
We may often wonder what is blowing in the trees, or how the wind blows and it sounds scary. All I can recall is one cold and chilly night, when I was walking home after choir practice. I bumped into a stranger, and I know the person felt the bump, but the person could not see me or hear me. I could hear the person talking and moving about just like the wind. This person looked super scary as if risen from the grave. His clothes were torn and ripped and his left arm was missing. So I'm afraid to ask what happened because when this person spoke the voice sounded like thunder clapping from a horrible storm. I continued on my way home and the person vanished into thin air. So I caught my breathe and was so relieved I ran home. I called my best friend to tell her what happened, but her phone kept being busy. All of the lights flickered on and off in my house and I heard that person's voice again. Lighting started flashing inside my house as he moved about. I was hyperventilating because I had never seen anything like this before. He started to mumble words that I could not understand and there was no way for me to talk to him because he couldn't hear or see me. I stood still to see what was going to happen next and he began to throw my furniture all over the place and he kept trying to reach out as if to grab me, but I ran away as fast as I could. I tripped and fell and I noticed blood dropping down my leg. The next thing I know I fainted. When I woke up my best friend was asking me if I was alright at the hospital. I begin to cry because I knew nobody would believe that I bumped into a person that felt the bump, but could not hear me or see me. I could see this person and hear his voice but I couldn't make out what he was trying to say or why he chose me. My best friend let me in the hospital and the doctor said I needed to stay overnight for an observation. I was afraid to stay, but I tried not to let on that I was afraid. This person appeared in my room and it was so dark, but he was glowing light a bright light. He said I come for your soul in that loud and thunderous voice and I screamed, but no one could hear me now. So I kept telling and then I started crying because I thought I was dead. The person disappears again, but this time another person shows up that was invisible also and could hear and see me. She says has "Charlie" been bothering you and I couldn't answer her because I was so afraid. She said "Charlie" bumped into me today, but he couldn't hear or see me. So I tried to calm down and I said yes, yes I believe it was him. She said yes it was him he has been dead for 12 years and he has been bothering the living every since he died. She told me that "Charlie's" parents adopted him and sent him to the finest schools in town. One day a group of boys beat him to death and cut off his arm. He was still conscientious for a few hours at the hospital. He told his parents he was coming back to kill everybody that attacked him that day. The reason he keeps bothering you is because you are friends with the girl who dated one of the guys who helped kill him. I began to cry and she disappeared as well. Now what am I going to do. So I called my friend and tried to explain everything to her, but she wouldn't answer the phone. I went to her house and learned that she was dead by her own hand. It appeared that she hung herself, but I knew better "Charlie" killed her and I could be next. How does bumping into a dead person cause all of these problems for the living. The other person that could hear me and see me showed up again. She said I'm going to help you because you are innocent. She said I had to contact my friend's boyfriend and meet with him. She said he had the answer in his bookbag. It didn't make any sense, but I gave it a try. I went to visit my best friend's boyfriend and he was still upset over her death. So I explained everything that happened so he was glad to help me. So he reached in his bookbag and pulled out the arm of the "Charlie" the person who I bumped into earlier today. I yelled so loud his cat screeched. I asked him why was he still carrying this person's arm around in his bookbag and he said he won the bet. They all agreed to beat the person up, but one person in the group wanted him dead. That's right my friend's boyfriend. So he bet them that they couldn't cut off his arm and keep it in their bookbag for a year. Well they wouldn't do it and he did so he won the bet. He had the arm preserved in a glass case in his bookbag all that time. I was afraid of it because after seeing what that person could do I felt like he still might kill me. So I begged my friend's boyfriend for the arm and he said sure because the one year anniversary was today. This would explain all of the strange events happening so close to Halloween. The arm was returned and that person went back to his grave in peace never to harm another living soul. The morale of this story is never take something that doesn't belong to you, and if you do please return because lives may depend on it.

October 30, 2019 05:20

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