
Miram and her husband Basz short for Basil. Held the most articulate dinner parties. Where to be known in the village of Knowel you attended one of their super rich dinner parties at least twice a year. Or monthly if you were game? In with the circle of people who attended these parties.

Had moving to Knowel a picturesque village on the outskirts of the M25 been a mistake? Her husband Jamie had thought of a better life style and gold clipped clients. When they had first moved to Knowel, Marigold had felt out off her depth. Although her husband Jamie bought home a good salary from his job in the city. Trouble being with their son Simon six at private school.

Jamie sometimes stayed over night in the city. On these nights she had missed the family closeness and there son Simon always asking so many questions.

Why could he not go back to his old school. He did not like wearing a uniform. Although Jamie was only a phone call away. She found it difficult, when her son refused to go to bed, becouse he did not like his new school.

So it was that one day Marigold had met Viola at the school gates, who had insisted on Marigold attending one of Miram and Basz's parties. Quickly she had arranged a baby sitter for Simon and phoned Jamie . Who did not seem keen to attend the do.

On arrival at Miram and Basz 's home Marigold had felt out of place. Like a

cod, swimming along with salmon.

Her dress was pretty rose pink and Italion design, so why did she feel so out of place she did not want to remove her cashmere wrap. With much clinking off glasses , people chatting in groups and Jamie enjoying himself. She really hoped they would leave early. All these people seemed to do was drink and bragg about each others wealth.

Marigold felt she would never be part of their world. She did not want to be. It was all very distasteful. None of these people seemed genuine.

Although the antiques and paintings on the walls and china were lovely. The

view of the gardens from the Old Vicarage Miriam and Basz could home was most delightful. How hard she tried Marigold

could not settle. She had even tried to imagine painting such a land -scape with apple orchards and delicate rose garden.

While Miram waddled around the room in clothes that were for too tight white silk dress with plunging neckline that showed off a buxham pair of breasts and pantee line. Well, she looked like a huge bleached Marshmellow. Fifty seven. Trying to compete with her sixteen year old daughter. Maybe mother and daughter swopped clothes?You could scrape the make up off their faces with a trowel.

People gossiped, mad out that Miriam was the next Victoria Beckham. Basz kept the champers flowing well. He must be at least twenty years younger than Miriam. Who bragged constantly about her luck choosing Basz as her fiancee . When he came to prune her roses. When she said this Miriam gave a vulgar wink at Basz.

Nasty vulgar people thought Marigold, all show fast cars and filthy habits. They had arrived at 10pm now everyone was pairing off with each others partners . Where was Jamie? Quickly she searched the bedrooms .

There was Jamie asleep while two woman made love beside him. Had Jamie's drink been tampered with? Well Marigold would have it out with him in the morning. Taking the car from the parking lot she decied Jamie could walk home to sober up.

Tears had sprang to her eyes as she drove their five year old BMW home a car only used weekends . She and Jamie had known each over since kindergarden. Jamie had come back in the early hours dropped off in a roaring red Spirite minus his blue jeans. Its a wonder that their son slept so soundly with the dine.

Next day Jamie had looked sheepish"I can explain it was a bet. We wore each others clothes. " Well it had to be said, "disgusting. " Jamie had seen the hurt in his wifes eyes. As she spoke those words.

He could not risk losing his wife who he had known for thirty two years. So it was that Jamie and Marigold decied to put the house on the market and go back to a simple life in Devon amid sea and sunsets.

Home made bread and a quaint two bed cottage. It maybe overcrowded, they would survive.

Before they had left for Devon Simon had had a fight with Miriam's grandson Oscar. Stating what his mother thought of Miriam has a large bleached marshmellow. Well I suppose that had to be said too. We Simon had a lovely black eye, so Marigold thought he had learn't his lesson

listening to adult conversation, between her and Jamie. Although the poor child was only telling the truth.

Marigold felt her tummy, the stomach ache was a new arrival on the way. And she had saved her marriage to Jamie. A few more miles down the motorway and life in Knowel would be soon be forgotten. She thought of harvest rich fruit and what the future held. Simon back at his old School , not some posh private school. Happy with his old school pals. Jamie every so often checking that she was okay. More like the Jamie she knew. Loved and cared for.

Marigold dreaded to think about what could have happend, had they stayed in Knowl. She had never been a city lass. Her parents would help out once the baby was born and she and Jamie would spend more time together as a couple. He would run his accountancy business from home. A smile had come to her lips. "What are you laughing at mommy." Simon had said.

" Oh "I am just happy, becouse your happy and daddys happy" she had said. " Never can understand adults." Simon had said in a sleepy voice from the back seat off the car. "Oh you will do when your older, his dad had said.

Maybe I do not want to be an adult? Came the reply. As Simon slowly closed his eyes. Once in Devon he would forget about this conversation . Catching up with his friends. Marigold and Jamie felt sorry they had put him through so much stress at Knowl.

Once the baby was born they would give him an extra hug. Praising him for being good, when he deserved it, at School and in the home. If he put his picture books away tidy. Simple tasks that meant so much to a child. Letting him know that he was loved just as much as his new sibling.

July 12, 2024 20:08

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Bill Cusano
00:23 Jul 25, 2024

Wow, you've got my head spinning, Christine. I had a bit of trouble following the story for a few reasons. One is I am not sure if you intended to have the grammatical errors to highlight the difference in class between Marigold and Jamie, versus Baez and Miram. I think I got that right. If you clean up the grammar and syntax you can still have them appear out of their league through their actions and dialogue. You use dialogue quite well at the end. I think you could add dialogue throughout the story and create greater impact and invo...


Christine LW
18:35 Jul 25, 2024

Thank You, fpr your interestx


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