Adventure Fiction Suspense

It is a warm night. The moon shines through the trees as I walk through the woods. It is a silent beauty of a night, hearing the wind whispering to the trees while the moon gave both light to see and shadow to hide in. I hit play on the recording.

 “I often take these walks. Helps calm my mind from the “woes of the world” and gives me an appreciation for the small beauties of nature. Now I know that it probably isn’t the smartest thing to go for a walk at night but I take the proper precautions. I let my friends know where I am, I carry pepper spray and bear spray with me, and I make sure to carry a compass so I can find my way back. I’m also adept at martial arts so I feel confident that even if I run into trouble, I can fight through it. After doing these walks for months, I’ve never run into trouble. At first, I found it a little bit odd. You would think there would at least be animals you might have to worry about, but the few times I’ve run into an animal, they simply pass on by. I once followed one for an hour. It never really acknowledged my existence, it just kept on moving. The only reason I stopped following it was that I looked at the moon for a second and it was gone. It was as if it vanished from thin air. I searched around for a bit but couldn’t find it, so I simply headed back. That was a strange night ‘cause before it disappeared, I felt it getting colder fast. As I walked back, I felt like something was watching me. Once I got out of the forest, it was warm again and the “being watched” feeling was gone. Even now I still wonder what it might have been but I think it was just a cold wind and stress getting to me. 

Anyway, I’ve made it to my goal today. A large open field where you can clearly see the stars and the moon. I was planning to set up a chair and look up at the stars for a bit before heading back when I decided to make this recording. Would be nice to have to help me remember this when I’m older. Maybe pass the idea on to my future kids. I’ve got to say, these stars are amazing! I didn’t know there were so many, with all the light pollution in the city! I could watch them all night! Wish I could at least…Hm? Something is over by the trees…What is that? Doesn’t look like anything I…” *click*

 The recording stopped. What happened? Didn’t sound like he turned off the recorder. At least I got another clue. An ‘open field where you can clearly see the moon and stars’ isn’t very specific but it’s a start. There should be an opening a mile north so let's start there. As I walk, I hear a wolf howl in the distance. Just in case, I pull out my pistol and continue walking. It didn’t take long as the path was rather flat. I arrive at a warm breeze blowing through the grass, creating a mesmerizing pattern across the field. I look up and what lies before me is the cosmos in all their glory. It is enough to make me stop for a moment just to appreciate it. This is probably the place where the recording stopped. If that’s the case, there might be something nearby. Hopefully. With that thought in mind, I began searching the grass. Mindless work but being able to see the stars above makes it easier. Now that I think about it, Father used to take Mother and I up to the mountains a lot. The stars up there were really beautiful, just like tonight. Although, we can’t enjoy those days anymore. Not after Father disappeared in these mountains. Mother was distraught when it happened and I was too naive to understand at first. Once I did, well, I can’t remember much after that. All I remember was feeling nothing. Perhaps empty would be a better word. But then they found this recording and returned it to Mother and I. Mother couldn’t bring herself to listen to it, to hear Father’s voice again, but I did. And it was on that day that I swore I would figure out what had happened to him. It didn’t matter if he was dead or alive, I would find him, or at least find out what happened to him. 

After what feels like an hour, I stop searching. I could tell that there wasn’t anything to be found in the grass. It was disappointing, but I figured that it wouldn’t be that easy. After all, it has been 10 years since it happened. Was there anything else Father’s recording said that I could use? As I ponder this, I notice something moving through the grass of the field. A mountain lion. I stayed on guard, but then I remembered Father had mentioned following an animal for a while. It was then that he noticed the strange occurrences. Perhaps if I followed this one, the same thing will happen to me. So I did. I keep following and following the large cat. I get close enough to touch it at some points. Just as the recording said, it seems the mountain lion didn’t even know I am here, despite it looking at me multiple times. After following it for a while, I suddenly feel as if something is staring at me. Quickly, I glance around but don’t see anything. I look back again to find the mountain lion but it disappeared, as if it had never been there in the first place. But that can’t be true, I definitely followed a mountain lion here. 

As I stand to process what happened, my breath hangs in the air. Each breath, another cloud of white appeared. A shiver ran down my spine as I suddenly feel something watching me. What is it? Where is it? I don’t know, but it is watching me closely. Perhaps it’s the same thing Dad felt when he came up here. Only one thing was certain: It was wary of me, keeping its distance while watching me. I made sure my gun was loaded and ready to fire and began to study my surroundings. Dad had simply walked back when this happened and whatever it was seemed to leave him alone, but I am here for it. I’m not going to simply leave, especially after knowing it is real and close by. I turn my head to check behind me when I hear another wolf howl, closer this time. On second thought, it sounds a bit different from a wolf howl. It was a bit more…human. As this realization set on me, I break into a cold sweat. My breath hastens, each puff leaving a thicker cloud of white in the air. I’ve heard stories, but there’s no way it could be real, right? But there is no mistaking that it sounds human. If it really is what I think it is, I am not prepared for a confrontation. I have to confirm my fears, ‘cause it could mean that Dad is alive. 

I continue to scan around me. Slowly but steadily I look around, trying to find even the smallest trace of it being there. Suddenly, I see it. Taupe fur attached to a large, burly body. Powerful hind legs that held the weight of its body easily. Lengthy arms that almost touched the ground. And finally, a face like a wolf, with a long nose and two white eyes that almost shine. A werewolf. Our eyes met and it was as if time froze. Neither of us makes a move, and neither of us dare to look away. My heart rests in my throat, preventing any noise from escaping. Another howl rang, snapping both of us back to our senses. Slowly, I start to back away as the werewolf begins lowering its body. It gives a small growl but doesn’t move from where it is standing. With every step, the distance between us grows larger. Part of me thought that I might be able to get away, to escape, but I don’t dare turn my back to it. I just keep walking backward, hoping that I won’t run into anything. The beast keeps a close eye on me, standing as still as a statue. Slowly, as the distance between us grows wider, it turns away and walks into the forest, disappearing from my sight. 

Had I done it? Had I survived? These thoughts run through my mind as I let out a breath of air. I turn around and walk back to the large field. I still feel I am being watched, but I continue walking as if I don’t notice. With every step I take, I feel the air getting a little warmer. Eventually, I am back in the field. I can see the road from here. My heart beats faster as I realize I might truly make it back alive. Just as I am about to begin walking back, I see something in the corner of my eye. It is the werewolf, approaching me slowly. I freeze mid-step. There is something different about it. It seems smaller, perhaps because it is lower to the ground. As it comes closer, I notice something hanging out of its mouth; An old bracelet, tattered and worn. On the bracelet are beads with letters, spelling ‘Jermy.’ It’s the bracelet I gave my father when I was young. The bracelet with my misspelled name. The one my father never left home without. As I realize this, the werewolf stops only a few steps away from me, watching me closely. I want to say something, to shout something, but I can’t. I can only stand there, thinking of what might have happened. The werewolf lowers its head and drops the bracelet on the ground as if it wanted me to take it. It backed away as I approached the bracelet. As I bent down to pick it up, a howl came from the woods. Suddenly, the werewolf growls and jumps at me. A claw comes at me, scratching the right side of my face, and knocking me to the ground. It pounces and attempts to bite my throat, but narrowly misses. I can barely move with it on top of me, and it takes all of my strength just to hold back its jaws from crushing my throat. As blood from the scratch clouds my right eye, I think that I am going to die. Thoughts of my mother, wife, and daughter begin flooding my mind as I think that I’ll never see them again. Then I remember I have my pistol. If I can buy enough time to pull it out, I just might be able to scare the werewolf off. Using as much strength as I can muster, I push the werewolf off me and reach into my holster. As the werewolf prepares to pounce once more, I turn the barrel toward it and pull the trigger. A loud “bang” rings out in the forest. The werewolf stood still for a moment, then turned around and ran back to the forest. I had missed but somehow, I still managed to scare it off. 

With the adrenaline still running through my body, I pick up the bracelet and walk back to the road. As I come through the trees back onto the road, the fact that I survived settles in. With the adrenaline wearing off, the scratch on my face begins to burn. As I approach my car, I look at the bracelet in my hand, and a single tear rolls down my cheek. My father is gone, I know that now. I get in the car and begin driving home.

March 04, 2024 17:04

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