
Today is the day at last.. I mean finally!! Today Rick and I are getting married!! After dating him for four years and getting the best proposal in the world, I am finally getting married to him. It is so hard to believe it. Rick proposed to me two months ago and today is my wedding! That day when Rick proposed I could not believe my eyes. We went to my favorite restaurant and then my favorite song played and then my favorite dish was ordered and then when the check came there was a ring in the booklet and Rick grabed it, then he said an amazing speech that melted my hear and then..he went down on one knee and asked me to marry him!!. I have been waiting for this day since the age of five. I always used to pretend that I am in a white gown and I walk down the aisle and people are showering me with expensive rose petals and everyone is hyping me up. My father would shower the petals and my mother would make noises of people hyping me..those were the days.

I just cannot believe it!! This day is huge for me. This is the most important day of my life before the day of me announcing my pregnancy. I have always wanted to be a bride..I always used to assume myself as a bride, but today those dreams and that wishes have come true!

I have always been waiting for my wedding day. Whenever I would attend a wedding I would picture myself instead of the bride...oh how much I loved dressing up! When I would listen to songs I would act as though I am in the song and I am feeling the moment. 

At night I would think of me as a bride and go to bed. I don’t know why but I have always adored the role of a bride, a wife and a mother. I was always acting like I am in a reality life movie. When I would watch a film I would watch the film as though that is me on the screen and my family and friends have gathered together to watch it.

There are exactly two hours left for the wedding and till now my hair and my makeup is done now all I have to do is give my house the final glance, hug my parents and leave for the Chapel. I am just unable to admire myself..I love it how I look even though this is not my final look. The Chapel is at a distance of one hour. I don't know how I am going to sit still in the journey!!!. Right now it is four ‘o’ clock and I will be leaving at five ‘o’ clock for the Chapel. I am all ready and it is four-thirty now. I am just not able to stop admiring myself..oh my god! While I was admiring myself I did not realize what the time was..now I am going to go and talk to my mom and dad for half an hour. Now it is five ‘o’ clock and I need to leave for the Chapel.

I have arrived at the Chapel and it is six-ten and the wedding starts at seven. I just can’t wait to say my vows and then perform the ceremony and go and live with Rick forever! Now I just quickly have to get ready and at six-forty I am going to the dressing room where my mom is to show her my dress.

Just as I am about to open her door I hear passionate moaning's. I think mom and dad are…. Eew. I don’t want to think about it , it’s fine..let it be...argh!?!? There is only twenty minutes left, so I think I am just going to go inside. But what if they are doing it, wouldn’t it be so gross. Urgh … let me just go inside.

Mom?? and...Rick?!?

Why are...why...you...both...kissed?!?!?

I cannot believe it my mother and my fiancé are kissing?!

No sweetie there is nothing like that, said my mother.

What do you mean mom I saw you both kiss?

No sweetie I thought it was your dad, said mother.

Does Rick look that old to you mom and you did not realize what is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me, love. I genuinely thought it was your father, said mother.

Okay mom even if I agree with your ridiculous excuse, which does not make any sense, what were you thinking Rick? I mean please do not tell me you thought it was me?

No, I did not think it was you, your mom just came and started to kiss me..said Rick.

And you went with the flow Rick? I mean if a stranger comes and kisses you, you will keep kissing them instead of moving them away.

Rick I can’t believe you broke my trust. I mean today I caught you red-handed, now how am I supposed to know how many girls you have kissed while being in a relationship with me?

We do not know what to say, said mother.

Neither do I, said Rick.

If you two do not know what to say and do I think I am just going to leave you Rick.

I don’t know what to tell dad. Should I tell dad that mother is having an affair with Rick. But I don’t want them to separate. Oh what an amazing couple they are. So were Rick and I in such an amazing relationship but mom, mom ruined it.

I don’t know how to react to her, a mother just broke my trust. My mother broke me, my feelings and my relationship. Why would she do that?

Ouch!!….Then all of a sudden I felt as though someone was shaking me and telling me to wake up and then when I woke up I found myself in a wedding gown sleeping with Rick in his bed and in his house.

July 31, 2020 13:07

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Ryan Lieb
22:13 Aug 05, 2020

This had a strong start. I can really feel the main character's excitement about the wedding. The first paragraph feels like it could be a genuine diary entry from this person's life. As it goes on and starts to describe the scenario, it gets a little mess. It's not always clear whether you're describing something that's happening in the scene or the character's thoughts. You should use quotations when characters are speaking, such as: "No sweetie there is nothing like that," said my mother. And there's some grammatical errors here an...


Payal !!
03:18 Aug 06, 2020

Thank you so much!!


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