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Drama Fantasy Fiction

Write about someone who is stuck between two opposing sides and can’t decide which one to choose.


It was early in January. A deep orange sunset lit up the sky as the few remaining clouds drifted overhead. I was about to take Pepper for a walk in the forest alongside our house. Dad had just left on another business trip overseas.

“Kelly, there’s something important I need to share with you. But promise me you’ll keep what I tell you a secret,” Mother confided in me, as she opened the front gate to let us out.

“Sure thing” I answered, never dreaming for one moment what would befall me.

“Kelly, I hope you will understand” Mother said quietly. “I’m thinking of leaving Dad. “

What had started out as a casual friendship with Uncle Jim, one of Dad’s good friends, had developed into a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

 “I feel guilty about betraying him,” Mother explained, “but we’ve grown apart."

I felt overwhelmed with feelings of shock and disbelief. I had suspected that something was not right between my parents, but this was the last thing I’d ever dreamed would happen. My world had suddenly fallen apart. This could have serious implications.”

Mother had always been there for me, no matter what. She had always supported and encouraged me. Dad was my role model. He was a kind, considerate and caring father, my pillar of support.  

What if Mother shacked up with Uncle Jim? I’d be faced with the choice of staying with Mother or moving in with Dad.

“But, what about me?” I asked. “What will happen to me, if you leave Dad?”

  “It’s your choice Kelly,” Mother said quietly as she walked back into the house. Her long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail down to her shoulders, glinted silver with the last rays of sunlight.

“My choice?” I said faintly, as I summoned up all of my strength, pulled on Pepper’s leash, and started walking down the pathway to the forest. Pepper was my most devoted companion. He never left my side when I was at home.

“I love your brown snout and the black patch over one eye” I whispered to Pepper, as I made my way down the pathway and along the fence that led to the forest.

“If Mother leaves Dad, what will happen to Pepper?” I wondered, as I watched him sniffing his way along the fence.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to minimize my emotional pain. “Mother will definitely want to keep him. What if Dad insists on keeping him? She will be devastated. And what if they can’t agree, and decide to give Pepper away?” I shuddered at the thought.

The forest was my haven, a place where only the calls of the Rock Pigeons filled the air, and the spreading branches of the silver Oak trees provided shade from the midday sun. I lent against one of the moss-covered tree trunks and tried to collect my thoughts.

But my thoughts were running wild. My attention was momentarily focused on Mother’s relationship with Uncle Jim.  I closed my eyes and tried to remember what he looked like. He wasn’t bad looking, with startling blue eyes and wavy black hair. He’d lived next door for many years, but after his wife died, he’d moved to the coast. He’d always sent me presents for my birthday.

 “What if I call Uncle Jim and tell him he’s the cause of a catastrophic betrayal? That I don’t like him anymore and will never trust him again.” I speculated.

“What if I tell Uncle Jim that he’s breached my trust, violated my confidence and I will never respect him for what he’s done?”

Then it struck me that Mother might never forgive me for ruining her relationship with him. “Maybe that’s not a good plan,” I decided.

“What will I tell people?” I wondered. “The conflict between my parents drove them apart. So, Mother betrayed Dad and gave me the choice of who to live with?” I shook my head in disbelief.

“I chose to move in with Dad because he spoils me rotten. No, I chose to move in with Mother because she’s my best friend.”

I came to the conclusion that this was the most difficult choice I’d ever encountered.

“And I’ve promised to keep this secret!” I felt like crying and laughing at the same time.

“Why am I being so emotional,” I wondered, as I dragged Pepper back towards the house.

A month later.

Dad had arrived back home earlier than expected. “You’re the best Dad I could ever wish for” I said, as I hugged him.

Dad gave a broad smile. Then he linked his arm in mine, and we set off to take Pepper for a walk.

“Persuade your mother to stay.” Dad said, then he picked up a small stone and tossed it over the fence.

“Why, Dad ?” I asked, but I had already guessed the answer. Mother must have spilled the beans. She’d confessed that she was having an affair.

But Dad was quite relaxed about it. “There’s no point feeling angry and resentful” he told me. “It came as no surprise. We’ve been at loggerheads for years. I’ve been for counselling and moved on. Your mother is the one who feels remorse.”

Mother greeted us at the front gate.

“ I’ve just received an unexpected offer to purchase our house,” she announced.

“Definitely No,” Dad responded firmly, I’m not moving. “

“But I’m keen to sell.” Mother responded resentfully. “Can we never agree? Besides, with the work you do, you’re hardly ever at home.”

 “Kelly, what are your thoughts?” Mother looked at me inquiringly.

“I need time to think about this” I said, wishing they’d somehow come to an agreement.

 I changed the subject. “What’s going to happen to Pepper, if you sell the house? “   

I gazed at Pepper, lying peacefully on the grass next to me. The silence was broken only by the calls of the Rock Pigeons sitting on the roof.

We were back to square one,  I felt trapped. If I agreed with Mother, Dad would feel betrayed. If I sided with Dad, then Mother would hold it against me. 

How was I going to deal with this?  What could I say?

March 14, 2024 13:47

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1 comment

Linda Kenah
10:56 Mar 21, 2024

Brenda, A difficult situation that is not uncommon. I love how you focus on the effect of an impending divorce or separation on the child. Well done.


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