Another Day in a Heatwave

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about another day in a heatwave. ... view prompt



And so, it begins, another day in a heatwave. The morning sun rises, and the condensation of the morning dew fills the valley. Birds swoop the ground early for their breakfast. Hummingbirds fight over the feeder that is filled with sweet relief to drink before they hide during the afternoon when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. A gentle morning breeze blows through the trees, but it offers no help as the humidity rises. An overcast sky hints maybe a rain shower to crash the afternoon. Enjoying a brand-new day on the front porch before it gets too hot once again imagining what I need to get done in the yard. The rose bushes need to be trimmed and weeding needs to get done. Sweltering temperatures will feel like 100 degrees this afternoon. It will get too hot to spend much time doing outdoor activities. Already the sweat begins to bead across my forehead and drip.

Walking through the yard, I notice beautiful primroses multiplying in colors of yellow, pink, and purple standing at attention in the flower bed. The gladiolus's have finished flowering and left behind green blades of leaves. The freshly cut grass lays in a grid of green. My skin is now clammy, and beads of sweat have turned into a running stream down my face. The sun advances higher in the sky and the temperature begins to rise to an uncomfortable level. Just before noon, I retreat into the house. I opened the front door to be blasted by the cold air from the air conditioner. The blast chills me to the bone and leaves me to shiver from shock for a few minutes. Another afternoon in a heatwave that will be spent indoors in the cold retreat of home.

It is another day that I must find things to do inside to avoid the heat wave outside. I am running out of jobs to do. Chores are done and the house is clean and there is no laundry left to do. Household projects have been completed and fortunately, no more have been created. The dog days of summer leave lazy dogs sleeping on the couch and the cat hiding in the dark. Frustrated with the constant news of COVID, watching TV is not an option. Avoiding social media has become a practice due to untrustworthy news and everyone’s opinion. So, what is there to do while being impacted with a heatwave?

Spend the day under the cover of air conditioning and enjoy the view from the window. Enjoy having conversations with your children because they grow too quickly. Get the board games out and play together. Learn something new that you have always desired to learn. Explore your creative side and indulge in craft making, painting a masterpiece, or writing a story about an adventure you dream to take. Take up cooking or baking and share your talent with the people closest to you to enjoy. Share memories and continue to make new ones. Light candles and find pleasure in the aromas that fill the air. Make time for loved ones that come to visit for conversation and laughter. Hop in the car and take a ride with the windows down and play your favorite song while enjoying driving down a back road. Share some ice cream or have your favorite slush with a friend. Get together for pool swimming and water games to cool you off from the heat. Jump on a boat and ride the lake or ocean to go park in a cove of shade. There is always something to find to do even during a heatwave. Invoke the spirit of positivity and live by it to fill the afternoon.

As the sun begins to set and the evening introduces itself, I light the citronella candle again. Letting the aroma fill the air, now I can sit on the porch for a while. It is time to let the children play outside to run the excess afternoon energy off. It is time to play ball or ride a bike as the heat begins to subdue. The neighbors gather to check on each other and to see what is new. Left over fireworks boom and light up the dark. In the back yard for a bonfire and roasting marsh mellows will end the night that ultimately will lead us back in the house to sleep where it is cool. I tuck the kids into bed as the heat has tired them out. I grab a drink and head to the front porch once again. It is time to enjoy the sounds of the night. This is my peace after a long day. I listen to the cricket’s chirp and the frogs croak loudly. The stars are bright and close enough to grab. The moon is so close I can visualize the man on the moon. My favorite time of the day after spending another day in a heatwave. It is peaceful now and much cooler than before.

The house is quiet and chilled from the air conditioning that has blasted all day. I retreat to bed to take comfort in the cold sheets. The fan gently blowing cool air over me as I fall asleep. The comforter is laying over my feet. During the night it will be pulled over my head because I know I will finally get cold. I will dream for the heatwave to end but prepared for if does not. In the morning, I will open my eyes to see the sunshine glaring through the window. I will feel the heat radiating across my face. There will be a storm or two this afternoon. Bolts of electrically charged lightning and thunder that vibrates the ground will hit bringing heavy down pours to put a damper on being outside. The storms will not affect the heatwave, as I am sure it will make it twice as hot. I will be prepared to spend another afternoon indoors. The heatwave will continue for at least another month. I am glad that I have adapted to another day of summer in a heatwave. 

August 01, 2020 18:19

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