
Christina woke up early one morning to the sound of various wild animals. This was the best part of her holiday in South Africa with her mum. It had been 8 months since her fathers passing when her mum decided they should visit her father’s side of the family in Zimbabwe. 

Christina thought the town of Zimbabwe was boring but staying at Kruger National Park with just her mum was amazing.

Heather, who is Christina’s mum, could tell her 12-year-old daughter was getting fed up with her Grandmother and Grandfather fussing over her and sensed she needed some space to connect with nature. Knowing how much Christina loves animals, Heather thought Kruger would be the perfect place.

On this particular morning, Christina was missing her father more than ever. They shared a love of nature and wildlife and would quite often visit their local zoo together in Australia, where they lived. The distant sounds of roaring Lions and native birds brought back some treasured memories.

“Christina! Heather called. Get dressed quickly, we’re going in one of the jeeps to see some animals” Snapping out of her memories, Christina got up to find some clothes. “Give me 10 minutes, mum, she said. Can we eat first? I’m starving”. After she was dressed, Christina made her way to the other room, which wasn’t far as they were staying in a very tiny but cozy cabin.

After breakfast, they joined a group of five others and a driver in the large jeep. Christina was so excited to see Zebras and Giraffes at the water hole. She took her mum’s camera and began taking pictures. The driver said he didn’t think they would see the Lions as they hide in the mornings, coming out to hunt at dusk, but Christina could still hear their roars in the distance. 

Suddenly, the Jeep hit a bump and began to roll. Screams took over the sound of the Lions distant roars in Christina’s head. Were they her screams, her mums, or someone else? Christina wasn’t sure. The screams and voices of panic gradually became quieter and seemed like they were further away than before. Then, everything went dark.

Christina heard a painful groan. As she slowly opened her eyes Christina realized it was coming from her. She felt like every part of her body was bruised. As Christina struggled to stand up she anxiously looked around for her mum, the others, and the jeep. They weren’t anywhere in sight.

How could she have been thrown so far away when the jeep crashed? She thought to herself. Where was she? How did she get back to the cabin? Christina had so many thoughts rushing through her head. How was her mum? Was she hurt?

Something gentle nuzzled Christina on the back of her neck. Startled, Christina turned around quickly and stared in disbelief. The biggest, most magnificent Elephant Christina had ever seen was standing no more than two feet away from her. It’s trunk still trying to tickle her neck.

“Oh my........Christina began to say, but no other words would come out. She stood there, staring at the most amazing sight she had ever seen. The Elephant’s attention was taken away from her for a minute. Christina looked down and saw a baby elephant standing in the shadow of its mother. 

Christina reached out her hand to the baby as it walked toward her. “It’s ok”, she said softly “I won’t hurt you.”  The baby gently nuzzled into Christina’s hand. Suddenly, Christina realized something. Looking at the mother Elephant she said “You took me away from the crash, didn’t you”. From that moment, Christina knew that she had just made two of the most amazing new friends.

Meanwhile, back at the cabin…Heather was beginning to feel so much better. The crash had bruised her pretty badly, but she was one of the lucky ones. At least she didn’t have to spend the last 24 hours in the hospital with burns, like the others. If only she had Christina by her side though, . She had been going mad not knowing what had happened to her daughter. Was she hurt? Or even worse? Where did she go after the accident?

Some of the local villagers were still looking for Christina and Heather wanted to join them. She had only just been able to get out of bed and walk due to the severe bruising on her legs, but her thoughts and prayers have never strayed from her beloved daughter. There has to be some answers soon. It was only an hour until dusk and that’s when the Lions will be out hunting. Heather began to cry uncontrollably.

At the waterhole, the large Elephant lowered its trunk and out rolled Christina gently into the water. “Thankyou Edwina” Christina said. She decided to name her new special friend Edwina after an Elephant she and her father saw at the Australian Zoo. The baby she called Eddie.

It was refreshing being in the water after a scorching hot day and it felt nice to soak her aches and pains. Christina was really missing her mum though and after her soak in the water, she began to cry.

Edwina picked her up in his trunk once again and started walking, with Eddie in her shadows as always. They walked for a long time. Christina was beginning to feel sleepy. The sound of a Lion’s roar startled her. “It’s almost dusk”, she said, remembering that Lion’s hunt at dusk. “I hope you’re taking me somewhere safe, Edwina. I like Lion’s but I don’t want to be their food.”

Finally, after which seemed like a very long time, Edwina lowered Christina down. She looked around and noticed the lights to the campsite where the cabin was. “I’m safe!” she shouted with excitement. She gave Edwina the biggest cuddle and patted Eddie on the head. “Thank you my special friends. I will never forget you and how you have helped me.” 

Christina watched her new friends wander back into the jungle before she ran as fast as she could to the cabin where she hoped she’d find her mother safe.

Helen took another deep breath and tried to control the tears. With a deep sigh, she walked towards the cabin door. The door of the cabin burst open, Helen couldn’t believe her eyes as Christina ran inside straight into her mother’s arms. Helen didn’t want to let go, she had been so scared for Christina but now she knew her daughter was safe.

Two days later...

Christina finished packing her bags. “I’m ready mum, she called.” She couldn’t wait to get home and tell her friends about the amazing time spent with Edwina and Eddie. Heather had given her daughter a cuddly Elephant souvenir after she heard about Christina’s amazing adventure and Christina had been hugging it ever since. They had realized that Edwina had carried Christina away after the crash to protect her from the burning flames caused by the petrol leak. As soon as the fire brigade arrived Heather had noticed in a panic that Christina was missing.

As they left Kruger National Park behind and made themselves comfortable on a small plane, Christina gathered her thoughts. Edwina had taught Christina never to give up hope. When things seem bad, something really good can happen. Cuddling her soft Elephant even tighter, Christina fell asleep.

May 14, 2020 09:01

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