hard to tell if there was a third, or just an attic above. It was dark when they arrived and the house was so tall.

Inside each room was lit up with a different light. The entryway room was white light, straight ahead was a red room, a green room on the right. A big mirror hung on the left side wall reflecting some of the green light. The group looked at each other and split up. Dorian and Cat went into the red room, of course. They both wore crimson red and fitted their fangs in for the evening. Rath looked down at his outfit and sighed walking into the green room. His outfit was all grey sweats, he was hoping to dip in and out tonight. He might stand out if everyone stayed on theme.

The green room was small, it had white walls and the light was a bright lime green, there was a couch against one wall with a couple cuddling on one end. They wore matching green shirts that read “Kiss me I’m Irish”. They were watching a big screen TV hanging on the wall on the opposite side of the room. It was playing a documentary about Stephen Hawking defining the universe. The couple was fully engrossed by the twisting colors and star systems on the TV and did not notice Rath walk in.

Rath could see the next room over, white light like the first room. He darted through the room into the next. The next room was a large kitchen. One long counter was full of drinks, mixers and a big glass dispenser of sangria that was almost empty. The island in the middle was full of appetizers and fruit. Rath looked around the kitchen, no other people. He could heard others chattering around in other rooms. He saw a pad of sticky notes and had an idea. He grabbed a marker, a sticky note and went over to the sangria container.

“Warning, LSD dose ;)”

This will make things interesting. Now I just need to ‘warn’ everyone that already drank the sangria. Maybe loop in Dorian just in case things get too crazy. Cat won’t like it, but Dorian can deal with her.

Rath popped back into the green room and plopped next to the couple on the couch. They paid him no mind and stared at the TV. Rath watched Stephen Hawking talk about the aftermath of the big bang; during a sequence of supernovas and black holes leaned in to whisper to the couple.

“Did you guys see the sangria? I didn’t realize it was that kind of party.” Rath tried to play it cool for now, not too wary but not too excited about the idea of a spiked beverage.

“Yes, it was very good!” The man shook his empty cup stained with sangria.

“Oh! So has it kicked in yet? Is that why the Origins of the Universe is on? Sangria and supernovas!” Rath asked pointing at the shifting waves and colors on the screen now.

“What kicked in? I’m a astrophysics major, this is part of my thesis.”

“What about the sangria?” The other man chimed in pausing from taking another sip of his drink.

“The note about spiking the sangria with acid. You saw right?” Rath got up so they couldn’t read his face too closely. He was a bad liar, but maybe the alcohol would excuse his face and ears turning red.

“The what?!” the couple scrambled up and ran into the kitchen.

They stood in front of the counter reading the note, leaving Rath in the doorway between the kitchen and the green room.

“I have to work tomorrow! How long will this last?!”

“I did feel more interested in the time dilation of black holes than usual. Guess we’ll stick to water for the rest of the night.”

“Gahhh… Well let’s go outside in the yard and watch the real stars at least…”

Rath snuck his way into the next room leaving the couple to their conversation. The room was blue and connected back to the red room that Dorian and Cat had walked into earlier. The back door went out to the back patio and there was another door that was closed. The room had a large aquarium with a small shark inside swimming circles alone. There was a card table and chairs set up, but no one playing. Rath could see Dorian still in the red room, he beckoned him over.

Dorian pointed at Rath to show Cat. She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around Dorian as if to hold him hostage. They spun and kissed, Cat paused their spin and glared at Rath. He held up his wrist and pointed to where a watch would be, rolling his eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him and pushed Dorian away. Dorian held her hand arms length kissed her hand before strolling towards the blue room. His red aura shifted to blue as his walked into the room. His outfit still popping with crimson, he stood as if underwater surrounded with blue light. The sharp folds of his suit contrasted with the waves and lazy folds in Raths sweatpants and hoodie.

“Yo, good timing. All Cat’s friends are in there.” Dorian let out a big sigh putting his hand on Rath’s shoulder.

“Yooo, I did something.” Rath put his own hand on Dorian’s shoulder and pulled him closer.

“Most of the sangria is gone in the kitchen, I put a note saying it was spiked with acid. So everyone that drank it will think they got dosed.” Rath spoke quietly looking around to see if anyone was approaching.

“Dude… Who else knows? Did you tell Stella?”

“No, I just told some guys in the green room. They seemed like they were going with the flow. I just wanted you in the loop too in case it gets too crazy and we need to calm everyone down. These parties are so boring man, I need something to keep me entertained.”

“Yea, yea…” Dorian glanced back at Cat still talking with her friends in the red room.

“Alright, so what are you thinking? Hint to everyone that drank the sangria that they’re already dosed? I think these colored rooms could help sell it. Not really sure what Stella is going for with this theme, but I didn’t read her invite either…”

“Looks like she closed off the rest of the house.” Rath pointed at the closed door.

“So its just these couple rooms, the patio and backyard. Have you been outside yet?”

“No, let’s check it out. Seems like most people are out there.” Dorian signaled to Cat that they were heading out to the patio. She blew Dorian a kiss and raised her middle finger to Rath. Rath took Dorian’s arm in a huff and they walked outside.

The patio was a large wooden deck with outdoor furniture for lounging that overlooked the backyard. There was a staircase on the left that led down to the yard which had a tent, string lights, a grill with a stream of smoke reaching for the sky and a big crowd of people. There were 6 people lined at the railing opposite the door watching the people below and probably 30 people mingling below. There were torch lights at the far corners of the deck to keep the bugs away and produce some more light. The music from inside was drown out once the door closed and different music boomed from below.

Rath and Dorian looked at each other then back to the line of people at the railing. They all wore varying shades of orange or yellow matching the torchlight and floodlight coming from the house. Rath walked over to the left side and Dorian walked over to the right side. Most of them had cups resting on the railing. Rath started reaching out towards the strobe lights that shot up from the tent below. His hands floating in sync with the music.

Dorian pointed and laughed. “Nice! Finally that sangria is kicking in! I’ll be with ya soon!” Rath flowed his hand to point towards Dorian across the line of people and grinned as if he had a secret.

They left the group together and walked down into the crowd below. Rath and Dorian repeated their routine among the mingling groups in the yard. They faded into the shifting crowd before anyone could ask them follow up questions. Some people got excited, others nervously looked at each other for help. By the time Rath and Dorian climbed back up the stairs to the patio, the crowd was bustling in many different directions. Many people had dragged lounge furniture out to look up at the starry night, others lay beside them in the grass. Some people walked out the side gate to claim a patch on the hill in the front yard. The group on the patio had left. Rath and Dorian gave each other a low five and walked back into the house. It sounded much quieter now. Only Cat’s voice echoed through the rooms. She stepped out of the red room as they walked in.

“Buh-bye!” Cat waved an arm backwards into the red room.

“What happened to you guys? Stella seems very concerned about her sangria all of the sudden.”

“It’s all good, babe. Let’s head outside and watch the stars, the meteor shower should be starting soon.” Dorian took Cat’s hand.

Cat eyed Rath suspiciously. “Something happened when you two got together. As usual…”

“Just a great party with great friends. I agree let’s go outside. I want to see these shooting stars.” Rath gave a satisfied grin to Cat. Dorian rolled his eyes and put his arm over Rath’s shoulder. They all walked out the front door together.

The sky lit up with stars flashing across the sky. The hill outside was covered with party goers watching in awe. Everyone was silent watching the sky, only the crickets sang in the night.

Stella walked up behind them. She stuck a sticky note in Rath’s face.

“I know your hand writing boy.”

“Who? Me? I would never at such a classy event.”

Stella stuck the note to Rath’s forehead and raised her head to the sky with the others.

June 14, 2024 17:32

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