Athena: Goddess of Comics

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt



Athena's best friend, Kylie, was helping her get ready for the first day of their Junior year of high school.

"I don't really like that top, Athena, it's a weird color." Kylie said.

"You're right. I'll change," Athena told her.

"This is going to be our best year," Kylie explained. "Sophomore year didn't count because we were still young, and senior year isn't that important because no one goes until around prom anyway."

"It's also the most important year for grades, Kylie," Athena said, annoyed.

"Right, right," Kylie giggled.

Kylie meant well, but her priorities were not always in order. Athena and Kylie met in 3rd grade when Athena traded her apple for Kylie's Jell-O pack. Kylie still loves Granny Smith apples to this day. She has always wanted to be popular, but it hasn't worked yet. They just didn't really hang out with anyone but each other.

"I am going to try to talk to Kayla Foster today. She is so cool." Kylie said excitedly.

"She is kind of annoying, and everyone worships her for no reason at all. She's not smart or nice." Athena was starting to get irritated.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone loves her," Kylie explained while she was going through Athena's closet looking for a different pair of shoes. "What is in this dark blue box?"

"Comic books," Athena answered.

"Comic books? Why? I've never seen you with a comic book as long as I have known you," Kylie said, shocked.

Athena rolled her eyes and said, "I love comic books. I just didn't tell you because I knew you would be weird about it."

Kylie gasped, "Of course I would be because nobody cool ever collects comic books. Haven't you ever seen any movie about high school ever?"

"Unless it had a girl getting revenge on every other student, no," Athena giggled as she replied. "We have to go."

"Fine," Kylie grabbed her bag, and they headed out the door.

Athena drove them in her parent's old car that she inherited. They didn't talk the whole way to school. When they got there, they filed into the gym with everyone else for an assembly. After the principal spoke for 30 minutes about "being the best you" and "better staff makes for better students and a better school", they headed for their first class. They only had two classes together this year, which Athena was not upset about. Kylie had already mocked Athena for taking robotics. Athena just didn't care anymore. She was going to be herself.

During lunch, Athena found Kylie and sat with her. She seemed upset.

"I tried talking to Kayla, she's in my Algebra class," Kylie said. "She ignored me completely."

"Good, now I won't have to pretend to like her," Athena remarked.

Kylie was obviously getting mad, "What is your problem today? Kayla is cool and all the guys talk to her. Look," she pointed toward Kayla and a boy she was talking to. "Matt Crawford is talking to her. He is so cute."

"It looks to me like he's trying not to talk to her," Athena said as she looked up from her book.

"No way," Kylie gasped. "Why would anyone do that?"

"Because she's incredibly unpleasant." Athena answered.

Athena was in the last class of the day. She spent the class before that listening to Kylie blab about Matt and Kayla. Apparently, he'll definitely ask her to homecoming.

It was finally time for robotics which Athena was really excited for. She sat down waiting for the teacher while she read her book about the history of vampires. Just then, Matt Crawford came in the room and sat down next to Athena. She looked up and his bright green eyes were looking back at her.

"My name is Matt, I guess we'll be partners. I hope that is okay with you," Athena never realized how big his smile was. She had seen Matt at school every now and then but they never had a class together. They had been going to school together for six years, but now he suddenly seemed attractive.

"My name is Athena. I guess so. I don't mind." Athena smiled at him.

The teacher, Mr. Phillips, came in. "Welcome to robotics class, this year is going to be exciting. Your first project will be due at the end of the week. Your partner for the rest of the year is the one sitting with you so get comfortable," Athena smiled a little bit at this. "The assignment is to design a machine with a purpose, then use household items to create a prototype."

"I can come over after school if you want, so we can start today," Matt whispered this next to Athena's ear.

"That sounds good. You can follow me home from the parking lot." Athena said.

"Great, we can walk to the parking lot after class," Matt added. Athena thought she caught him smiling. Could he be flirting with her?

After class finally ended, Matt and Athena headed to the parking lot. Matt pulled his car around next to hers and waited. Athena waited for Kylie to come outside. When she did, the blabbing started. "Why did it look like Matt Crawford pulled his car around just to park next to yours?" she asked.

"We are working on a project together in robotics. He is coming to my house," Athena explained.

"So, we're hanging out at your house?" Kylie asked excitedly.

"No, I am taking you home. We are just going to be working on a project," Athena answered.

Kylie didn't speak to Athena the rest of the ride. Once they finally got to Kylie's house, she told Athena to text her when he left, and she stormed off to her front door. Athena drove three miles to her house, and Matt followed. Once they finally got there, they went inside and sat down at the kitchen table.

"I think the machine should be small. What should it's purpose be?" Athena asked Matt.

"It should spit food out on a whim." Matt laughed.

"I would love pizza whenever I felt like it," Athena giggled a little. "I just don't know how we would make that work."

"Well, we could find something with a rotator inside and we could put a bag of chips or pop tarts or something in it so it just feeds the food out to you," Matt suggested.

"That is an awesome idea," Athena said. "I think I might have some parts we can use in my room. I'll be right back."

Athena could not believe this was going so well. She had never really spent any time with boys except for when she was a camp counselor last summer. She looked around for the parts she kept in a box for when she got bored. Just then-

"I like your posters. I'm a huge rock music fan, too," Matt said standing in her doorway. "I hope it's okay that I'm in here. Just wanted to see what Athena Kyle was really into."

"What does that mean?" Athena was confused. Had he been interested in her?

"Well, I have sorta had this crush on you since 8th grade. You have always been so unique and you never really talked to anyone. It was a little intimidating," Matt blushed as he said this.

Athena was shocked. "Really? Why would you be intimidated by me? Every girl in school likes you."

"Even you?" Matt asked.

"Well, I don't know you. But you do seem cool." Athena tried to sound confident.

"I hope you can get to know me then," Matt was blushing again. "What is this box?"

The dark blue box filled with comic books was still sitting on her dresser from where Kylie had gone threw it. Athena was a little nervous.

"You have The Incredible Hulk #181? I have been looking for it everywhere," Matt was obviously excited.

"You collect comic books?" Athena was shocked and her whole body calmed down.

"I love them! I've never met a girl who liked them, too," Matt explained.

"Kylie thinks it's nerdy, so I keep them hidden," Athena told him.

"You should never hide who you are. Especially when who you are is so much more interesting than every other girl in our school," Matt scooted close to her when he said this. "If she can't accept you, she's not a good friend. You're too good for that."

Then the most amazing thing happened. Matt leaned in and kissed Athena, and it was incredible. She felt her heart flutter.

"I hope that was okay," Matt said shyly.

"That was great," Athena giggled.

Kylie called about an hour after Matt left. She was asking so many questions, Athena couldn't get a word in. Athena told her what happened, and Kylie chuckled.

"What?" Athena asked.

"There's no way that happened. You're just trying to make me jealous," Kylie laughed harder this time. "It doesn't matter though. Kayla came over to have me help her with our first Algebra assignment. We are pretty good friends now." Kylie didn't stop talking for ten minutes, until Athena finally cut her off.

"Look, I don't care what you think anymore. I'm not going to pretend to be friends with Kayla, so just count me out." Athena said confidently.

"Well, fine. I'll ride with Kayla tomorrow. Bye." Kylie hung up the phone.

The next day, Matt met Athena in the parking lot. "I thought today we could drop your car off at your house then go to the diner on First Street to work on the project. After we get some good work done, I can treat you to an early dinner," he smiled ear to ear now.

"That sounds amazing," Athena said.

They held hands as they walked in the building. They passed Kylie, Kayla and Kayla's little gang on the way to the lunchroom for breakfast. Kayla and Kylie's mouths dropped. Athena didn't care. She was happy.

July 02, 2020 19:00

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